Tinder Pics Selection - Which Ones Are Best


Dec 2, 2022
Whats up gentleman, making an incremental photo update from the last 6 months and need to pick the best 6-9 pics among these for updated profiles (I realize there is room for improvement on all of these and working on that gradually while getting in there, the previous pics not shown from the collection are worse).

took a real shot at making basic edits (nothing much beyond colors correction, object removal, extra blur, etc) on photos this time around in GIMP/Photoshop too. considering possibly just paying someone (nothing crazy maybe up to 100$) on fiverr who may be better at this for a few of the originals or may just keep learning/doing this myself depending on feedback. Been reading up on it and it seems there is much to learn here, trying to decide if it is worth my time keeping at it or i should just pay someone.

What i am thinking of using in order - grafitti or grafittiTwo, uppercut or lsit, math, sadTraveler, dog, purpleNurple or blueShirt, backOne or backTwo, walkwayPortugal or gibraltar, horse

Bigtexxn said:
Whats up gentleman, making an incremental photo update from the last 6 months and need to pick the best 6-9 pics among these for updated profiles (I realize there is room for improvement on all of these and working on that gradually while getting in there, the previous pics not shown from the collection are worse).

took a real shot at making basic edits (nothing much beyond colors correction, object removal, extra blur, etc) on photos this time around in GIMP/Photoshop too. considering possibly just paying someone (nothing crazy maybe up to 100$) on fiverr who may be better at this for a few of the originals or may just keep learning/doing this myself depending on feedback. Been reading up on it and it seems there is much to learn here, trying to decide if it is worth my time keeping at it or i should just pay someone.

What i am thinking of using in order - grafitti or grafittiTwo, uppercut or lsit, math, sadTraveler, dog, purpleNurple or blueShirt, backOne or backTwo, walkwayPortugal or gibraltar, horse


The ones I like:

• It's relaxed, shows an interesting background, shows you like to travel

• Thirst shot. You've got a good physique, might as well show it off. Can def. improve on this one

Back 1 and 2
• Also thirst shots, but more candid feeling. Plus the background makes your lifestyle seem fun and interesting

• Makes you feel adventurious, intriguing, and with a cool lifestyle

There's def room to improve but I like these ones. I'd put one of the back ones at the end of your profile, since they don't show your face.

The rest are too posed and cringe. The selfies with the colorful backgrounds... I see some guys take photos with a cool background, but nothing else going for the photo... the photo should make YOU look cool, saying "this background is cool" doesn't do anything to make YOU seem fun to date.

Also there's one photo where your eyes are very wide, making you look scared or surprised. Try the squinch (look up videos on youtube) this will make you look more confident.

Good shit, keep it up.