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Trying to start my own business

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May 19, 2023

What’s up bros. I’m here looking advice and guidance.

Recently I’ve been flat on my ass broke and stuck in my room all day. Not able to find a job I tried looking to crypto to make some money and build something for my self. This failed miserably, ended up getting hacked a losing absolutely everything.

At this point I came in contact on telegram with a motivational character sent from the heavens who told me grab my life by its balls and go and get what I want. Luckily when I asked this individual to borrow money he told me to show some initiative. He gave me the idea of starting my own cleaning business, breaking out of my shell and working hard for my money.

The problem at this point is I’m flat broke and I’m looking here for some help to start me up on my journey. I’ll do whatever it take to make this money. I need to buy equipment and with this I’ll be able to get my journey going. This will be life changing for me so any help will be greatly appreciated I’m on the path to glory and I’m just one step away. EVEN ANY IDEAS OR ADVICE WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED ALSO
Dxnny211 said:

What’s up bros. I’m here looking advice and guidance.

Recently I’ve been flat on my ass broke and stuck in my room all day. Not able to find a job I tried looking to crypto to make some money and build something for my self. This failed miserably, ended up getting hacked a losing absolutely everything.

At this point I came in contact on telegram with a motivational character sent from the heavens who told me grab my life by its balls and go and get what I want. Luckily when I asked this individual to borrow money he told me to show some initiative. He gave me the idea of starting my own cleaning business, breaking out of my shell and working hard for my money.

The problem at this point is I’m flat broke and I’m looking here for some help to start me up on my journey. I’ll do whatever it take to make this money. I need to buy equipment and with this I’ll be able to get my journey going. This will be life changing for me so any help will be greatly appreciated I’m on the path to glory and I’m just one step away. EVEN ANY IDEAS OR ADVICE WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED ALSO

Hey dude,

Get the avatar uploaded ASAP, and follow the other sign up instructions.

At this point I came in contact on telegram with a motivational character sent from the heavens who told me grab my life by its balls and go and get what I want.

This sounds insanely scammy & I am super sceptical. Just making you aware of that. Your choice, you're an adult and it's your life, but when someone promises you the world like that, it should set off alarm bells.

Business & making money is a hard game and there is no getting around that. It's a huge ammount of work.

The problem at this point is I’m flat broke and I’m looking here for some help to start me up on my journey. I’ll do whatever it take to make this money.

The answer is blindingly obvious.

Go out and get a job. Provide value to the world. In exchange for your labour, you'll be paid. You can go make that happen. There's a lot you can do. Hell, take things you don't want/need, sell them online. Andy has a article on this, check it out.

Next steps:

Start a progress log. Outline your goal, which is to start a business. Your first step is to make enough money to do that - so your progress log should be focused on getting a job.

We do not do theoretical discussion here, We start progress logs, we outline our goals clearly and with practical action steps, and we get to work.

Locking this thread. Make a progress log, and post your actual work & actions in there, as well as any questions you may have.

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