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Toasts Weight loss and Gym Log


Feb 4, 2021
Got the idea from Master weight loss log.

I like being able to see the weeks progress on one post rather then individual days in a physical journal. I think visually seeing what ive done every week will help me stay accountable with my workouts

i think ima fill in ahead of time so I can plan what I want to do on certain days as well.

Sunday 4/18/2021

Couch to 10k Run week 4 run 3
5min warmup walk - 3 min jog - 90sec walk - 5 min jog - 2.5 min walk - 3 min jog - 90sec walk - 5 min jog - 5 min cooldown walk
Ran with my buddy and I was able to keep a conversation while running for most of the time. Feels good to have decent enough cardio to be able to talk and run.
My friend is currently in the Police Academy, and has been running like 5 times a week. For the last min of the 5 min jog we upped the pace and I was out running him for a bit. He said once I picked up the speed he couldn't keep up, but towards the end of the 1min I slowed down. Feels good to know my cardio is on par with his. Also the new running shoes I got are amazing. My feet feel lighter and bouncier while wearing them. Brooks Ghost 13 for anyone wondering. Amazing shoe so far.

Did week 3 day 2 of the 100 pushup Challenge
20-25-15-15-30 = 105 pushups total
This was fairly challenging towards the end. The first 3 sets went well, but the last 30 pushups were tough and I really pushed myself to get from 25 to 30 pushups at the end for that little bit of extra gains.
Really like the progression of this program. It makes doing a lot of pushups easy so far. Didn't ever really think I would be able to do 105 pushups in a single session. Usually I would do like 20/20/20 and be gassed. But this makes it doable.

Monday 4/19/2021

Workout: 2:10pm-3:45pm
3 min Jump rope
Deadlift - 135x2 - 155x10 - 185x5 - 205x5 - 255x5 - 255x5 - 260x5
Military Press - 65x10 - 95x8 - 105x8 - 105x8
Landmine Row - 45x12 - 90x12 - 100x12 - 100x12
Dumbell Fly - 15x12 - 20x12 - 20x12
Skull Crusher 45x12 (Elbows didn't feel great)
Tricep Extension 35x12 - 45x12
Tibialis Raises - 10x12 - 15x12 - 15x12
Crunches 40 - 40 - 40

Deadlift felt fine. Might have to think about getting a new belt since the one I bought doesn't fit since I've lost so much weight. Good and bad problem.
Skull crushers didn't feel great. very uncomfortable on the elbows which is unusual for this exercise for me. Might have just been too heavy

Morning Weight - Forgot to step on scale. Probably close to 185
Calories Count - 1087 not on purpose, just forgot to eat a larger lunch then I normally eat

Tuesday 4/20/2021

Morning Weight - 184.5
Night Time weight - 186.2

Food Log:
Breakfast - French Toast - 316 cal
Lunch - Banana Protein Shake - 415 cal
Dinner - Chipotle Burrito Bowl - 635 cal
Snack - Hand full of tortilla chips - 50 cal?
Oat milk for coffee - 45 cal
Atomic Fire Ball - 50cal
Total for the day - 1481
Don't really feel hungry at all at the end of the day.

Week 5 Couch to 10k Day 1 - 350 calories burnt - 2.4 miles ran total - 30.44 min total
5min warmup walk - 5min jog - 3min walk - 5min jog - 3min walk - 5min jog - 5min cooldown walk
Run was fine, Legs felt decent. Fuckin windy as fuck though

Week 4 day 1 of 100 pushup Program
21 - 25 - 21 - 21 - 35 = 123 total - 60 second rest between sets
Fuckkkk this day was tough. last 50 pushups were tough. Probably didn't help that I had some chest workout yesterday. Or that it was post run with no food. Got it done tho.

Total Steps for the day - 24,871 - 12.68 miles - 2798 calories burnt apparently. Doesn't really feel like it though, but idk

Wednesday 4/21/2021

Morning Weight - 183.6
Night time Weight - 185.6

Food Log:
Breakfast - Cinnamon Oatmeal - 423 cal
Lunch - Salmon Teriyaki Poke - 522 cal
Dinner - Mocha Protein Shake - 415 cal
Snacks - cookies - 120 cal
- Peanut butter Caramel Protein Ice cream - 260( Walden farms 0 calorie Carmel syrup is 🔥)
Total For the day - 1740 cal

Workout start time 8:00pm - finish 9:15pm

ATG Split Squat - BWx10 - BWx10 - 20x10
Incline Barbell Press - 65x10 - 95x10 - 105x10 - 105x10
Bent Over Row - 95x12 - 115x12 - 115x12
Face Pull - 25x12 - 35x12 - 45x12
Russian Twist - 25x20 - 25x20 - 25x20
Seated Good Morning - 10x10 - 10x10 - 15x10
Seated Butter fly Stretch
Hamstring Stretch

