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Tinder/Hinge Template


Dec 30, 2020
Hey everyone,

Just a quick question on the tinder dating template. So I discovered this site 2 or 3 weeks ago and have been using the template from the guide. Most of the conversations end though when I ask for the number. Am I using the template correctly? I'm assuming I just need to improve my pics and then I'd have more success?

Here's an example.
(FYI I asked about hockey here instead of "what do you do for fun" just because she mentioned it in her bio.)

Not saying this particular girl would ever meet, but I thought you jumped to the number really fast. One point of the template is it allows you to share a little too so that there is a bit of rapport established. Honestly though it’s a crap shoot, it’s really common to get ghosted at that stage.
Yeah I can see that. I’ve had long convos that go nowhere though too so that’s why I was trying the quick approach in that example.
I hear you. I think Andy’s template has nice balance in that regard. You definitely don’t want to drag it on any longer than that.
In my opinion you did nothing wrong here, the girl just wasn't available (as are most girls). Asking for the number right away is a good way to screen out the girls who are timewasters, which will be most of them.

I always ask for the number on the 3rd message and no later than the 4th. If the girl's possibly DTF, she'll give you her number.
How many girls have you talked with so far? So far I see you did nothing wrong, as I also do something very similar, and many girls don't respond to me at that point.
I’m not sure how many girls through online dating. It seems like a lot but def could do more. I’ve had one date so far after like 3 weeks I want to say. It really just depends how often I want use boosts. How many boosts do you guys use per week? And for tinder or hinge?
I prefer to set up the date, then ask for the number, only then do a smalltalk if any.
I dont think it really matters tho, girls ghosting when asked for a number is just normal.
Yeah so I got another date set up now. So far asking for the date first and the number second works better for me. I also have to add more to the convo.
I mean this is just me being nitpicking here, but you should just straight up copy every step from Andys template instead of asking different questions. Also you use way to much "lol" and other shit that's not necessary.
Yeah sure, you could argue that if a girls into you it doesnt matter even if you use tons of smileys and even I sometimes slide off and use smileys when they are appropriate or did say lol once or twice, but you should just avoid it. Just copy the template and don't say anything else thats unnecessary.

But in general who cares with this girl, its a numbers game in the end. Just keep going.
You invested way more in the conversation than she did

But that's not bad thing. I don't think you talked too much. She just talked too little

AKA she wasn't interested. There wasn't anything u could've done differently. it was all on her.

Just keep trying your current approach on 20 other matches. if you still don't get a number then re-calibrate.

You can also test other "vibes". For instance my conversations are all like this now. It actually worked a lot better for me than the genuine conversation vibe that you go for (plus it saves me a TON of time):

Me: "Hey"
Girl: "[x]"
Me: "wht u up to"
Girl: "[x]"
Me: "whats ur number"

screens out almost all girls who aren't DTF.
Nice yeah I’m realizing it doesn’t really matter what you say. She’s either interested, or she isn’t. Your pics really determine everything.
Duke said:
In my opinion you did nothing wrong here, the girl just wasn't available (as are most girls). Asking for the number right away is a good way to screen out the girls who are timewasters, which will be most of them.

I always ask for the number on the 3rd message and no later than the 4th. If the girl's possibly DTF, she'll give you her number.

This is more or less what I do. It works.
Hemingway said:
Nice yeah I’m realizing it doesn’t really matter what you say. She’s either interested, or she isn’t. Your pics really determine everything.

That's exactly how it is.
I suggest being quick with getting her number tho - even if she's interested she can quickly forget about convo with you, or turn uninterested for whatever reason.