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Troubles being consistent with AA program


Sep 28, 2021
Hey guys.

So to keep it short, I've started the AA program twice, I've got until day 8, and then I completely stop.

I feel so bad for not being able to do the 4th rep of that day. I feel like I'm a failure. I feel disappointed and guilty for being a pussy. I start thinking I'm going to stay like this forever. These awful sensations make me procrastinate a lot until several days have passed and I've done absolutely nothing. Even asking for the time becomes really difficult, it feels like I haven't made any progress. I keep repeating to myself it's not a big deal, that I've already done it, but when the moment comes, I simply let girls pass by.

Also, I know I should ignore this, but the impression that I'm bothering people really discourages me to continue. I still take action, but I'm trying to make this more enjoyable and not torture every time I go out.

I'm asking because it's been two times the same thing has happened. I really need some insights on how to continue and be consistent. I've been stuck in week 1 for 2 months and it's driving me crazy.
Don't ask for a magic answer and just do it.

It's not a nice answer.
But it's the ONLY answer.

You wanna do something. You gotta go and do it.

AA program isnt supposed to be easy.
Everyone struggles with it at some point.

I felt like puking on some days to give you context.

Majority of people give up on the program. Pretty much everyone.

So you have to make that decision if you wanna be a statistic or not.
Dude you can do it. Your'e a human being with a nervous system of course you'll be nervous - I would be worried if you weren't. I wish when I was your age that I had the AA program. I'm about to do day 40 and even if I stopped today I already feel it has helped me immensely. You're not trying to fuck these girls. It's silly simple stuff like asking for the time. Just imagine all the possibilities the world has in store for you if you finish the program now as opposed to 3, 5, 9 or even 13 years later. I knew about pickup when I was your age but had resigned myself to being a virgin thinking that well I went out once and I guess it's not really for me. As proud of the path my weird and meandering life has taken consider yourself BLESSED to have the AA program now. It's the perfect time to have it. I'm rambling at this point but in conclusion I'm more of a carrot over stick kinda guy. Envision a dream of the life you wanna live: maybe it's get one girl, have multiple open girlfriends, maybe its something simple like you just wanna have fun dates. Live in that dream. Now create a nightmare a world where you are consumed by fear and never finish the AA program. You look back in your thirties at a string of broken relationships and random hookups that you could maybe count on one hand if you're lucky. That's even just a flavor of what it could be we both know how far down the rabbit hole into inceldom really can go.

I'm so proud of you for how far you have come and even remember you losing your virginity a few weeks ago. Just keep that good energy up dude. I believe in you. That's why this forum is here to help people achieve their goals through small measurable, actionable progress. You just gotta remember at the end of the day it's all on you and nobody else. You got this.