Total Steps for the Day - 8919 steps - 4.31 miles - 380 calories

Thursday 4/22/2021

Morning Weight - 183.6
Night time Weight - 185.4

Food Log:
Breakfast - Beef Chow Mein - 685 cal
Lunch - Mocha Protein Shake - 415 cal
Dinner - Ikes Sandwich - 460 cal
Snacks - Apple caramel lollipop 60 cal
Total For the day - 1620 cal

Couch to 10k Week 5 Day 2 - 337.4 calories burnt - 2.3 miles - 31 min total
5min warmup walk - 8min jog (~3/4mile) - 5min walk - 8min jog (~3/4mile) - 5 min cool down walk
Generally I have left hip flexor tightness and popping, but I think the stretching yesterday helped. Hips felt pretty good and open. Going to have to continue stretching.

Duck walk up the hill to my house
.1mile 69ft in elevation change
This was probably harder then the whole run. Also probably looked really funny while dying walking up the hill lol

Week 4 Day 2 of 100 Pushup Program
25 - 29 - 25 - 25 - 36 = 140 total

Total Steps for the day - 8785 - 4.82 miles - 539 calories

Friday 4/23/2021

Morning Weight - 183.6
Night Weight - 185.7

Rest Day

Food Log:
Breakfast - French Toast - 316 cal
Lunch - Mocha Protein Shake - 415 cal
Dinner - Butter chicken and Garlic Naan ~ 658 Cal
Total For the day - 1389
Again, I ate too little :/

Total steps for the day - 3295 - 1,58 miles - 150 calories
Gotta actively increase steps on days I sit down at work all the time, or do some cardio or sumthin

Saturday 4/24/2021

Morning weight - 184.6
Night Weight -186.5

Planning to do 30 min of Stationary bike - 350cal?

Sherriff Deputy Physical Test - Passed!!!

100 Pushup Challenge week 4

Food Log:
Breakfast - Chocolate Oatmeal - 460 cal
Lunch - Rice Crackers and Beef Chowmein - 271 cal
Dinner - Dim sum - hard to calculate, probably 1000cal
Snacks - Peanut brittle - 150 Cal
- Caramel rice crackers -150 cal
cookies 250 cal
Total For the day - 2188

Let my diet slip because I was celebrating passing this stage of the Sherriff test. One day wont throw a wrench in the plan.

Weeks end Reflection

Average morning Weight 183.98

I feel happy with my physical activity. I either worked out or ran every day of the week besides the rest day. I probably could have done some "active rest" on the rest day. Like 30 min on the stationary bike. Not really a huge impact though. Weights went up during the week in the gym so that's nice. I don't think i was pushing to failure on some lifts so there's still some room to grow and find my max weight per exercise

Diet stayed pretty tight the whole week, and the scale reflected it i think. Dipped into the 183lbs which is nice. So ~1lb lost this week which is fine. initially I wanted to lose 5 lbs this month but my diet was thrown off because of my vacation. Now I'm more trying to stay consistent with weight loss rather then pushing my body to meet deadlines. A steady 1 or 2 lbs per week is fine with me. Ill get to where i want eventually.
Sunday 4/25/2021

Morning Weight - 185.2
Night Weight-

Breakfast - Protein Pancake 243cal
Lunch - None
Dinner - Short Ribs, Rice, Cream corn ~780 cal
Snack - Chocolate bar, Haw flakes, Mocha Protein Shake, honey toast 777
Total - 1755cal

Not great at keeping my snacking under control today. Definitely don't like not eating lunch. I think that's why im still so hungry late at night.

5 min jump rope
Bench Press - 135x10 - 145x10 - 155x9 (rpe9?)
Bent Over Row - 85x12 - 95x12 - 115x12 - 125x12
Military Press - 90x8 (rpe 8) - 65x12 - 75x12
Tricep Push down - 35x10 - 40x12 - 40x12
Tib Bar - 15x10 - 15x10 - 15x10
Elephant Walk (Ham Stretch)
30 min air bike
6ft wall jump - Success

Steps walked today - 4806 - 2.38 miles

Monday 4/26/2021

Morning Weight - 184.5
Night Weight- forgot to weigh. Maybe 186.5?

Breakfast -Honey toast 131cal
Lunch -Protein Pancakes, mcdouble 643 cal
Dinner - Broccoli chicken over rice 679 cal
Snack -2x honey toast 262 cal
Total 1714 cal

Mc Double really isnt that tasty at all, not worth the calories, or money. Completely wasted my lunch honestly. Everything on the menu was like 700cal or higher. Most likely never going back to mcdonalds again. And only went this time cuz panda express looked shitty, and L&L were closed.

Couch to 10k week 5 Day 3
5 min walk - 20min jog - 5min cool down walk
Accidentally jogged an extra 2 min so technically this could count as week 6 day 3. Jog Felt great, was able to keep a decent pace and talk with a buddy while running.

