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Tinder profile feedback


Apr 11, 2022
Hey guys,

Me: Shy + STEM = never had a girlfriend

Just got out of a pretty bad depression. I’ve moved to DC from France for five months and would like to improve my social and (inexistant) dating life.

I’ve installed some dating apps (Bumble, Tinder, Hinge). At the beginning I had a few matches. Now zero likes for many days. The few I did initially match with hardly replied anyways.


Removed cuz yeah

Usually guitar one and red shirt one first.


🇫🇷 There are 195 ± 5 countries in the world and I will taste every specialty. As a tourist, I always end up in the wrong places. This includes:

- Accidentally joining a far-right extremist protest in Athens.

- Misinterpreting “Happy Pizza” in Cambodia - Bad pizza, confusing afternoon.

I'm new to the city so don't know anyone to help take some pictures. For the moment I've using a camera with a remote trigger. It's not working.

TBH I thought I was at least average, but well, I think I finally see why they say not to use these apps!

Any advice or criticism, as harsh as it may be, is more than welcome.

Thanks guys,

Well I can't see your pics anymore, but I'm in the DC area and wouldn't mind helping out. Shoot me a DM if you wanna just show pics in private cause I get that