Tinder Pic Review


Jun 11, 2022
What's up guys? Finals season is over so I'm back on the photo taking train.

I'm taking some feedback from the legend himself MILFandCookies (appreciate you as always man) and trying to incorporate that "blurry background effect" into my photos.

I walked downtown to a fun area that has lots of little cafe's, art galleries, and a park with a waterfall, and snapped this bunch earlier today. Out of around 250 photos these are the ones I was most satisfied with. I've also continued playing with editing my photos. I often have the problem in photos of my skin looking orange, so I'm playing with the exposure and saturation to try and give a more natural look. Shoting in the middle of the day has also given me some major headaches getting good shots since the lights can be so harsh with dark shadows and blinding bright areas. I think I've been able to compensate somewhat but I feel like there's room to improve.

Regardless, what do you guys think? Are these Tinder worthy?
Thanks as always for your feedback and opinions.
You’re a prime candidate to use the charm faceapp filter.

I also have very bland expressions on pictures and this one really saves it without changing your face.

These pics don’t really cut it. Try to think which types of clothes fit in certain scenarios. It’s also better to shoot early in the morning or an hour before sunset
Hawkins said:
What's up guys? Finals season is over so I'm back on the photo taking train.

I'm taking some feedback from the legend himself @MILFandCookies (appreciate you as always man) and trying to incorporate that "blurry background effect" into my photos.

Aww damn now I'm blushing 😊

For these photos, I have a couple bits of feedback. Fair warning, I might sound harsh so brace yourself. You're doing the right thing though by iterating and asking for feedback - if you just don't quit you'll have a fucking kickass profile. I've seen it happen, with guys who started out way worse than what you've got so far.

First of all, these photos don't say anything about you. How the photos look is a small piece of the puzzle... the biggest piece is how they make girls feel, and if they give girls a taste of what dating you (or fucking you) would be like.

These just have you squatting in nature... Get more activity photos. You doing things. What things? For now just things you like, then later focus on creating an archetype that's authentic and attracts the type of girls you like.

Examples of action photos I've taken:
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Second, the poses don't make sense... you're quatting and fixing your watch? Usually people do that standing up. Looks awkward.

Third, your clothes don't match the background... why would you wear a button up at a waterfall?

It seems you're putting a bunch of things together you think look cool. It's a common mistake. The background looks cool, this pose looks cool, my shirt looks cool...

But do they make sense together?

And does the whole itself altogether add something to my profile?

Mindset suggestions:
-Stop asking yourself if you look cool in a photo, and start asking 1) if it says something about you, and 2) what will a girl feel about me when she looks at this photo
-Stop relying on anything but you as a main benefit in the photo... fuck the background, fuck your fashion... don't get me wrong, they are both vital for a good photo, but they don't make up for a bad photo, they ADD TO YOU.

I hope I don't sound too harsh. Even with this feedback you're still ahead of most guys, and you're doing the right thing by iterating and asking for feedback. You'll get a killer profile if you just don't quit so keep at it my dude ❤️