Steps walked today - 8850 steps

Tuesday 4/27/2021

Morning Weight - 182.5 (wow haven't seen this number b4!)
Night Weight- 185.3

Breakfast -Oatmeal and pancakes 464cal
Lunch - Mocha Protein Shake - 415
Dinner - Chipotle Burrito bowl - 625
Snack - Protein Bar -200
Total - 1704 cal

5min Air Bike - 54cal
Pushup stress test - 45 (PR for consecutive pushups so far!!)
Split squat - bwx10 - 20x10 - 20x10
incline Bench - 65x10 - 95x10 - 105x10 (closer grip to make it more chest focused)
trap bar shrug - 80x12 - 80x12 - 80x12
Single arm Landmine Press - 25x10 - 30x10 - 30x10
Ez Curl Bar - 45x12 - 50x12 - 50x12
Crunch 40 - 40 - 40 (Felt easier then normal. Might bump it to 50 next time)

12 min Sun bathing - Felt real nice to just lay in the sun. Might have to do this more often. Overall feelin good from it.

Total Steps Walked - 23071 - 11.23 miles - 962 cal

Wednesday 4/28/2021

Morning Weight - 182.1
Night Weight -184.5

Breakfast -French toast 380cal
Lunch - Mocha Protein Shake 415
Dinner - Burmese Chicken Noodle / Naan Bread - 735
Coffee Creamer - 30cal
Snack - 1 Life Saver - 30 cal
Total 1596

Couch to 10k Week 6 Day 3
5min warmup walk - 22min run - 5min cool down walk
Total distance 3.65 miles walked and ran - 458 calories

Week 5 Day 1 of 100 pushup program
Started in column 3 but it was fuckin hard so I down graded to column 2
36 - 40 - 25 - 22 - 35

Steps walked today - 21144 - 11.05 miles - 1102 cal

Thursday /4/29/2021

Morning Weight - 182.4
Night Weight-

2 min Jump rope warmup
Deadlift - 135x10 - 155x10 - 205x10 - 255x5 - 265x1 - 275x1 (275 was Heaaaavy, but the most I've lifted at this bodyweight)
Dips 12 - 12 - 12
Chainsaws - 40x12 - 40x12 - 40x12
Pullups 6 - 6 - 5 (i gotta work on these more)
Chicken Wings - 10x15 - 15x12 - 15x12

Breakfast - Chocolate Oatmeal/ Avocado toast 483cal
Lunch - Mocha Protein Shake 415cal
Dinner - Chicken Sandwich 590cal
Coffee Creamer - 40cal
Total - 1515

Steps walked today - 4739 - gotta somehow increase steps on the days i sit down for work

Friday 4/30/2021

Morning Weight - 182.2 (consistently weighing in around 182!)

Breakfast - Oatmeal
Lunch - Mocha Protein Shake
Dinner - Chicken Tikka Masala/ Garlic Naan
Total 1786

Couch to 10k Week 7 day 1
5min warmup walk - 25min jog - 5 min cool down walk
424.9 cal burned - 2.9 miles total distance - 35 min total

Stretching Routine
Elephant walk - HamStrings
Butter fly sit - Groin/ Hip flexors
Leg in air splits - Groin
Figure 4 foot on wall - glute stretch

Steps walked today - 11587

Saturday 5/1/2021

Morning Weight - 182.9

Breakfast -Eggs with turkey Bacon 519cal
Lunch - Mocha Protein Shake 415cal
Dinner - Trader Joes Tikka Masala 580cal
Snack - Star Bread 120cal
Total 1714Cal

30 min on Air bike - 320 cal

Steps walked today - 19061

Weeks Reflection

Weekly Morning Weight Average - 183.1

This week was pretty decent. Happy I'm progressing very well with my running. I'm basically back to where i was when i quit the program last time. I'm almost up to running a 5k which is one of my small goals. Pushup program progress is going very well and I'm finally showing some results with my physique. Biceps looking and feeling bigger, forearms getting back to where they used to be. My grip strength is down though so i may throw in some grip work like once or twice a week.

Weight loss is going very well. I was stuck at 185 for a little bit but now I'm finally getting down into 182 consistently. Very happy with the consistent results. Haven't really changed my diet at all but i think just adding more cardio, getting my steps up, and staying consistent is what is working. Been eating basically the same shit every week and I'm not getting bored yet so that's good. Got my cravings under control for the most part. I think allowing myself to eat a sweet or 2 some times helps me not crave. It also doesn't break my diet if I have a piece of candy.
Toast said:
Most likely never going back to mcdonalds again. And only went this time cuz panda express looked shitty, and L&L were closed.

Haha. Yeah I haven't had a mcdouble in like 3 years. That was my go to protein source for a time.

