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Jan 19, 2021

I will drop all my best knowledge on this issue here, including my theories on what kills sex drive, and how to optimise it.

This is a "mega thread" so you can talk as much as you want about this theme!

All good

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Tagging someone who may need it right now Terminator




Why Circadian Biology?




Why Redox Potential?


When your body begins to lose electrons, you will begin to lose function. One of the first things that goes, is erection and libido.

Why Cold Thermogenesis?

[Will complete this section]

NOTES: Work in progress.

Dropping some advice I left Pancake awhile back. Some of it was specific to his situation, but its generalizable.

So here are a few suggestions, in the order I would address them:

1. Biology

If you're T is high, and you're having erotic dreams (I'm assuming you're also getting erections during sleep?), plus you've been biohacking and such, things are probably working well here.

I'd recommend looking into adding a supplement or two to get a slight increase in libido. I take tongat ali and fadogia agrestis for a T boost, but they also have a side effect of raising libido. I also eat oysters almost daily. If I'm having sex two or three days in a row, I will also take red ginseng on those subsequent days. Some swear by maca but its never really done much for me.

I know you're smart and read the studies. Find a few that may work for you. Introduce them one at a time.

2. Psychology

I think this category is more pertinent to you.

When we are turned on there is the outside stimulus of the woman and her attributes, which we have no control over. Then there is the internal stimulus of the feeling or emotion, which we have more control over.

If you understand your own internal triggers for eroticism, you can begin to manufacture arousal by creating situations that evoke those feelings or emotions.

My advice would be to start journaling your erotic dreams. By the act of journaling, you probably start having more, more often. I would also think back to your absolute favorite lays and sexual experiences. Journal those too. Then, pull out patterns and themes to what make these so erotic for you. Paticuraly, you are looking for triggers: the environment, attributes about the girl, sexual acts, but most importantly the feeling or emotion it invokes.

For example, if I have some combination of the feeling the following:
  • Naughty
  • Desired
  • Appreciated
  • Primal
  • Respected
  • Worshiped

...I will feel more arousal. Feeling naughty, like something is very taboo and "we shouldn't be doing it" is very erotic for me. So if I'm with a girl that maybe she's attractive enough to have sex with but does not necessarily get the arousal going on its own, I can manufacture more arousal for myself by making the situation with her "naughty". Hence my enjoyment of certain kinks. You have control of that side. You don't have control of the girl.

A couple resources that may help:
  • Directly help - The Erotic Mind: Unlocking the Inner Sources of Passion and Fulfillment
  • Indirectly help - How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain

3. Environment

Emily Nagoski has a great concept of brakes and accelerants to your arousal. Brakes make it hard for you to be aroused, accelerants make it super easy. Unfortunately, sounds like NYC and its girls are metric ton brake on your arousal. Your swimming in an environment of hyper masculine women when you desire hyper feminine ones.

Additionally, I know you said your life does not have too much stress. However, having visited NYC a couple times, the entire vibe of the city seems to be everyone is running constant levels of stress. It's normal for them to feel raised level of cortisol constantly. I'd be interested to know what your levels of cortisol are on a day to day basis. Regardless, stress is also a major brake.

inb4 just move bro...

I get your goals. So let's see if we can make it work where you are.

This is purely a speculative suggestion, but maybe having a plate, who was very feminine and you had sex every couple weeks could help. It would give you a physical touch point to your arousal every couple weeks and remind you of what that feels like. If you've not had sex in a couple months (and probably longer with the 1% type woman that really arouses you) then you're probably pretty out of touch with that. The psychology exercise above will help, but we all know its not the same as having it in the flesh. I say every 2 weeks, rather than every week, to keep your edge of wanting to go out hunting. Then when you are out approaching, before and during a set, you can use the mental setpoint of experiences with this woman and evoking the feelings from the psychology section above.

