Tinder Profile Rating


Mar 9, 2022
I just reinstalled tinder yesterday, and I am planning on slowly improving the picture quality, esp the selfies and blurry last picture. But I am curious if I am giving off the correct vibe, I want to come off as a sexually confident but respectful and friendly asian dude.

My bio says: "My mom made me sign up for this :P"
Not an expert, I'll let more experienced people comment on your photos. But a few things I noticed:
- Get rid of the mirror selfies
- You're not really doing much in most of your photos, show off some hobbies
- The black and white photo isn't as flattering as the others IMO.

Remember this: you will be judged by your worst photo
My humble opinion (NOTE, I'm just starting out)
1. Every photo should add value. A single photo that is "meh" can ruin the whole profile. I'm talking about the one in the top right and bottom left

2. From my understanding, having a decent photo with at least two other attactive women in it is a BIG plus, so good on you with the center photo

3. You have a very good physique as showin in the top left photo. I bealive you could demonstrate it even more if you got a camera on a tripod and used your phone as a remote to take such pictures. Then tilt your body a bit at an angle to the camera in order to make yourself look even larger and take photos like that.
Red blue green in that order.
Experiment with blue first.

Girls usually nope dudes from their first pic. If they swipe to the end you can hook them with them sweet rice abs
Thanks guys for the feedback. About the hobbies, I don't really have anything "cool" as right now trying to get dates, going on dates, gym, and building social circle takes up all my spare time. The one thing I am passionate about is sex itself but I don't feel experienced enough to make a BDSM profile.
I personally only like 2,1 and 5. I think if you had gotten a better expression in pic 4 that would have been your best pic by far but the expression and your outfit are not ideal.

Take some more pictures. Try and get a "candid" pic where you're not looking posed (but you are actually posing in a planned photoshoot). I think a better shirtless pic would be at the beach instead doing a selfie.
I made some changes since last time. Is this any better? I know the last photo is kinda goofy but girls said they liked it.
I am curious what my biggest bottleneck is. I know I already have a disadvantage being asian and having a baby face so I wonder if I can ever get "universal appeal" rather than just being a specific type. Shirtless pic still isn't super candid nor is it good lighting. And I got no interesting hobbies or friends.
I wonder what your results would look like with just photos 1, 2, and 5. I think your expression in the other two hurts you. Girls will judge your worst photos.
pancakemouse said:
I wonder what your results would look like with just photos 1, 2, and 5. I think your expression in the other two hurts you. Girls will judge your worst photos.

Do you mean these ones? Also what expressions should I shoot for next time?
pancakemouse said:
Sorry, I mean 1, 2, and 4.

Makes sense. Thanks. Is it ever a good idea to have 2 shirtless photos? I was thinking of just tagging my mirror selfie at the end since the back shot isn't good lighting.