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Tinder Profile Critique


Mar 15, 2023
Attached my pictures I use, Below is a copy of my about section.

-zero social media-
Love Snowboarding, big into self improvement and discipline.
I know how to get my hands dirty and know what I'm doing, not shy to ask for help when I don't.
Emotionally and physically available. Real life experiences, atrocious and loving equally.
Successful business owner and take care of my 28 employees.

No expectations, no judgement.
Have kinks I like to exercise. Tell me yours

Dont have any photos with friends, No photos of me somewhere exotic. I have a lot of tattoos all over my body besides the direct visible arms hands and neck. I am trying to figure out how I can incorporate them in a photo but am self conscious about how little I weigh. 175cm 63 kg, 5'9" 138lb for 'Mericans. Working on it.

Description? I stated big into self improvement and discipline which is true but not a reoccurring thing, hence my new presence here.
Thank you,
Your bio is way too heavy for an app. Keep it simple, keep it fun.

First pass at a rewrite. You could add to this or modify to make it more flirty/fun:

"Run a construction company, so I know how to get my hands dirty... but not afraid to ask for help when I don't.

Bonus if you're into either self-improvement, snowboarding, and prefer real-life over digital experiences."

Skinny is in right now. Get a photo of your tattoos as soon as you can.

The photos are OK. You look a tad bit unsure in photo 1. Photos 2 and 3 look a bit posed. I would unbutton the top button on any button-downs you wear.

Biggest problem is that the backgrounds of each photo are not exactly interesting or high-value.
pancakemouse said:
Your bio is way too heavy for an app. Keep it simple, keep it fun.

First pass at a rewrite. You could add to this or modify to make it more flirty/fun:

"Run a construction company, so I know how to get my hands dirty... but not afraid to ask for help when I don't.

Bonus if you're into either self-improvement, snowboarding, and prefer real-life over digital experiences."

Skinny is in right now. Get a photo of your tattoos as soon as you can.

The photos are OK. You look a tad bit unsure in photo 1. Photos 2 and 3 look a bit posed. I would unbutton the top button on any button-downs you wear.

Biggest problem is that the backgrounds of each photo are not exactly interesting or high-value.

Strapp I 100% agree with pancakemouse here.

I do this for a living, so I have a solid amount of experience reviewing Tinder photos/profiles.

Aside from what Pancake said above, I don't see any action shots. You're just sitting or standing. Get some action shots taken. I have some examples in the guest post I did for Andy: http://killyourinnerloser.com/paparazzi-factor/

Andy also has some good tinder photo inspiration in his guide: https://killyourinnerloser.com/tinder-guide/#chapter-3-photos

Take a look at those and tell a story with your photos. Don't just sit/stand.