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Tinder Picture Review


Jun 11, 2022
Hey everyone! Having recently gotten myself a camera and invested in some nicer clothing, I've begun trying to upgrade my Tinder pictures. This is a first attempt for sure and I know there's room for improvement. I've never been the sort to have many pictures of me at all, and while these are beginning attempts, they're sure a damn sight better than anything I had before. I could use an honest review and suggestions for improving them and adding to the portfolio. Thanks!
You definitely need a picture in which you are smiling and appearing friendly. Very few can afford a neutral view.

- The first picture is bad, take it out. Photographically not good because of the shadows on your face. Otherwise, the picture does not give nice vibes. You look a lot more attractive in the second pic.

- The second picture is very great, definitely use it!

- Tird: Halfway acceptable, but throw it out if you have better pictures.
You need to either smile or learn to attractively scowl/grimace. As Vamos pointed out, your neutral expression subcommunicates weakness and uncertainty.
Agree with the rest.
I would like to add that even when I like the guitar pic your expression could be better. May be worth a try to check a Faceapp smile filter and see if it looks natural and better.
Agree with the rest.

I like the guitar pic but the expression is not perfect. I suggest to try a smile faceapp filter and see if it looks better and still natural.