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Tinder photos feedback

1 and 6 are good.

Issues with the others:
2 would be good but you look like your gonna kill the cameraman.

3 is good, but would be better doing the exact same pose with a smirk instead.

4. A lot of people mess up social shots. You need to look the best in the pic, and be the center of attention, and still give off a confident vibe. Your pose, leaning in, and facial expression totally messes this one up.

5. Would be great. Lighting is bad, expression looks sad/depressed and theres something off with the pose. Its generally good, but it doesn't project confidence.

7. Is probably fine, but I'm gonna nitpick it. Your smiling tooo much. Smirks > smiles.
You want like half smiles, not full smiles in your picks. (Generally). In a straight on, setup pose like this, that's probably the case.
1 is fine
2, background is taking attention away from you
3, overexposed, but otherwise quite good. keep it until you take better pics.
4, this photo just doesn’t look inviting or interesting
5, backlit, weird angle,
6, good
7, for some reason this looks like you’re photoshopped into this pic. it just has an artificial feel to it for some reason.
iceneon said:
Hey guys,

I’m unsure which photos I should use for tinder and hinge. Would love to get your opinion and feedback on some of the pictures. I’ve gone out with a friend and taken some of these shots. Thanks

1- Color Range.jpeg

2- Untitled-8.jpeg

3- IMG_3190.jpeg

4- BEA8FDBE-92C8-4F7D-9457-D9810302C5B6.jpeg

5- Untitled-2.jpeg

6- Reefy 28.12.22 18-30-81.jpeg

7- IMG_2364.jpeg

The first one is okay, but one of them at the end is better, so I'd use that one.

In the second one, you're posed a bit stiff, and the lighting is awkward.

The third one I like, but it'll only work for Hinge and Bumble since it's cropped in landscape. Hinge forces a square crop, which will work for this photo... Tinder forces a portrait crop, which won't work for this photo. Good photo though, I like the lens flare.

The fourth photo is awkward. It's a mediocre social photo. Try this pose for a social shot - take a photo over your friend's shoulder. This is of Ed_ taken by me:

The 5th photo I like... it's dark but that can be fixed by editing (up the shadows specifically. Use this on Tinder instead of the third photo, but on Bumble and Hinge use the third photo. Don't use both of them on the same profile... you have the same background and shirt on in both, it'll look lazy, and it doesn't add anything the other photo doesn't already have.

The second to last is fucking great! You need passion photos, showing you doing cool things you like doing, so props. 100% use this.

The last photo, I don't like your pose. It's too square to the camera, and your hands are awkward. Instead of putting your thumbs in and keeping your fingers out, do the opposite - fingers in, thumb out. Looks more natural and less distracting.

Also it doesn't show anything about you. Take photos that give girls an insight into what dating you is like - what are your fave hobbies? What do you like doing? What fun things can you bring a girl along with?

Here's a guest post I wrote for Andy, sharing a solid mindset for working on your dating profile photos:

And check out Andy's Tinder Inspiration article for some good examples of passion photos... you need more action shots (like the scuba one, great start) https://killyourinnerloser.com/inspiration/

Hope it helps!