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[Tinder Feedback] Where to take this?


May 4, 2021
I promised myself that I'd put my photos up for feedback once I had some that were somewhat presentable, so here it is. Most of these were taken last week or so. I know I have a long ways to go, but I'd like some advice regarding fashion and hairstyle. I know they're not great resolution but me and the people I know don't have the kind of money to drop on a DSLR right now, so this is the best I can get on that front.

If anybody knows a model/ig page that looks like me, please say so. One of my biggest obstacles has been the lack of reference material for my body/face.
brutal honesty here, so i don't mean to be rude or a dick, just the way i see it

Most of your pick are trash for tinder, only #4 and #5 are good for side picture, to add content to your profile
#4 is a hobby, or an activity showing that you are more than a picture of a guy
#5 give you some femal validation,which is a real plus for any profile

The rest is not interesting, poor quality and rigid/akward. For you main pic, you absolutly need to have the feeling that you look hot on the pic, otherwise take more picture.

A good point, is that you try (or it look like it) to give a vibe from facial expression, keep that thing going and work on it

Check @benjaminseda for inspiration
Hey Gabi, sincerely, thank you for your input. Really, I agree with you, most of these pictures are trash. I don't think there's a single one without any of the big no-nos (and all of them are poor quality) but every little bit of advice saves me some trial-and-error.
Looking over Ben Seda's account, it seems that a common feature for him is the use of prints and outer layers (which, clearly, I am lacking). LMK if you have any additional ideas on what makes the fashion tick.
As for the facial expressions, yeah, I like to be expressive (with the exception of the salmon shorts pic, which is just because of a photographer who didn't tell me when they took a picture or that my expression and hair were messed up).

Out of curiosity, if all the pictures were super high-def, would any more be acceptable? I wonder about how much my lack of DSLR is holding me back.
4 and 5 seem like decent suppliments. Though the quality on 5 is borderline too low. 3 is okay, but you're kinda just there, standing, something mid stride generally looks better, like you have places to be. Finally I'm not sure if you are intentionally 'squinching/smizing' but maybe tone it back a tiny bit. The last photo would be quite good if you didn't overdo the squinch as the tshirt seems to fit nicely. A necklance for edge would help too. Not massively experience with photos though.
As many are saying the pictures are not good nor is your fashion or hairstyle. There is much untapped potential. Please make sure you've read Radical's style guide and Andy's tinder guide.

You have no accessories, no edge, an average physique and a fairly bland hair style. You are not hitting any of the requirements.

Before you focus on your style, you need to get into shape. That will take 8 - 12 weeks.

You can then start dressing better, buy accessories and experiment with some new hairstyles.

Don't use photos if you aren't the tallest in the group.
1. It's low quality, boring, selfie. Also, you don't look particulary good - I would avoid photos where only your head is in the photo. You have quite a wide head, giving a vibe of a high bodyfat.
2. I can tell you have some muscle there, but your stomach is slightly out giving a vibe of being at high bodyfat, rather than muscular. There is not much definition too. Also obviously, you look short compared to the others.
3. Low quality, very bad style (you are not at the point where you can pull off pink pants and flip flops. Posing is lacking aswell.
4. The only one I would use myself - but just as a bonus photo. It won't give you matches alone, but may add some flavour to your profile - showing you have friends and do some interesting things. It's impossibile to judge your looks there tho, I am not even sure which person you are.
5. Low quality, not very flattering to you, mask.. don't use a bad photo of yourself on your profile just because there is a girl on it.
6. Not even sure what it is. Looks like a high-schooler giving a piggy-back ride to his brother. Not to mention how bad phone photos at night are. Delete it and don't ever look back.
7. Not a fan. Kinda boring, you look rather bulky, your face it rather shadowy, cannot really see your eyes. Posing is not there.

Advice I can give:
-Facial hair - if you can pull of even a short beard, it'll make your face seem a little longer.
-DSLR - you will instantly look more attractive if the photo itself is good quality.
-Style - not an expert, but obviously there is a lot of room for improvement. There are some guys with more knowledge in that regard than me tho.
-Hair - longish with loose strands of hair gives you rather 'nerdy' and 'not-caring' look. Not what you're looking for I guess. What's better option? Not sure really, but should ask a good barber for something shorter maybe? Or style your current hair in a different way?
-Lose some bodyfat to the point that girls do not need to wonder if you are muscular, or just bulky.
Newbie talking here, take my opinion with a grain of salt:

I think if you should stop looking for some model that looks like you cause you will probably never find an exact replica of yourself.

The page below gave me some inspiration for style and poses for photos
You can also start following the guys that appear in the page. Most of them give some good pose ideas. Also, as already mentioned, read Radical's style guide.

If you don't have the money right now to spend on a DSLR, start with your hair and losing fat.