Really, you need to find a two ton accelerant to overcome the one ton brake of NYC. Recommend reading Come As You Are: Revised and Updated: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life.
Another case study for earthing & restoring proper erection performance, my client, Olaf:


He came to do in person work with me for a weekend here in Budapest, saw the sunrise, sunset, did biological work through sauna, earthing/grounding, and consumed a hearty amount of DHA.

Literally proof before your eyes.

And yet, you gloss over my ideas, because of your big egos, and you think you know more than me after I've studied human performance for 14 years.

Wake up guys.

To get what you've never had before, you will have to do things you've not done.

For those I can wake up and help self-actualise, I am a dedicated, compassionate and extremely patient coach. But you guys need to be more open minded, like Olaf.

Bman said:
I'd recommend looking into adding a supplement or two to get a slight increase in libido. I take tongat ali and fadogia agrestis for a T boost, but they also have a side effect of raising libido. I also eat oysters almost daily. If I'm having sex two or three days in a row, I will also take red ginseng on those subsequent days. Some swear by maca but its never really done much for me.

So you have good experiences with tongat ali and fadogia? Red ginseng rather for libido or erection?

I took maca a few years ago and it really boosted my libido, on some days even way too much haha. I'm currently taking it again, peruvian black maca 3000mg. I'll report back here after a while to see if it works. It feels like it does, but give me another 1-2 weeks, I've only just started.
Vamos said:
So you have good experiences with tongat ali and fadogia?

I've taken Tongat Ali and Fadogia Agrestis. Separately, for one month cycles. They are both great for increasing energy levels and productivity. Either one + 9-10 hours of sleep, and I don't feel tired at all throughout the day. Only downside to Fadogia is, sometimes, difficulty focusing visually. I experience a slight pain in my forehead. As far as libido, I didn't experience any boost from them. Taking them simultaneously may do the trick, but I'm skeptical.

Vamos said:
I took maca a few years ago and it really boosted my libido, on some days even way too much haha. I'm currently taking it again, peruvian black maca 3000mg.

I imagine it needs to be taken consistently before you feel the libidinal increase? You won't feel any effect from just taking one?
As someone who's been struggling with ED pains for years now, I don't understand why people focus on "libido".

First off, I think it's important to define libido. I think the best description is a general level of horniness and desire to think about sex repeatedly. To the point it becomes a distraction, and you want to "relieve the pressure".

In general, I've found virtually no use for this "general libido", its annoying and distracting and it makes me want to masturbate...not fuck. Further, I've seen ZERO ZERO ZERO correlation between libido and the ability to get an erection, maintain an erection, or erection quality.

Let me say that again. I've never seen ANY correlation between libido, the ability to get an erection, maintain an erection, or erection quality. NONE. Now if you have some form of negative libido to the extent you have no desire to fuck an attractive woman in front of you, then by all means increase it. I just don't think that's a common problem for most men, barring those who have a huge libido crash after being on no-fap a medium amount of time. I do think Maca increases my libido, but its kinda random how much. Sometimes it does nothing, other times I'm struggling not to masturbate all day.

In terms of the ability to gain get aroused and get an erection quicker, I don't think any supplements have done anything. The only drug that works this way is PT-141. This makes it easier to GET AROUSED by an astronomical amount. If you want to feel what an arousal boost actually feels like, this one is undeniable. You'll also notice how PT-141 has NO EFFECT on your libido. Further cements to me that these have either zero or very low direct correlation.

In terms of erection quality (EQ), meaning how hard you can get, and how long you keep one. I think there are a lot of supplements that do help. Anything and everything related to NO production improves your EQ. L-Citrulline regularly every day, and then in large doses a few hours before go time is similar, but not quite as strong as Viagra/Cialis/Levitra. There's other things too like Beet root powder and misc junk. Obviously all the standard ED meds too. All of these also increase how long you can stay hard with less stimulation. Cock rings also help with this a significant amount. None of these improve your baseline function, but they do give you a significant short-term boost.

