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Tinder beginner looking for criticism to improve his photos


Jul 25, 2023
Sup guys, just posted my progress log and I signed up for Tinder yesterday with pics i've been working hard on but that are still pretty bad (dont worry i read the article on giving yourself permission to suck and i kept that in mind all the time). So i'd like your harsh opinion on all the things i'm doing wrong to improve as much as possible. Only got 3 pics so far that i've been improving in the last few days (a street shot, a sport shot and a hobby one in photography) but i'll spend the whole afternoon shooting a hiking-style one tomorrow + i got a pretty good idea on things i'll do asap (a shot with other peeps since i'm alone in each photo, a photo with an animal) but i'm still very open to suggestions. Got a vague idea of some of the things i'm doing wrong (the lightning is always a problem even when it appears fine on the camera most likely because i don't use the right ISO and using the D-lightning feature always makes it more blurry i feel like, i've always been on Aperture priority on my D7000 so far but surely setting up the shutter speed myself would improve the quality by a lot, i'm most likely too far back in at least the second pic, i struggle to find the right focus point all the time...)

Also unfortunately couldn't dwelve into photo editing yet because my pc just refuses Photoshop but i'm buying a new one as soon as i get my money for August so that'll change fast

And here are the pics in question : View attachment 2 View attachment 1

Thanks a lot in advance
Welcome @trefle.

Good start. Maybe try a full body photo. Something looks off with the ISO - not too familiar though. Have you tried full auto mode just to compare? You should be able to look back at what settings the auto chose, and replicate similar settings in the Priority modes as a starting point.

Also try faceapp in the meantime - while you get photoshop working.
1. Stare is blank. Background is low-value. Fashion is low-class. Lose the gold watch entirely, it's too flashy for what you've got on.
2. Background is low-value. You look somewhat insecure. You look out of focus. Fashion could be improved.
3. This is a fantastic shot. Make them all like this and you'll see success!
Thanks a lot. Went out a bit today, couldnt quite find the kind of landscape i wanted for my pic (will be for another time) but i took a good 100 or shots in the same spot, guess that was probably the best one there / added it to my dating profiles already (hope i'm not too far back)

Frankly not sure how clear my face is here ? I messed around with Faceapp a bit today (thanks for the suggestion gnarly the handsome and smile features are really useful) and was surprised by how blurry my face was on all 3 of the pics before when seem that close (even the one that seems good), so i made sure to use a low ISO and really get a good focus point in the eyes this time

Also no clue how good or bad those clothes are my fashion sense is pretty bad for now

Background is still pretty mediocre I suppose, tried to have a more "happy" expression contrary to the other ones
Trèfle said:
Thanks a lot. Went out a bit today, couldnt quite find the kind of landscape i wanted for my pic (will be for another time) but i took a good 100 or shots in the same spot, guess that was probably the best one there / added it to my dating profiles already (hope i'm not too far back)


Frankly not sure how clear my face is here ? I messed around with Faceapp a bit today (thanks for the suggestion gnarly the handsome and smile features are really useful) and was surprised by how blurry my face was on all 3 of the pics before when seem that close (even the one that seems good), so i made sure to use a low ISO and really get a good focus point in the eyes this time

Also no clue how good or bad those clothes are my fashion sense is pretty bad for now

Background is still pretty mediocre I suppose, tried to have a more "happy" expression contrary to the other ones

Pants do not match the top.

Also, your shirt is tight enough to reveal your skinnyfat.
pancakemouse said:
1. Stare is blank. Background is low-value. Fashion is low-class. Lose the gold watch entirely, it's too flashy for what you've got on.
2. Background is low-value. You look somewhat insecure. You look out of focus. Fashion could be improved.
3. This is a fantastic shot. Make them all like this and you'll see success!


Learn the squinch. Your eyes are very wide open, which shows fear or surprise, both emotions you don't want to show on your tinder profile. The squinch makes you look confident and determined.

Also, you're very square to the camera in the second photo - makes you look stiff and posed. Try to get shots of you at an angle, like these. Much more relaxed, interesting and candid. They're not with cameras like yours, but they still apply.