McDonald's doesn't fit the lifestyle you're living.
Manganiello said:
McDonald's doesn't fit the lifestyle you're living.
Not at all. Burger was like the size of a baby's hand and still somehow managed to have 350 calories in it. It was probably the first time I've been back to mcD's in years and I'm definitely not going back.
Looking good on that photo man!
I havent got into calculating all my calories yet, I think I should really get into it.
Do you have a link to that couch to 10k training, I would like to take a look at it :P
Toast said:
Not at all. Burger was like the size of a baby's hand and still somehow managed to have 350 calories in it. It was probably the first time I've been back to mcD's in years and I'm definitely not going back.

Hey! 1st time dropping by this thread, and I have to strongly agree. Like what you said, I also counted the calories of one small McDonald's burger, and it's got 350 calories!! Same with Jollibee: I ate their Tuna Pie for easy calories, but that shit is 281 cals. There's also the risk of the calories fluctuating because you never know if they made it with more oil or not. Ever since I started counting calories, I have never been more disgusted to eat fast food.

Also makes me wonder how these girls keep drinking boba & never get fat.
SIGMA_1234 said:
Ever since I started counting calories, I have never been more disgusted to eat fast food.

Also makes me wonder how these girls keep drinking boba & never get fat.
Can't agree more with this statement. Almost anything that's packaged is a risk when counting calories, the package labels are somewhat inaccurate as well if you do the math for how much protein, sugar and carbs are in whatever.
I haven't had the luxury of drinking Boba. My conscious wont let me waste a whole meal on a drink lol. IDK how they don't get fat either when some go out to boba like several times a week.
5/2/2021 Sunday
Morning Weight - 182.5?

Breakfast-Almond Chocolate Croissant - 450cal
Lunch-Swedish Meatballs, Veggies, Mashed Taters -510cal
Dinner-Kitsune Udon, Tamagoyaki, Imitation Crab Tempura - 881
Snack - Watermelon
Total- 1737Cal

Week 5 Day 2 Column 2
All of the sets were fairly easy besides the 40 set. Fuckin tough ass last set to do. Had to pause around 30, and grinded for the last 10

5/3/2021 Monday
Morning Weight - 182.9

Breakfast-oatmeal and French toast
Lunch-Mocha Protein Shake
Dinner-Chicken Tandoori Wrap and Dumplings
Snack-Jerky 90cal

Squats - 95x10 - 105x10 - 135x10 - 155x3 - 175x3 - 185x3 (PR!)
Incline Bench - 95x10 - 105x10 - 115x10 (PR!)
Trap Bar Shrug - 80x15 - 100x12 - 100x12(pr)
Single Arm landmine Press - 25x12 - 35x10 - 35x10 (pr)
Definitely pushed my self today in the gym and I'm very happy with my results!

Total Steps for the Day - 3122
Gotta figure out how to get my steps up on the days I sit at work. Maybe a 10 min walk in the morning?

5/4/2021 Tuesday
Morning Weight - 182.9

Breakfast-French Toast 419cal
Lunch-Mocha Protein Shake 415cal
Dinner-Chipotle Burrito bowl 625cal
Snack-Rice Cakes 150cal
Total- 1609cal

Couch to 10k Week 7 day 2 - 427 cal burned - 2.9 miles total traveled
5min Warmup Walk - 25min Jog - 5min cooldown walk
Run was tough in the beginning cuz I had done squats yesterday. toughed it out and got a rhythm going and the last mile wasn't too bad. No hesitation or anxiety running without a shirt either. Trying to get tan :)

Russian Twists 25x30 - 25x30 - 25x30
Just some core for fun

Total Steps for the Day - 26510

5/3/2021 Wednesday
Morning Weight - 182.2

Breakfast-pork bun 160cal
Lunch-mocha protein shake 415cal
Dinner- salmon teriyaki poke 770cal
Snack-Carmel rice cakes, jerky, cookies Pork bun 602cal
I don't like eating so little for breakfast. I feel like it contributed to me being so hungry at the end of the day and snacking. Also prebaby dehydrated from walking all day and making an ikea bed lol

Push up challenge 18 - 18 - 20 - 20 - 17 - 17 - 20 - 45
I think ima redo week 5. Not very happy with how I had to sometimes pause for the last couple of sets. But i did do all the pushups. Just had to hold the downward dog/ pushup position to regain some strength.