Then you have a suite of supplements and drugs that can boost long-term function. Most of these don't do anything UNLESS you are suffering some sort of malady. They can have insane effects when you are though. Pycnogel, Testosterone, hormone tweaks, Vit D, cholesterol, etc. These work wonders when you have issues in those areas, otherwise they do nothing. You need to get bloodwork done and monitor your progress with further bloodwork to judge these though.

Finally you have some mental state tweakers that improve the quality of sex itself and how you feel, but have very little to do with your dick or arousal. Stuff like booze, weed, and even things like Magnesium, lighting, temperature, music, smells, etc. These are fun to play with and make sex better, but its important you don't ritualize their use, otherwise they become "nocebos" you will feel you require to function.
Akilles7 said:
I imagine it needs to be taken consistently before you feel the libidinal increase? You won't feel any effect from just taking one?

I think it only works if you take it consistently. The only thing that helps relatively quickly is PT 141, you just have to inject it and sneak it in because of the side effects.

I'll let you guys know in two weeks whether Maca still works for me.
I have pt-141 from 2 brands, didn't use it yet the hyperpigmentation side effect is too scary for me. The brand talk about the study in their site where patients who use pt-141 more than 8 times a week got permanent skin darkening. They don't show pictures of the results to not scare people which is unethical marketing on their part. And don't even explain if you can avoid hyperpigmentation by using pt-141 less than 8 times per month
Zug said:
As someone who's been struggling with ED pains for years now, I don't understand why people focus on "libido".

First off, I think it's important to define libido. I think the best description is a general level of horniness and desire to think about sex repeatedly. To the point it becomes a distraction, and you want to "relieve the pressure".

In general, I've found virtually no use for this "general libido", its annoying and distracting and it makes me want to masturbate...not fuck. Further, I've seen ZERO ZERO ZERO correlation between libido and the ability to get an erection, maintain an erection, or erection quality.

THANK YOU. Always hated that term, it's practically meaningless.

I have very low libido but few erectile issues.

I took a shot at making both better and have tried:
- Horny goat weed (no effect)
- Maca (up to 2g for two weeks, no effect)
- Yohimbine (no effect, supposed to be basically a lighter cialis)
- Tongkat Ali (no effect)
- Cistanche (no effect)

Other ideas I wrote down from my notes (numbers are the number of mentions I found in reddit comments)

- Tribulus terrestris - disturbs sleep - take earlier
- Fadogia Agrestis (4) - Unsafe
- Cordyceps Mushroom (3) - It’s the goto herb for sex drive in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
- Agmatine (2)
- Boron (2) - “That shit did a ton for like a week.” (then you need to cycle off)
- Damiana - No studies backing
- Saffron
Thrice said:
I have pt-141 from 2 brands, didn't use it yet the hyperpigmentation side effect is too scary for me. The brand talk about the study in their site where patients who use pt-141 more than 8 times a week got permanent skin darkening. They don't show pictures of the results to not scare people which is unethical marketing on their part. And don't even explain if you can avoid hyperpigmentation by using pt-141 less than 8 times per month

You can't use PT141 8 times a week. It would ruin you. You can use it twice a week, but twice a week every week isn't sustainable either. Also, its hard to use, because you need to take it 2-3 hours before sex for it to really work. It does continue working for like another 15~ hours, but the timing problem is real. It means you have to take it before every date. Which sucks, because you don't want to use it that often. It has side effects that aren't discussed that much. For me it destroys my throat, it will start itching and I can only describe it as a mild necrosis. If I use PT141 repeatedly my throat will continue getting worse and I'll eventually give myself a throat infection.

The day after PT141 use is pretty brutal. You are kind of dead inside and it feels like you're moving through gravy instead of air. This one is beatable with willpower, but it does really give you a feeling of anhedonia. I could see this being a much bigger deal to people with any form of mental illness.

I never had any issues with skin darkening tbh. At least, not that I can notice.

