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"tinder has detected inappropriate language" / shadow ban?


Feb 4, 2022
So I recently upped my tinder pics and bought platinum but was getting barely any likes. So I deleted tinder and restored my platinum on a different email and started getting a bunch of likes straight away. I figured I must of been shadow banned.

I used Andy's opener Hey, You're sexy... blah blah blah on a few girls and one replied with " Apparently tinder has detected inappropriate language 😭😭" and then replied with what she was doing.

Has anyone had a similar experience with this? other girls who I used the opener on haven't replied. Is tinder shadow banning/ blocking based off using "sexy"?
Is it worth using a different word?
You could just say "very cute" instead. I'm a firm believer that Tinder is like 10% conversation, 90% your pictures/looks. I believe that unless you say anything racist, sexist, or something that would otherwise change her mind about you, the conversation doesn't really matter that much.
I have not come across this tbh, ive used that line for the last 3 years too so must be new if thats real

In terms of not getting responses from girls thats pretty normal. They have literally thousands of matches in their queues, if you ever see a girls tinder she will have not replied to a lot of her matches cause she isnt really feeling it or whatever