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Tinder Profile Feedback


Jul 5, 2022
Hello all,

Andy has inspired me to turn my life around and un-give up on dating/getting laid. I am currently working my ass off in the gym (lost 13.7kg, 11.7kg to go), quit PMO (45 days so far) and stopped smoking weed regularly. I will succeed and I am determined to do so, but I am really struggling with Tinder and OLD in general, always have. In person I am much better than online, I've attracted a handful of very attractive girls almost accidentally in the past but I dont have the confidence to cold approach just yet (although that is a work in progress too - there has been a lot to work on here).

I would appreciate some honest feedback on my profile and how it can be improved. I have followed Andy's guide with little success sadly. I am worried my ELO/Score/whatevertinderusestodeterminwhotoshowmeto may be screwed up as I simply get no likes with the exception of a few unresponsive girls. I got 6 or 7 2 weeks into last week but it completely dropped off recently and I haven't changed my profile at all. It's honestly quite demoralising as this theme follows into other apps to, the only constant is the photos and well me.

FYI I have tinder gold.

1 - 2 likes (cant remember but similar to below)
2 - 1 like (18-50, 70km)

Typically 0 but I will start noting
Mon: 1 from boost


My profile is: https://tinder.com/@husk854 (I can post photos directly if that is easier?).

I'd really appreciate some guidance, thanks so much.
Hi, starting with a group photo will kill your results, girls won't know who you are and just swipe left instantly.

I'm not a fan of the photos right now, maybe you can try with the suit photo first and crop it a bit closer, and keep working on getting new ones using Andy guides.

If you get a group photo make sure everyone is standing as you will tower over them with your height and get a big edge.

I would quit the Instagram, is probably not helping right now, and make sure Tinder "smart photos" is not ON.
Another detail is your job listed as "Business owner" and your bio saying "Trainee Pilot", wich may be a bit confusing for girls, my intuition says that if you put "Pilot" or "Trainee Pilot" as your listed job that would help a little. Btw, getting a pilot photo would be great.

Luckily you have massive potential so your OLD struggles are only temporary.
letmetgetout said:
Hello all,

Andy has inspired me to turn my life around and un-give up on dating/getting laid. I am currently working my ass off in the gym (lost 13.7kg, 11.7kg to go), quit PMO (45 days so far) and stopped smoking weed regularly. I will succeed and I am determined to do so, but I am really struggling with Tinder and OLD in general, always have. In person I am much better than online, I've attracted a handful of very attractive girls almost accidentally in the past but I dont have the confidence to cold approach just yet (although that is a work in progress too - there has been a lot to work on here).

I would appreciate some honest feedback on my profile and how it can be improved. I have followed Andy's guide with little success sadly. I am worried my ELO/Score/whatevertinderusestodeterminwhotoshowmeto may be screwed up as I simply get no likes with the exception of a few unresponsive girls. I got 6 or 7 2 weeks into last week but it completely dropped off recently and I haven't changed my profile at all. It's honestly quite demoralising as this theme follows into other apps to, the only constant is the photos and well me.

FYI I have tinder gold.

1 - 2 likes (cant remember but similar to below)
2 - 1 like (18-50, 70km)

Typically 0 but I will start noting
Mon: 1 from boost


My profile is: https://tinder.com/@husk854 (I can post photos directly if that is easier?).

I'd really appreciate some guidance, thanks so much.

I'll be honest, your profile is really bad. The only photo that is almost useable is the boxing photo and even in that your eyes look closed. You're active and that should help you drop some body fat which will also help.

You're currently a 5 but your profile is that of a 2. Your going to need to take a ton of photos to find some good ones of you and also work on upgrading your style (might be worth doing this when your training progresses). I think it's Radical that has a fashion guide free for beginners. Just start with that and that and working on better photos and you should start to see some results. From there we can optimize.
letmetgetout said:
I have followed Andy's guide with little success sadly. [...] It's honestly quite demoralising

I'm confused - what part of Andy's guide are you following? Losing weight and hitting the gym? That's great, but I don't know why you'd expect that to translate to immediate success online.