I don't recommend PT-141, at all, unless common ED meds do not work for you at all. It can be fun as a sex drug for an all day threesome or something, but using it as an ED med doesn't make sense long term. I think Trimix is over stigmatized, and honestly it works better and is safer than PT141. If you don't respond to the common pills, you should just get a prescription to Trimix and get an auto injector.
Zug said:
You can't use PT141 8 times a week.

my bad it was 8times per month
Zug said:
I don't recommend PT-141, at all, unless common ED meds do not work for you at all.

i have cialis and it works but my goal is to increase libido not eraction. I miss the day i desired sex more and was more into it before i got ruined by many things
Thrice said:
i have cialis and it works but my goal is to increase libido not eraction.

Explaining what PT141 feels like is difficult. It doesn't give you an erection, at all. You won't have a boner walking around the park. It doesn't do anything physically to give you or help you keep an erection. At all.

AFAICT, what it does is lower the stimulus threshold to get aroused. I once got a boner from dog stepping on my dick as it walked across the couch. Again, it doesn't give you any erection, but ANY stimulus is magnified. Once I have an erection, tight boxers or pants are enough stimulus to keep it indefinitely. The tight boxers/pants are the equivalent stimulus to me stroking my dick continuously without PT141.

I don't think it changes the mental stimulus at all. As in I don't think it lowers the threshold to get an erection from erotic thoughts.

It also slightly increases how stimulus feels. This is really hard to describe, but it's something like you feel an 'echo' of the stimulus. Imagine if I tapped you on the shoulder one time and you felt it, then immediately felt a phantom second weaker tap 0.01ms after the original tap. Its something like that. So sex does 'feel' better, but not by a game-changing amount.

Also, since PT141 works completely differently than Cialis etc, you can combine it. However, that is dangerous because it can be really hard to lose the erection after you get and priapism is no joke. You can lose the erection, but it may require going for a run and listening to a podcast about the Holocaust.

Thrice said:
I miss the day i desired sex more and was more into it before i got ruined by many things

I had similar thoughts, but I think this may be fantasy and make believe. I desired porn, not sex. I wanted to orgasm TO porn. Not to orgasm. It was provable to me when I tested what its like to masturbate with zero mental stimulus. Its just not rewarding. It doesn't push your buttons the same way. You want the porn and mental fantasy, not the orgasm. I don't know of any simple method to feel that way about sex. You would have to be capable of getting the most amazing sex and fantasy fulfillment that somehow wasn't available anywhere else.
Zug said:
You want the porn and mental fantasy, not the orgasm.

i dont understand, i simply want higher libido, not porn. i want to fuck girls not jerk off to porn. It's not a fantasy and make believe, i remember the days i had great libido and just looking at girls in the club made me hard, now i need cialis when i'm with a naked girl in bed...
Thrice said:
Zug said:
You want the porn and mental fantasy, not the orgasm.

i dont understand, i simply want higher libido, not porn. i want to fuck girls not jerk off to porn. It's not a fantasy and make believe, i remember the days i had great libido and just looking at girls in the club made me hard, now i need cialis when i'm with a naked girl in bed...

I think the issue here is not understanding reality. Looking at porn, or looking at girls in a club, is a passive act in your brain. Its not engaging with another person. This type of arousal is real, but its of a completely different nature than sex with a human

I don't mean this condescendingly. I didn't realize it myself. There is no comparison between what I experience by myself and what I experience with someone engaging with me directly. They are qualitatively different, and in many ways, someone engaging with me is actually inferior (at least for a long time).

In the modern world, a naked girl in your bed, directly in front of you, for the first time is very likely to generate zero arousal. There's too much of the other person there for you to get aroused. Their presence, realness, and otherness is foreign and overwhelming and pushes out the capacity to get aroused in the way I used to get aroused. First it requires getting desensitized to these new elements, but even after that it requires building an entirely new arousal blueprint. That shit takes a while, and your old arousal pathway that didn't involve actual real people engaging with you is competing with the old one.

