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Unsure if You Should Do the AA Program?

Dustin said:
Yea I'll take a look at it when I have some time.

Really for me though, the AA program is actually pretty pointless right now.

I could theoretically bang some really hot girls in the future, but I will need a full 100% porn reboot first, and to also max my looks as much as possible, and get in extremely good shape, and I'm starting from literally zero on both fronts.

Those two things are higher priorities first.

Then do full AA program. And then just approach tons of them and hit on them in person.

And yes the AA program does actually take alot of energy / time. At least for me. I was doing all my approaches in one go though, if I did them throughout my day just as I got stuff done and also let a day bleed into the next day, say I have 15 approaches to do, I do 7 one day, the other 7 the next for example, then I would definitely have the time.

It's also a stress thing too. Like AA is stressful, doing intense workouts is stressful, etc and I only have so much I can take and even be making progress. Just being in some super stressed state all the time I'm not sure is actually good. Stress is good but there is a balance to it.

Just my thoughts though.

Hey man don't give up. I know it's easy to get discouraged, I feel the same way too a lot of the time and I pussy out a lot lol. But Instead of doing the AA program, I plan to jump right into actual approaches since the drills in there seem to be even more stressful than actual approaches. If I'm gonna stress out I might as well actually be trying to get numbers and stuff haha
Dustin said:
And I still think I am just too ugly to pull hot or even cute girls.

Definitely less attractive girls seem to be really into me though.

i think the same and i think this is called insecurity

HOWEVER, how do you know that less attractive girls are into you ? what gives it away ?

for perspective, the campus i am in has very few people ( and fewer girls ) since its closed due to COVID

and being a dorm resident, i am not allowed to go out of the campus at all due to the lockdown

so tell me, where do you find girls who you can then decipher as being 'into you' ?

I would really love some detailed perpective on this !

P.S : i am a beginner and yet to get a girl to have desire sex with me, so all this feels new and surreal to me !
I started the AA program last year before lockdown shut it down, and I was shocked how it changed my perspective on cold approaching women.

Previously I had the mindset that it was something that only happened in the movies, or that the PUA's that did it had some manipulative pick up lines in order get girls to like them, but after doing the first two weeks, I realized that t was something I could do, and was surprisingly good at.

I'm going to be doing this starting it again next(or possibly this weekend). Hopefully I can smash it before Covid mutates and we all end up back in lockdown.
Yaxir said:
Dustin said:
And I still think I am just too ugly to pull hot or even cute girls.

Definitely less attractive girls seem to be really into me though.

HOWEVER, how do you know that less attractive girls are into you ? what gives it away ?

for perspective, the campus i am in has very few people ( and fewer girls ) since its closed due to COVID

and being a dorm resident, i am not allowed to go out of the campus at all due to the lockdown

so tell me, where do you find girls who you can then decipher as being 'into you' ?

I would really love some detailed perpective on this !

P.S : i am a beginner and yet to get a girl to have desire sex with me, so all this feels new and surreal to me !

What your experiencing right now is a tragedy. Living on a University Campus is the height of opportunity for a good social and sex life, but Covid has stolen this opportunity from a lot of people.

My advice would be to look at your priorities right now. Sex may be difficulty, but getting a smashing grade at university is not. You can work on the sex life when things return to normal.

Regarding how to determine if a girl is into you, I recommend reading up online about ioi (Identifiers of interest) on how to tell if a girl is into you.
Sin Silver said:
Living on a University Campus is the height of opportunity for a good social and sex life

I am not sure if that's the case in Turkey .. like how many girls would be open to casual sex in a country that , has a majority of a certain faith. And i used to belong to that faith so i know a lot about it, but i am slowly trying to adopt a more open minded approach to religion and everything else in life, hence why i tend to be very broad minded

Sin Silver said:
You can work on the sex life when things return to normal.

hence why i remain unsure about this ( it could be due to my insecurities because i never had a girl interested in me, so i suffer from a ton of approach anxiety which i am aiming to discard forever )

but going back to the original question;

Sin Silver said:
Regarding how to determine if a girl is into you, I recommend reading up online about ioi (Identifiers of interest) on how to tell if a girl is into you

any good resources that particularly helped you out in identifying and reading iois in a live interaction with a girl ?

I mean, my understanding is that every woman is different and thus will throw strictly different kinds and types of iois ( girl A might play with her hair, girl B might adjust her dress all the time etc )

so how do you comprehend, when a girl is throwing you an ioi ? and is she consciously aware of it herself ? or is this an subconscious action, even from her own standpoint ?

that's what i stuggle to understand and grasp ..

thanks much for your help !
Yaxir Reading stuff is fine and all, but try not to get caught up in research and never actually apply the knowledge you learn. You can read a million books on how girls react, how to approach and all that stuff. But the real stuff that sticks can be learned from actually approaching. I would even argue that 10 approaches would teach you more then a whole 200page book on approaching. Go out there and make mistakes. Learn how girls respond in real time. Learning how girls respond and how to respond is like Pick up artist bs and doesnt even really relate to real life. Girls are not equations that can be solved with theory crafting.

If you are suffering from AA like you said then doing the program will kill these 2 birds with one stone. You will learn how girls react through the program and you will help with your AA.
Hey guys I'm Chris, brand new here. My main goal is ANNIHILATING approach anxiety once and for all!

I've been following Chris D from, GLL off and on since 2013. Went on my first Bootcamp in March fucked a girl during the day within my first 3 hours and almost pulled on my 3rd approach of the day. Day game is different in Las Vegas I guess.

My goal was to get over approach anxiety, but I guess we don't get what we want haha!

I have looked at the AA program off and on since 2015, while Chris was really building and editing it.

I remember in January 2016, trying to commit to it and then I pussied out!

But with the pandemic and me going to bars and clubs, even though the city I live in Day game is basically non existent. I've decided to commit to this.

My immediate main goal is to get laid or have a 3some on or by my bday in June.

Gives me around 2 weeks or so to get it done.

I usually have a friend that will come with me but his approach anxiety is higher than mine so I end up taking action. Since he's watching and then it kind of becomes a friendly competition that I'm always winning...

I have relied on online dating in the past but, being autistic (not an excuse) makes it really hard to understand and practice and recognize all the sudden nuances, along with text game as well.

Direct game and natural game, makes a lot more sense to me. Because of the UPFRONT, HONEST, AUTHENTIC, mentality. B ut the social pressure and fear of rejection is a lot higher. MODE ONE and Badboy lifestyles comes to mind😈

High risks, High rewards no doubt.

I'll do my best to start this AA program as fast as possible, just don't know how I can do it during the day, maybe grocery stores and the mall. I don't have any walking areas where people are just coming and going.

Thanks for reading💯👁