Airbike - 22:10 - 302 calories burnt. Felt guilty about not working out much so i had to do some cardio to burn off the snacks and exercise a bit

Total steps for the day - 23,191

5/4/2021 Thursday
Morning Weight - 182.2

Breakfast-Coffee with Creamer/ Protein Pancakes 313
Lunch-Chicken tenders and French Fries 780
Dinner- Ramen 656

Warmup 20 burpee
Split Squat - bwx10 - 30x10 - 30x10 Feels like I'm getting better and deeper in the squat with better ankle mobility
Trap Bar Clean and Press 80x10 - 80x10 - 80x10 sounds funny, but it really got the lower back, shoulders, legs and forearms working. I like this movement
Bench press - 135x10 - 135x10 - 135x10 not smart to start off heavy with no warmup. Noob move there :/
Farmers Carry - 45lbs x ~160 steps (up and down hill) - 45lbs x ~160 steps (up and down hill) Killer on the grip strength and traps. Good exercise right here!
Hanging leg Twists 10 - 10 - 10 weak ass hands
Ab Wheel 20 on knees - 20 on knees

Total Steps - 9777

5/2/2021 Friday
Morning Weight - 182.2

Breakfast- Carmel Maple French Toast 420cal
Lunch-Protein Shake 490cal
Dinner-Butter Chicken and Naan 658cal

Couch to 10k Week 7 Day 3 -421 cal burned - 2.8 miles Total
5min Warmup Walk - 25min Jog - 5min cooldown walk

Total steps walked - 12502

5/2/2021 Saturday

Morning Weight 181.5

Breakfast - 2egg, Toast, Turkey bacon 393cal
Lunch - Protein Shake - 475cal
Dinner - Monster Mash - 703
Snack - Coffee Creamer -90cal
Total - 1661cal

Jump rope - 300 skips
Spider Man Crawls - 30 - 30 - 30
Crab walk - Like maybe 100 steps?
Pushup Program Week 5 day 1 Column 3 - 36 - 40 - 30 - 26 - 30(break)10
Man this day is tough. Couldn't finish with full 40 without taking a short rest.

Total Steps Walked - 21457

Weeks Thoughts

Weeks morning weight Average - 182.3

Weight loss is going very steadily at around 1lb per week. Very happy about this. My diet is very stable even with having to account for work ordering door dash like 4 days of the week. Workouts are decent, but I am most likely going to change from a bodybuilding style of working out to a more functional training with compound movements. Spiderman Crawls really show how weak the body is in functional movements like crawling. Big Biceps are nice but i do want to train for agility, and functionality rather then juicy muscles. I believe that switching will be more beneficial in the long term. The six pack will come along with this style of training.
Master said:
Looking good on that photo man!
I havent got into calculating all my calories yet, I think I should really get into it.
Do you have a link to that couch to 10k training, I would like to take a look at it
Thanks! its great to finally see some results in pics.
You seem to be making consistent progress on your weight loss so your eating habits and calorie intake are most likely fine. Counting calories just helps me know how much to eat mostly for portion control. A lot of what i track is guesswork since its hard to calculate how many calories some items are. But u get a feel for it after a while.
I use the Zenlabs app on my phone for the Couch to 10k program. Not sure if you have apple or android but here's a link to the google play store app so u can see what to look for.

Adam Appreciate the input! Always looking for healthy low calorie alternatives. I'm a fan of chipotle, since they list how much calories are per meal. Makes things nice.
Sunday 5/9/2021

Morning Weight - 180.9

Breakfast- Oatmeal 460cal
Lunch - N/A
Dinner - Chirashi Don 650cal
Snacks - Creme puff, snicker doodle cookie, Carmal rice cakes, Brownie 1015
Total - 2125 Cal

Rest day/ Cheat day


Total Steps for the Day -3946

Monday 5/10/2021

Morning Weight - 180.9

Breakfast- Oatmeal 460cal
Lunch - Oolong Milk Tea and Popcorn Chicken 536cal
Dinner - Chicken Curry 630cal
Total - 1549cal

30 Burpees
Trap Bar Clean and Press 80x10 - 80x10 - 80x10
Overhead Shoulder Extension - 15x10 - 15x101 - 15x10
Cable Punch Out - 35x10 - 35x12 - 45x10
Hollow Hold - 30sec - 30sec
DragonFly Crunch - 10 - 10 - 10
Elephant Walk Stretch 10 - 10 - 10

Total Steps for the Day

Tuesday 5/11/2021

Morning Weight - 181.4

Breakfast- Oatmeal ? 440
Lunch - Protein Shake 340cal
Dinner - Chipotle Burrito Bowl 814
Snacks -
Total - 1600?

Week 5 day 2 column 3 of 100 Pushup Challenge
19 - 19 - 22 - 22 - 18 - 18 - (20 - 10 -15)
Last set of 45 was super hard, had to pause to do the full reps.

Couch to 10k week 8 day 1 - 3.1 total miles ran - 465cal burned
5min warmup walk - 28min run (or 2.75 miles) - 5 min cooldown walk
I actually ran a full 5k! I think i did it at around 27min. My app said I had 1 min left as I passed the 3 mile mark. Fuckin sick! Haven't ran a 5k in probably 2 or 3 years. Feels good to be back where I was.

