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Using Andy's Tinder guide when totally blind?


Feb 9, 2022
Andy's Tinder guides make a lot of sense to me!
However, I'm totally blind, and as you can imagine, the picture-centricity of the dating apps poses some serious issues for me. Physical attractiveness is heavily based on voice for me, so I heavily rely on the "see who likes you" feature and I'm going to need an audio message/sample to do the "boner test" as it were. (one big plus: Hinge allows uploading a voice prompt with your profile, which definitely helps – I wish it were mandatory!)
Might anyone have any suggested modifications to Andy's messaging templates to take my situation into account? Obviously starting out with "you're sexy" only to later hear her voice and find out there's absolutely no attraction doesn't seem like a good time for either of us!
Yeah I agree with jackBruh read some of ThePhoenix's log. Still useful for you even if he isnt around rn

I dont know what your experience level is but ThePhoenix had a couple of lays under his belt