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Tinder Picture Review and Feedback


Jul 3, 2022
Currently reading through the "How to Get Laid on Tinder" guide, looking for some feedback as I progress. I've read parts 1 & 2 so I know about the importance of looks and pictures. I currently go to the gym at least 3-4 times a week (just started seriously going about a week and a half ago, went before but wasn't staying consistent enough for results), and am focusing on my arms. Took a hiatus from dating apps for a while and now want to jump back in. I know my profile and looks need work but I figured these would be a somewhat decent start to get back in the dating game. Working on building my income so I can travel more and take better pics.
The 2nd photo (your profile pic) is good.

I think for now your profile may do better using only that one, even when some girls will think is weird that you don't have more photos. Remember a profile is as good as the weakest photo.

Maybe you can try to get a quick dog/cat pic to throw in there to fill the profile more, or can try playing with the lighting and cropping closer your 4th pic (the one with you wearing black). Also would Photoshop out the rose from your shirt. It may be worth a try until you get new ones but I'm not sure.
That second photo, also my profile pic, was taken by a friend of mine using a DSLR camera. Next time I come across him, I will shoot for a dog or cat pic and just more pics of that quality in general.