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Tony's AA program


Jul 31, 2021
Day 5

This afternoon I restarter this program, it was on pause because of my anxiety which resulted in me coming up with excuses for not wanting to do the exercises. Because we went into lockdown we weren’t allowed to leave the house only for essential activities. Anyway I walk towards a park and when i said i was going to start asking women for the time i did it without any anxiety and it was really easy. But as i continued to walk towards the city I planned to ask 5 women but found it much harder because there were lots of people around. I felt as though people were watching even though i know that no one cares. I eventually did the 5 approaches i even had one girl straight up ignore me and kept walking at first i was like wtf what a bitch but then I got over it.
Day 6

I asked girls for the time with ease, but for the time and direction but told myself that asking for the time, direction then asking if they’d been there was unnatural and weird i told myself this. And didn’t end up doing it. I look back now while reflecting on the day and realise that it was an excuse and the whole point of this is to become socially free. And not care if it make sense or not i shouldn’t care.

Next day

I again failed to ask the last third of the question “have you been there”. I was meeting a friend for a walk and on the way to meet him i asked 5 girls for the time. I had no issues asking for the time and felt that today was going to be a good day. I met my friend and he had a haircut at 2pm i waited around and while he was getting his haircut i went out to do the rest of the exercises. I did the approaches on a main road with lots of shops and cafes. The footpath was tight and struggled to ask for the time and directions. Mainly because it was a different situation as i did my other exercises in the city and shopping centres. I asked 5 girls for the time and directions after a while and got it done. However once again I struggled to ask for the time, directions and question “have you been there”. I tried to do it but really really struggled. I eventually asked one girl but only one. I will go out tomorrow and do the exercises again.