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Toast's Tinder 👻Ghost Chronicles👻


Feb 4, 2021
Woah! I'm finally starting OLD after having been on this fourm for like 9 months now lol.

Took some pictures today, and i come asking for advice on how to improve pics.

Using my old pics as well as some new ones i was able to get today with a friend.

Ill link the google album with the full photoshoot but ill post the best ones i though here.


New Photos
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Old Photos
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Here's my lineup

Bought tinder premium.

30+ likes (mostly fatties 🤢🤮)
8 matches
2 responded
1 converted to number - Date set up for Wednesday
SF is known to be one of the worst tinder cities for men so don’t keep expectations too high. with that said, these pics could be much better.

i edited 2 of the new photos for you— use them

View attachment 1

for the walking photo, the t shirt looks too loose around your waist, i don’t like the jeans color esp in combination with coat, the way the jeans are rolled up is an atrocity so i cropped that out. it looks like you have a relatively longer torso/shorter legs— keeping jeans same color as t shirt would make you look taller and don’t roll them up.

would put camera photo 3rd, then looking out the window 4th then the one on the phone 5th

would take out smiling one, looks kinda creepy and not masculine

overall got a few decent photos to start here. social photo is first priority for improvement

edit: the camera photo is aggressively yellow— i’d fuck around with the colors a bit
Rags2Bitches Appreciate the input and the time you took to edit photos

Ill defintiely use the edits.

This is just round one of starting up OLD so there is a lot to improve on.
Rags2Bitches said:
edit: the camera photo is aggressively yellow— i’d fuck around with the colors a bit

Don't mind him. He's just desperately trying to prove he's Asian.
Hey SF that’s my home lol I live in New York now. If you do live there I would say go to a few iconic spots for tourist trap photos like the Golden Gate Bridge, Lombard st., the mosaic tile steps on 16th street and just about any colorful mural in the mission to really make the photos pop. Keep up the great work. Over covid park dates were my go to with a bottle of wine but now that things are open I’m sure you’ll find a nice bar to get a drink.
Crisis_Succumber said:
Don't mind him. He's just desperately trying to prove he's Asian.
I am Asian!!! Or at lease i think i am 🤔

Dewm When you were in SF did you do tinder? Would you agree it is as cut throat as everyone makes it out to seem? Thanks for the picture ideas. I was just at Crissy Fields trying to get a good pic but my camera battery died lol.

Adam Goofy pic was mostly for me lol. That's just my renaissance faire outfit :D
RagstoBitches definitely improved the walking picture.
Ill probably keep my current lineup and see how it works for a week. Then try and filter in other pictures to see if there is any improvement
Idk if ima do daily tinder updates with statistics. Seems like a waste of time, but i have the time to write up at work so why not

No boost
Likes 12-15 i unmatched on some cuz they fat
2 matches
2 messages
0 numbers

Date tomorrow with a girl I matched yesterday. 100% expect to flake. Texted her today with the address of the place to meet and time. No response.
Toast said:
@Dewm When you were in SF did you do tinder? Would you agree it is as cut throat as everyone makes it out to seem? Thanks for the picture ideas. I was just at Crissy Fields trying to get a good pic but my camera battery died lol.

It was tough but I had some success. Do hinge as well I got a couple dates that also ended in lays. Ultimately I can’t complain as I met someone who even though it’s long distance we still talk a lot she even came to see me in NY. Also my tinder dating came at a time when I openly expressed my desires of being in an open relationship subsequently I achieved dating two women at once. Ironically when I knew I was moving to New York I pulled away from the apps as I just didn’t have the time with getting ready to move - I had a girl text me to set up a date whom had been waiting for her vaccine immunities to kick in. When I told her I was leaving and wasn’t seeing anyone new she was still interested. Ultimately I got her back to my apartment and she appreciated my honesty about being in an open relationship, dating other people, knew I was leaving and still wanted to make it happen. Getting her naked and in front of me the only thing that stopped me from sleeping with her was her honesty when she revealed she had herpes. While in my thirst phase this might have been something I looked past I ethically could not knowingly have sex with someone who I knew had an STD while having sex with 2 other people regardless of how careful I was.

So it’s tough but you can line dates up every week and I just suggest being open, honest, and communicative. Women will find this refreshing and attractive. Honestly dude if you’re here on this forum you’re light years beyond the competition. You’ll do fine. :)
Dewm thanks for the insight. Seems like it's just a numbers game in sf like everything else and you gotta just keep grinding away. Hopefully I don't run into any chicks with STDs >.<
Been lucky so far on that front
Surprisingly my tinder date didn't flake.

We vibed pretty well and she seemed to like me. She said several times I was very hot, she was attracted to me, and liked me.

We kissed a bunch and I tried to escalate but she kept stopping mid way. Like we would be making out, I'd be feeling her up, and then she would back away.

She kept talking about a previous ex being crazy. So she wanted to take it slow.

All in all a chill date. Most likely will be seeing her again and probably smashing on the 2nd date.
GJ meng. It sounds like you did what you could.
That's my favorite profile pic on this site.
Manganiello said:
GJ meng. It sounds like you did what you could.
That's my favorite profile pic on this site.
Yah I escalated several times. Had her laying on top of me while making out. Feeling up her ass and grabbin her tits. But she always stopped the escalation by backing off. She was moaning at one point when i was kissing her neck and feeling her up.

Now i gotta wait till Sunday to get laid with my plate. Poor me 😩

Its definitely one of my favorite pictures I've had taken of me in a long while as well lol


Forgot to mention that the chick said I looked like a douche based on my profile. So that's a plus i guess haha
Used my first boost

Was pretty lax with who I swiped right on.

Matched with 17 girls
unmatched with 2 cuz they ugly lol

Messaged them all so far. Got 1 number.
3 of them have not responded once i asked for their number

27 matches overall since I started
2 numbers
1 date
Boosted today at like 630 or something.

Matched with 30 girls I think.

indiscriminately swiped for 30 min straight so much so that my finger got tired. Probably unmatched like +10 fat chicks. the rest were between the range of a gaseous 7 and solid 9.

Messaged all of them with the opener.

5 got back to me.

1 converted to number.

Had a date today that I arranged over tinder. Girl didn't wanna give me her number. Date was literally set up at a spot maybe .1miles from my house. She ghosted. I was not really motivated to meet her anyway so i cared less then 0.

Stats so far:
58 matches
18 replied
4 numbers
1 date
1 👻
had like 6-8 girls i needed to respond to today.

Messaging them late at 1am so only a few were awake

21yo girl converted to a number fairly easy.
Other girl who is less attractive took a bit of trolling.
3rd girl I have a date set up for Sunday possibly

Stats so far:
2 boosts
70 matches
24 replied
6 numbers
1 date
1 👻
Are you experimenting with times you use your boosts at ?

11pm seems to be a nice sweet spot for me currently. The other day I used a boost at 9pm and got 15 likes, then used another one 2 hours later and got 70.