Total Steps for the Day - 13374

Wednesday 5/12/2021

Morning Weight - 180.3

Breakfast- Chocolate Oatmeal 440cal
Lunch - Protein Shake 340
Dinner - Burmese Spicy Chicken Noodle 713
Snacks -
Total - 1523cal

Squats - 95x10 - 135x10 - 155x5 - 175x5 - 195x5(PR)
Incline Bench - 95x10 - 115x10 - 125x10(PR)
Chainsaw Row - 40x12 - 40x12 - 50x12
Dips - 15 - 15 - 15

Squats took like 30 min. Idk if i was spending too long on this or not but it didnt allow me to work out for very much longer before i had to go do stuff.

Total Steps for the Day - 12530

Thursday 5/13/2021

Morning Weight - 180.3

Breakfast- Chocolate Oatmeal 440cal
Lunch - Protein Shake 360cal
Dinner - Ikes Sandwich 810cal
Snacks - 3x Bakalava, carmel apple lollipop 543cal
Total - 2153cal

Week 5 Day 3 Column 3 of 100 Pushup Challenge
20 - 20 - 24 - 24 - 20 - 20 - 22 - 50
I think I cheated myself a bit on the last 70 pushups. I was kind of hinging at the waist for the last 22 pushups. Tried to pushup really fast which caused my form to break a bit. Focused hard on proper form for the last 30 of the 50 pushups. Did "50" without having to get out of pushup position which is a win in my book. I think I've graduated to week 6 finally!

Total Steps for the Day - 14452

Friday 5/14/2021

Morning Weight - 181.4

Breakfast- 2x Crescent rolls/Protein Pancakes 503cal
Lunch - Protein Shake 449cal
Dinner - Chicken Biryani w/ Garlic Naan 585
Total - 1554cal

Couch to 10k week 8 day 2
5min warmup walk - 28min run(~3miles) - 5min cooldown
478.8 cal burned - 3.2 miles total covered

Total Steps for the Day - 11781

Saturday 5/15/2021

Morning Weight - 181.4

Breakfast- Oatmeal 440cal
Lunch - Protein Shake 449cal
Dinner - Biryani Chicken - 593cal
Snacks -
Total - 1482cal

~Rest Day~

Total Steps for the Day

Final Weeks Thoughts

Weekly Average Weight - 180.94

Weight loss has been steady but I am not happy with my eating habits. Several days of the week i went over my calorie maximum and basically for no reason other then lack of will power. i would attribute it to being dehydrated, stressed, or just lazy. Several times i remember eating something extra and just thinking "oh well its just one day of the week. It wont hurt too much" but i did that several times so thats no ok. I think that now that im going to be moved out to my new spot this will probably subside a bit since i wont supply my house with snacks. My mom buys lots of chips, and candy for herself that i end up eating. Ill probably only have frozen fruit or maybe protein ice cream to eat so that should help with the snacking

On the positive I am really close to being 180 on average throughout the week so the weight loss has been going smoothly. Can't look only at the negatives. I've been working out consistently. I ran my first 5k in around 27-28min so thats a major accomplishment. I also am able to do 55 pushups in a row at almost max effort. Probably could have done another 5 to hit 60, but i was not really trying too hard.

Over all it was a so-so week with a lot of improvements to be had. This coming week will really be testing my will power to continue working out as ill have to commute back home to my spot to workout then go from there to work. Been looking into what's called "kaizen" to try and optimize my day. Thinking about ways to not just have driving time be only that. And possibly work on brain or cognative training while driving so that its not just wasted time for commute. There's a lot to improve on, and I'm happy that i am making baby steps towards it.
Sunday 5/16/2021
Morning Weight 180.3

Breakfast - None
Lunch - Ramen/Milk Tea 836cal
Dinner - Philly Cheese Steak 635cal
Snack - More Milk Tea 754Cal
Total 2225cal

28 min Air Bike - 300cal Burned

Week 5 Pushup Test - 55 consecutive pushups (could have squeezed out another 5)

Total Steps Walked - 6221

Today I hung out with friends for a birthday event, and also my other friend just for fun. Lead to some bad eating so I wanted to get back some calories with cardio. Not the best way for a diet but it helps keep the calories somewhat down. Monday will be the start of my stricter adherence. Idk why I've been slippin so much lately.
Monday 5/17/2021
Morning Weight - 179.2

Breakfast - Chocolate Oatmeal 440cal
Lunch - Smoked Turkey Sandwich/ Chips 505
Dinner - Sushi - 1108?
Total - ~2053

Spent most of the day buying stuff for my new apartment.

Total Steps Walked - 12213

Tuesday 5/18/2021
Morning Weight - N/A

Breakfast - Chocolate Oat meal 440cal
Lunch - Protein Shake 449cal
Dinner - Chipotle Burrito Bowl 775cal
Snack - Greek Yogurt and Berries 136 (Why have I not been eating this all my life?! Its so fuckin delicious!)
Total - 1800cal

No workout. Just moved spots and I need to figure out a better way to start a routine.