Let me give a more clear cut example that can illustrate this. If you filmed a porn of you fucking a girl. Its very likely you would find watching that porn to be more arousing and erotically satisfying than actually fucking her, and you can directly experience how the nature of that arousal is entirely different from the arousal you had from the act of fucking her was.
Zug said:
Let me give a more clear cut example that can illustrate this. If you filmed a porn of you fucking a girl. Its very likely you would find watching that porn to be more arousing and erotically satisfying than actually fucking her, and you can directly experience how the nature of that arousal is entirely different from the arousal you had from the act of fucking her was.

thats true but there's such thing as high libido, in and of itself. I experienced this many times. I used dopamine based stimulants and had very high libido but made me manic. Also think about the libido you had at 16, i'm talking about that. There's nothing philosophical about it. I thinking wanting higher libido is pretty straight forward
Zug said:
I don't mean this condescendingly. I didn't realize it myself. There is no comparison between what I experience by myself and what I experience with someone engaging with me directly. They are qualitatively different, and in many ways, someone engaging with me is actually inferior (at least for a long time).

In the modern world, a naked girl in your bed, directly in front of you, for the first time is very likely to generate zero arousal. There's too much of the other person there for you to get aroused. Their presence, realness, and otherness is foreign and overwhelming and pushes out the capacity to get aroused in the way I used to get aroused. First it requires getting desensitized to these new elements, but even after that it requires building an entirely new arousal blueprint. That shit takes a while, and your old arousal pathway that didn't involve actual real people engaging with you is competing with the old one.
I completely agree with you. I thought I was just weird for being this way, but what you're saying here resonates with me a lot.

The most aroused I've ever been was always alone. I had always chalked this up to only having slept with mediocre looking girls, but even with girls I was strongly attracted to, the arousal never reached the same level. Although I would say in those cases it was more exciting and thrilling than being alone.

And I remember, one time last year, I was sleeping with a new girl, and I started asking myself, "Am I even into girls?" because of how not aroused I felt compared to what I feel when I'm say, jacking off when I'm really horny.

I totally agree that the arousal with someone engaging with me is actually inferior to being alone in the vast majority of cases.

The second part of your comment is also very true, that's the explanation I've never been able to put into words.
Squilliam said:
And I remember, one time last year, I was sleeping with a new girl, and I started asking myself, "Am I even into girls?" because of how not aroused I felt compared to what I feel when I'm say, jacking off when I'm really horny

I think this is totally normal. It definitely gets better, its still getting better for me, nearly every time. Porn is becoming less arousing for me, sex is becoming more arousing. None of my fantasies involved me before, and I couldn't even make them involve me if I tried. Now all my fantasies involve me and real women I've seen. The situations are still ridiculous, but that is a night and day difference.

Also, I realized there is a lot of fake nostalgia for porn. When I really thought about, there were definitely periods of psuedo-ED with porn where everything was boring and I had trouble finishing and was surfing to just find anything arousing. There have been plenty of deeply sub par porn experiences in the past I conveniently never remember, while remembering all the sexual ones.

The latest turning point is finding and developing kinks that you can't get from porn, even if you wanted to. A girl breathing in your ear, or sleeping on your chest, or the kind of look she gives you, or the smells. I do notice I can develop some ritualistic portions to sex now, which might sounds bad, but I think its evidence that this new "arousal path" is getting to the point I can see the trail in the forest easily. Its evidence that I am trailblazing a new path there.

Ultimately, I think porn and fantasy arousal is literally having sex with yourself. The girls you see in person, or on porn, are only really serving as fuel for your imagination. You're jerking off to yourself and getting aroused to yourself, by yourself. Not casting judgement there, but that's just not how sex works. A naked girl in front of you is only arousing in the sense she is getting naked FOR YOU and WITH YOU.

If she is only serving as a fleshlight while you replay porn scenes in your brain, you're not really having sex with her. To the extent you're not having sex with her, you're basically just doing advanced masturbation with a handicap.
Thrice said:
I thinking wanting higher libido is pretty straight forward

The only things that might do this are Maca, Tongkat, and exogenous Testosterone. I don't find the manic state pleasant, but these are the only things I know of that give that sort of feeling. However, they're pretty hit or miss, lots of guys are non responders.