But it seems like you missed some key points, like "go out and shoot photos where you look hot using a DSLR". Until you do that, I see no reason to be demoralized.
Hi and welcome,

I agree with what was said above : the good news is that you have a lot of room for improvement (looks, style, photos), so don't stress if your results are currently bad. The bad news is that it's going to take time and effort.

Your pictures are far from being good enough for getting you decent results on Tinder unfortunately. You’ll need to shoot a complete new set of pictures. Do you have a camera BTW ? If not, I strongly recommend you to get one so you’ll be able to shoot truly high quality pictures.
I think you need a whole new stack of photos, the only 1 that might be usable is the club photo with your 1 friend and only as a photo later in the stack. I can see what you're trying to do with the activity/hobby photos and having some social photos, its just that these ones have not come out that great. Eg reshooting the gym 1 where you're fully visible and not cropped to the side.

Your first photo should clearly show your face, not having your head tilted to the side. The big grin is also a bit too much.
Hi Guys,

Thanks for your brutal honesty here, at first it was hard to read/admit BUT I totally agree with each of you there is a hell of a lot of work to do and this is the kick up the arse I need. Luckily I do have a DSLR, I have got it out and done a mini photoshoot today. The results aren't amazing, but it was fun and good practise. If anyone fancies a laugh then: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rCTuclQgiAe0uOdxxPrY81ywnF7gqZfE (not had chance to kick them through Photoshop yet).

I'm going to do more over the weekend. I need to work on poses and looking like I get laid, I have already started practising but if anyone has any other tips that would be great. I have also recruited my most photography-wise friend to do a proper shoot with me once she feels better ASAP which I can't wait for.

My main goal for now is fitness and photos, I will be at 15% body fat by the end of September which with my stats is more than achievable.

Thank you, I CAN and WILL do this.
Were you shooting in auto or manual with your camera? It looks like you toyed around with settings later on, but at least the first couple (like with the car) should have a lower F Stop. Read up on the exposure triangle.

Good job on actually getting out there and doing something. It's the hardest part.
Hey, that's a nice first try man ! As said above, you should use a lower f-stop next time (like around f/2) to make the background blurry so it will be less distracting. Be careful with the lighting too, your face should be properly lit and not covered by shadows.

Furthermore, I don't think that the outfits you’ve chosen are ideal as they are more fit for LinkedIn pics than for Tinder pics.

Otherwise, I think you can already use one or two of your new pictures to replace your first Tinder pic. I took the liberty of editing the two pictures I find the most interesting from this lot :

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Svadhishthana said:
Were you shooting in auto or manual with your camera? It looks like you toyed around with settings later on, but at least the first couple (like with the car) should have a lower F Stop. Read up on the exposure triangle.

Good job on actually getting out there and doing something. It's the hardest part.

I used Auto to begin with and then used some manual modes. I will read into that, thanks for the tips. It feels good to be progressing!

Lord Rey said:
Hey, that's a nice first try man ! As said above, you should use a lower f-stop next time (like around f/2) to make the background blurry so it will be less distracting. Be careful with the lighting too, your face should be properly lit and not covered by shadows.

Furthermore, I don't think that the outfits you’ve chosen are ideal as they are more fit for LinkedIn pics than for Tinder pics.

Otherwise, I think you can already use one or two of your new pictures to replace your first Tinder pic. I took the liberty of editing the two pictures I find the most interesting from this lot :

I will definitely look at more manual modes ta, re-learning how to use this camera as I don't think I've touched it for 5+ years. I agree completely about linkedin, I graduated yesterday so thought it would be a good opportunity regardless. 2 birds 1 stone. Going to go through my clothes over the weekend and plan outfits properly for next time.

Thanks so much for taking the time to edit those photos, I think they look really good now and they were two of my personal favourites. I am going to post them both on Tinder and see how it goes.