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Tinder Automation


Nov 12, 2020
Hey all,
New here. Nice to meet you.
I wrote a little automation script for auto-swiping on Tinder, which I'll put below.

Basically it right swipes between 5-20 times, then waits a for a second or three. The waiting bit is randomized so it seems like more human behavior.
Then it left swipes between 1 and 3 times, and again waits a randomized moment. You can change these numbers as you see fit. This cycle repeats 60 (or whatever number I put) times.

My aim was to have it emulate human behavior, not just right-swipe rapidly on every girl. I'm wondering what you guys think of this. I just can't be bothered to swipe for more than 5-10 minutes a day. However, even though this script is trying to emulate human behavior, of course it could fuck up my ELO score or whatever because I'm right-swiping on non-attractive girls.

Since I really hate swiping, I hope it doesn't fuck up my account. Tinder is a numbers game as we know, but I just don't have the time to swipe on hundreds of girls a day. Any thoughts?

If you have a Mac, just open the default Script Editor program, press Cmd + N to create a new script, paste the code in there and hit play. Have Chrome already open and ready to swipe on Tinder.

activate application "Chrome"
repeat 60 times
repeat (random number from 5 to 20) times
tell application "System Events" to keystroke (key code 124)
delay (random number from 0.55 to 2.75)
end repeat
repeat (random number from 1 to 3) times
tell application "System Events" to keystroke (key code 123)
delay (random number from 0.55 to 2.15)
end repeat
end repeat
Does the amount you swipe have any significant impact on matches on Tinder?

If you use a boost, girls will see your profile and Tinder Gold will show you them if they swipe right. Unless you have god-tier photos, I think you need to use boost to get a significant number of matches.

What are your current photos you're using in your profile?
I am using an app I wrote to swipe on tinder, it doesn't seem to affect my matches really. And it's faster then your script probably, because I use much shorter delays between matches. It also plots my matches nicely, you can see the plots in my log. TBH you could argue my matches even increased a bit since I started using it lol.
Good point Ed. I don't use Boosts because they're expensive, but I guess I need to get over it. Tinder seems useless without them.

Even with this auto-swiping algorithm swiping hundreds of times a day I get very few matches... I have a decent profile with professional pics done by someone who knows what he's doing (he specializes in Tinder pics and is part of the game community).