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Tinder Profile Review


Dec 26, 2021
Hey guys, new to the Forum. Went out yesterday to take all the photos you see here, my first time going out to take photos and had my friend give me a hand. These are the best of about 100~ and I just want to know where to improve, etc, etc.

Bio: They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Easy going, let's grab a coffee and see where it goes from there :D
your style needs a lot of work. See radical's guide and the section on fashion that Andy has on the website. I would only keep the 3rd pic of the ones you chose. I would also be working on the gym asap.

Your bio is too nice guy frame. You should be more polarizing and dominant.

Here is the bio that I use to help give you a better idea.

5’11” | **Insert your city here**

Passionate about building my business, adventuring the world & my weight loss journey (50 lbs down & 20 lbs to go)

- Dominant but a gentleman
- Brave enough to deal with spiders
- Master home chef who can cook more than a grill cheese
- Expert cuddler
- Great oral & communication skills

Weaknesses: sense of humor, cute smile, yoga pants & nice booty
Hey man, welcome, nice effort taking action here. Here are my 2cents :

- Generally : Lose weight and hit the gym
-You look very nice man-ish add some edge in every way you can
-Photos look like taken the same day which isn't ideal
-Graphic nasa t-shirt is too geeky

I can't get in too much details because i'm no expert.

keep up the work
I'll be honest. I'm not trying to be a dick but you need to read the tinder guide and reflect upon it's context and meaning.
Hit the gym, you can ofc use tinder before you are super fit, but you should look to hide your chubbyness in the meanwhile, which you are not doing with your pictures.
Style is horrible. Needs a complete overhaul.
The locations and themes are boring, except the biljard one. With all your photos you should look to convey who you are, your interests and showing off your masculinity and edge at the same time. The biljard "set" can work for this, but you need way better style and a much higher quality photo of you playing biljard.

Look at the photo I attached, what does it tell you? It tells you that she is playing cards, while enjoying whiskey, cigs and snacks with someone else. Would that be something you would be down to do with her if you become acquainted with her and have dates?
Do you understand what im getting at here?
EDIT: Look at her clothes, shes not sitting in a hoodie is she? no, a nice female attire, showing off her cleavage (in this photo a man could wear a tanktop showing off his muscles, a nice necklace, a ring and maybe a cool watch) and I wouldnt be surprised if they chose that necklace just to color match the table. Her blue color on the attire is also not random, it fits very well with all the brown colors in the picture.
Taking really good and interesting pictures is an art, it requires great care to details.
Okay, I'm not an expert myself.

However, I'm not going to mince words, these pictures are terrible.

First of all, you're wearing sunglasses in most of them. No girl wants to be surprised with a lazy eye. Don't have a sunglasses photo as your main one. Keep it towards the end.

Your poses and facial expressions also seem uncomfortable, forced and/or unnatural.

I agree with ovnidos regarding the t-shirt, it's nerdy and that's not really good for getting laid. You can be a nerd. Just don't dress like one.

Aside from the actual picture quality, working on your appearance is key. Lose weight, hit the gym, get better style (read Andy's guide or ask radical for help), and take better photos, Andy has a good guide on it.

Also that bio isn't going to attract girls who want quick sex, overall you give off a teddy bear/nice guy vibe, which will attract relationship girls more.
I'll link another incredibly good photo. This is the kind of shit were aiming for, now Henry Cavill is extremely handsome, but that doesnt matter. Imagine yourself in a photo like this with good style, fit, and a perfect angle that makes your face as attractive as it can be in a photo. For you it might be looking directly into the camera. And horses are cool as fuck. You could do a photoshoot of yourself topless on the horse, get a perfect angle with a perfect posture etc etc
There's so many good ideas for photos but you need to get out there and learn new stuff! Go ride horses, learn to dance, drive a dirtbike and find cool shit to do and bring your camera with you and capture it with photography skills that anyone can learn to a high level.
Tyvm for all the replies guys, don't say you're not trying to be a dickhead though next time. I understand just how new I am to this, it's all a WIP and that was my first day, was looking for guidance on how yo improve from there. Been hitting the gym the past few days (I'm currently at work struggling to move that's how sore I am lol) I'll take a look at the guides you all reccomended and improve my style. My one question is this. Where do I find the stuff for a good price, I have checked out goodwill and it's just so hit or miss with what I find.
Pmb said:
Tyvm for all the replies guys, don't say you're not trying to be a dickhead though next time. I understand just how new I am to this, it's all a WIP and that was my first day, was looking for guidance on how yo improve from there. Been hitting the gym the past few days (I'm currently at work struggling to move that's how sore I am lol) I'll take a look at the guides you all reccomended and improve my style. My one question is this. Where do I find the stuff for a good price, I have checked out goodwill and it's just so hit or miss with what I find.
H&M has everything you need for Radical's basic guide to style. It's cheap. Do not shop at goodwill for the most part. That gives you very little control over what you can get. I would say if you can find a cool thing or two from there, it might be okay, but you're better off going to a proper store with more selection.

If you want more high end or trendy type clothes, check out /r/FashionReps on Reddit.

If you have any more questions, feel free to PM me. I just revamped my whole wardrobe and the difference is night and day.