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Tinder Profile Feedback


Sep 6, 2021
Sup guys. I'm not sure I resonate with Tinder, but I literally don't have time to go out and approach, so figured I'd give it a shot. Would love to get some feedback on my profile :)

My bio:
Travel, Fitness, Business

no hookups
( i think i saw the no hookups part somewhere here lol)

Photos by order:





appreciate any and all feedback, thanks alot!
don't use no hookups. Even if you don't want ONS it will filter out some chicks unnecessarily. Also its not super congruent to say no hookups and have 2 shirtless pics and give off a fuckboy vibe with your style.

Lastly, use contacts or take off your glasses for pics even if you wear them a lot. No need to filter out girls from swiping.
countingsheep7878 said:
Lastly, use contacts or take off your glasses for pics even if you wear them a lot. No need to filter out girls from swiping.

Haha makes sense, removed the no hookups thing.
I don't mind filtering girls cause I have glasses lol. I'll do laser surgery soon, until then idgaf

Thanks for the feedback :)
Buffmeup said:
countingsheep7878 said:
Lastly, use contacts or take off your glasses for pics even if you wear them a lot. No need to filter out girls from swiping.

Haha makes sense, removed the no hookups thing.
I don't mind filtering girls cause I have glasses lol. I'll do laser surgery soon, until then idgaf

Thanks for the feedback :)

no problem, one other note. Your profile bio doesn't leave a lot of hooks for girls to bring up in conversation or open you with. Here is my bio that has a ton of them and screens out prudes. I get a ton of girls that bring up the cooking or wanting a man to deal with spiders. Some even ask me about being dominant which is like a huge green light.

5’11” | (insert your town / city)

Passionate about building my business, adventuring the world & my fitness journey

Looking for a cool, unique girl who enjoys a combination of rough & sensual. Not afraid to get serious if we really connect. (this sentence about connecting is optional but I find it adds some comfort that it won't be a 1 night stand with the right girl - which is true)

- Dominant but a gentleman
- Brave enough to deal with spiders
- Master home chef who can cook more than a grill cheese
- Expert cuddler
- Great oral & communication skills

Weaknesses: sense of humor, cute smile, longer hair, yoga pants & nice booties
Buffmeup said:
I'll do laser surgery soon

Hey man, just a heads up because you're only 21.

I've had laser surgery done this year and my doctors told me that they don't recommend it for people not already in their late twenties.
The reason is that your eye could still be growing and changing until then.
If you get surgery too early, chances are your eyesight will worsen again in the coming years and you need to have the procedure redone.
Depending on the thickness of your lens, you may not have enough material to have additional surgery (safely).

A good doctor should give you all this information beforehand, but I thought I'd share anyways.

You have pretty high-quality pictures. However, you are standing/sitting in all of them without much else going on. I would probably replace #4 with a photo of you riding your bike or doing some other activity.

Otherwise your profile looks pretty solid.