Total Steps Walked - 14036

Wednesday 5/19/2021
Morning Weight - 178.5

Breakfast - Greek Yogurt w/ Berries and Muesli - 256cal
Lunch - Protein Shake - 449cal
Dinner - Burmese Spicy Chicken Noodles 510?
Snack - Protein Muffin/ Gorl scout cookies - 400cal
Total - 1624cal

Bench Press -

Total Steps Walked - 22623

Thursday 5/20/2021
Morning Weight - 177.8 (New Lowest Weight!)

Breakfast - Greek Yogurt w/ Berries - 144cal
Lunch - Protein Shake 456cal
Dinner - Fat ass bowl of Pho with many beefs - 700cal?
Snack - Carmel Rice Cake - 50cal
Total - 1305cal

Week 6 Column 2 of 100 Pushups
40 - 50 - 25 - 25 - 30(failed) - 10 - 10
Was not able to complete this day in one go. going to have to attempt it again some other time before i move on.

Total Steps Walked -6372

Friday 5/21/21
Morning Weight- 177.3

Breakfast - None
Lunch - Falafel Wrap 700cal?
Dinner - Delhi Style Wrap - 700cal?
Snack - Gulab Jamun (Indian Pancake Balls) + protein Shake 700?
Total - ~2100

Couch to 10k week 8 day 3
5min warmup - 5k (3 miles) - 5min cooldown
My first real attempt at a 5k. Ran it in about 27.30min. Also first time truly doing fasted cardio. Only had black coffee for breakfast. Hydrated semi properly before running so I think that really helped. Run felt really good, after the first mile i got my second wind and was zooming.

Total Steps Walked - 12016
Saturday 5/22/21
Morning Weight -179.3

Breakfast - Yogurt with Berries 150 cal
Lunch - Protein Shake 440
Dinner - Teryaki Chicken with veggies 989
Snack - fancy water 50cal
Total - 1629

Total Steps Walked - 14861
Thoughts on the Week
Average Weeks Weight - 178.3
Somewhat inaccurate since i did not weigh myself one day.

Weight loss has been steady. I'm consistently weighing in under 180 which is very nice. Still getting in the groove of working out since my home gym is now a 40 min drive away, but im making it work the best i can. Even though my diet majorly slipped this week i got back on track eventually. Just have to have it be a one off kind of thing cuz i was hanging with friends.
Sunday 5/23/2021
Morning Weight 175.5 (Definitely dehydrated from drinking all night on saturday)

Breakfast -N/A
Lunch -Eggs, turkey bacon, Veggies 257cal
Dinner - Beef Sticks, rice, veggies 1000?
Snack -
Total - 1257 ( seems kind of low, but I didn't eat breakfast cuz i was Hella hungover)


Total Steps for the Day - 8012
Monday 5/24/2021
Morning Weight -177.3

Breakfast -Yogurt, berries, Muesli 271cal
Lunch -Ikea Meatballs 470cal
Dinner - Burger 795cal
Snack - Rice cakes, Yogurt Berries 401
Total -1937

Workout: week 6 day 1 of 100 pushup challenge
45(did 5 extra) - 50 - 25 - 25 - 40(+10)
Had to stop at 40 on the last set. Gettin real close to finishing this day and moving on!

Total Steps for the Day -8304
Tuesday 5/25/2021
Morning Weight - 175.5

Breakfast - Peanut butter protein pancakes 313
Lunch -protein Shake 449cal
Dinner -Boneless wings/ Taco 996cal
Snack - 2 teaspoons of sugar 30cal
Total - 1789

Supinated Dumbbell Curl 15x15 - 15x15 - 20x15
Overhead Tricep Extension - 20x15 - 20x15 - 25x15
Chicken Wings 10x15 - 10x15 - 15x15
Dumbbell Hack Squat 15x10 - 15x10 - 15x10
100 slow high Knees
leg lifts 20 - 20 - 20
Experimenting on trying workouts with only 2 15 lb adjustable dumbbells'. Since I cant workout at my home gym anymore as often. Got a 25lb kettle bell coming in the mail.

Total Steps for the Day -19206
Wednesday 5/26/2021
Morning Weight -176.2

Breakfast - Protein Pancakes 313cal
Lunch - Protein Shake 449cal
Dinner -Pad Thai and Naan 770cal
Snack -Protein Ice-cream 92cal
Total - 1624


Total Steps for the Day -19242
Thursday 5/27/2021
Morning Weight -175.5

Breakfast - Yogurt with berries and Muesli 271cal
Lunch -Falafel Wrap 630cal
Dinner -BBQ pork over Noodles 477cal?
Snack -Protein Shake and Lemonade 579
Total -1957cal

20 burpee Warmup
Deadlift 175x10 - 185x10 - 215x5 - 255x5 - 275x1 - 285x1 - 295x1 - 300x1
Farmers Walks 45lbsx50 steps - 55lbsx50steps - 55lbsx50steps
Chainsaw rows - 55x15 - 65x16 - 65x15
100 high knees