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Trèfle said:
Thanks a lot. Went out a bit today, couldnt quite find the kind of landscape i wanted for my pic (will be for another time) but i took a good 100 or shots in the same spot, guess that was probably the best one there / added it to my dating profiles already (hope i'm not too far back)


Frankly not sure how clear my face is here ? I messed around with Faceapp a bit today (thanks for the suggestion gnarly the handsome and smile features are really useful) and was surprised by how blurry my face was on all 3 of the pics before when seem that close (even the one that seems good), so i made sure to use a low ISO and really get a good focus point in the eyes this time

Also no clue how good or bad those clothes are my fashion sense is pretty bad for now

Background is still pretty mediocre I suppose, tried to have a more "happy" expression contrary to the other ones

For walking shots, try to look off to the side. Looking right at the camera often makes you look stiff and posed. I've included some I've taken for reference.

You'll find your balance with a smile... the other one was too stern, this one is too goofy. I find a confident smirk often is a good move, or the slightest hint of a smile. Another alternative is to have a neutral, but relaxed face like you see in the last two... no forhead tension, or brow furrowing, just relaxed.

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So, theres this photo from yesterday that I’m super mixed on ; tried it over the previous photography one. On one hand the quality is better for sure, style could be a tiny bit better ? But the issue is that its a little hard to see my face and I don’t know how important it is considering I have some other photos (the sport one mainly) where you see it up closr ? Would be curious to hear your thoughts.
Not good. Need to see face. Turn to the side next time and actually use the camera (in this one it's obvious you're faking)
pancakemouse said:
Not good. Need to see face. Turn to the side next time and actually use the camera (in this one it's obvious you're faking)

Like this ? View attachment 1

Also took a lot of street shots but when i received them the lightning was atrocious, not sure why. Had to add lightning on FaceApp so it probs was bad for the quality, especially for the street shot (got a lot of other versions of it but its all more or less the same). Now that I look back at it both backgrounds look similar, kinda funny since its not at the same place. Also my face looks way more blurry on the forums preview than on Tinder I feel like ? Might have done something wrong

Tried to squinch as per MILFandCookies ’s great advice but not good at it yet

Thanks a lot by the way pancakemouse , everybody’s been super nice and helpful since i joined but you’re easily the one who’s helping the most often in both of my threads. Really appreciate it
Trèfle said:
pancakemouse said:
Not good. Need to see face. Turn to the side next time and actually use the camera (in this one it's obvious you're faking)

Like this ? s0_editor_sid7f753752-4da5-459f-8bd3-db2d255efdeb_result.jpg

Also took a lot of street shots but when i received them the lightning was atrocious, not sure why. Had to add lightning on FaceApp so it probs was bad for the quality, especially for the street shot (got a lot of other versions of it but its all more or less the same). Now that I look back at it both backgrounds look similar, kinda funny since its not at the same place. Also my face looks way more blurry on the forums preview than on Tinder I feel like ? Might have done something wrong FaceApp_1692190801704.jpg

Tried to squinch as per @MILFandCookies ’s great advice but not good at it yet

Thanks a lot by the way @pancakemouse , everybody’s been super nice and helpful since i joined but you’re easily the one who’s helping the most often in both of my threads. Really appreciate it

Do you typically keep your off-eye open when you look down a camera viewfinder? I would say... no. Other than that, the photo is fine.

The backgrounds, however, are consistently atrocious in your photos. Do you just live in the banlieue or is there anywhere you can go which looks halfway decent on camera?
Trèfle said:
pancakemouse said:
Not good. Need to see face. Turn to the side next time and actually use the camera (in this one it's obvious you're faking)

Like this ? s0_editor_sid7f753752-4da5-459f-8bd3-db2d255efdeb_result.jpg

Also took a lot of street shots but when i received them the lightning was atrocious, not sure why. Had to add lightning on FaceApp so it probs was bad for the quality, especially for the street shot (got a lot of other versions of it but its all more or less the same). Now that I look back at it both backgrounds look similar, kinda funny since its not at the same place. Also my face looks way more blurry on the forums preview than on Tinder I feel like ? Might have done something wrong FaceApp_1692190801704.jpg

Tried to squinch as per @MILFandCookies ’s great advice but not good at it yet

Thanks a lot by the way @pancakemouse , everybody’s been super nice and helpful since i joined but you’re easily the one who’s helping the most often in both of my threads. Really appreciate it

The Squinch is great. Keep it up.

A couple tips:

For the photography shots, don't have it on your face. Here are some examples of different poses with my camera I've gotten of myself:
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And for the walking shot have you mid-step where your legs are partially crossed... it looks better than just having completed a step. Yours is mid-step but the legs are in a more awkward position. Try to copy these:

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