Total Steps for the Day -6117
Friday 5/28/2021
Morning Weight -176.2

Breakfast - Chocolate Oatmeal 529cal
Lunch -Protein Shake 449cal
Dinner -Chicken Tikka Masala, Rice, Naan
Snack -Kombucha 80cal
Total -

Workout: N/A

Total Steps for the Day -9490
Saturday 5/29/2021
Morning Weight -175.5

Breakfast -Choco Oatmeal 529cal
Lunch -Protein Shake 449
Dinner - Chicken Rice Veggies 873
Snack -Kombucha 60
Late night drinks - 3
Total -1851 + Drinks

Workout: N/A

Total Steps for the Day -15989
Weeks Thoughts

Weeks Average Weight -175.9

Still happy with the rate I'm losing weight. Going to still cut to 165 and see how I look then. Not having too much trouble losing weight while thinking about eating slightly more. So my new weekly average is between 1800-1900.

Progress in the gym has been slowing down. The log doesn't reflect how much I worked out but on some of the days that have no info I did workout. I need to try harder to do something most day. At at lease go back to my home gym like 2 times a week minimum. Either wake up earlier and work out longer or go more often for less time. Picked up a kettle bell so hopefully I can supplement some workouts with that.
PK47 said:
Awesome stuff! You've been losing at a good rate over the past month. Keep it up! How tall are you? I don't think I saw it anywhere in the posts, but I could just be missing it.
Thanks! I'm pretty happy with how consistently I've been losing weight, nothing really too drastic. I'm 5'10"
Sunday 5/30/2021
Morning Weight:175.1

Breakfast - French Toast 316cal
Lunch - Asian Salad 340cal
Dinner - Pork Vermicelli Bowl 500
Snack - Protein Ice pops/ BBQ chips 219
Total - 1375

Rock Climbing!
Oh man is it good to go back. Just under 2 hours in the gym. Did a v5 on my first day back. Forearm pumps are real!

100 Pushup Challenge
40 - 50 - 25 - 25 - 50
Kind of feel like i cheated a bit to do this day, but i completed it. Like i switched between wide and narrow pushups between sets and took some 1 second pauses during the sets. W/E ima move on since ive been stuck here for so long. Lets see how I do next day

Total Steps for the Day - 10348

Monday 5/21/2021
Morning Weight: 175.1

Breakfast - Black Coffee
Lunch - katsu Sandwich/Onigiri 623
Dinner -Chicken Curry Over Rice 644?
Snack - Way too many 696
Total - 1963 - maybe even more. may be under estimating dinner

Trying out some shit in my appt with only a kettle bell
Clean and press - 25x15 - 25x15 - 25x15
Bent over row - 25x15 - 25x15 - 25x15
Kettle Bell Swings - 25x15 - 25x15 - 25x15
Goblet Squat - 25x15 - 25x15 - 25x15
Russian Twists 25x20 - 25x20 - 25x20

Total Steps for the Day 14235

Tuesday 6/1/2021
Morning Weight: 175.6

Breakfast - Chocolate Oatmeal 359cal
Lunch - Protein Shake 439cal
Dinner - Chipotle Burrito Bowl 750cal
Snack - Lemon Heads 90cal
Total - 1638

Day 6 Week 2 Column 2 100 Pushup Challenge
20 - 20 - 23 - 23 - 20 - 20 - 18 - 18 - 53
Holy fuck was that last set hard. Basically did 10 - 1sec rest - 10 - rest repeat till 53. Did it but man it was a slog for the last 20 pushups

Total Steps for the Day

Wednesday 6/2/2021
Morning Weight: 173.8

Breakfast - Oatmeal 440
Lunch - Protein shake 449
Dinner -Pad Thai w/ Rice 698
Snack - Kombucha 60
Total - 1647

Total 3 miles Walked/Jogged

Total Steps for the Day
Ankles were fucked at the end of the day

Thursday 6/3/2021
Morning Weight:173.8

Breakfast - Oatmeal 440
Lunch - Protein Shake 449
Dinner - Pork vermicelli Bowl 500
Snack - Vietnamese coffee + mandarin Orange 153
Total - 1549

Pushup Challenge day 6 part 3
22 - 22 - 30 - 30 - 25 - 25 - 18 - 18 - 55

Total Steps for the Day

Friday 6/4/2021
Morning Weight: 173.8

Food- Probably somewhere around 1600cal

Workout: N/A

Total Steps for the Day - 15785

Saturday 6/5/2021
Morning Weight:171.5

Food - 1409? Seems low but maybe i just didn't feel that hungry today?

Workout: N/A

Total Steps for the Day - 18025

Thoughts on the week

Average weight for the week 174.1.
Almost 2 lbs this week?

Weight loss is going great. Almost at my 170 Goal. On to 165.
Pushup Program is almost completed. Going to attempt the 100 in a row finisher. if i dont complete it. Ill start week 6 over.

Weight loss log is kind of time consuming. Ill probably condense the information.