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Visiting Other City For AA Program


Feb 8, 2022
I'm moving up in assignments in the AA program but looking ahead, I can see some of them are quite ridiculous and embarrassing. Given that I live in a small city with very few places to practice and the ones that do exist are small, I'm considering driving an hour to a large distant city to complete assimgnets.

What are your thoughts? Has anyone done this?
I highly recommend it. Also I would say to do multiple days. So if you go on Saturday you could do 3-4 days worth of drills. You'll have to build up to it of course but it's worth while for sure. In smaller cities half the battle is just finding girls. In bigger cities there are girls everywhere.
Jacobpalmer123 said:
I highly recommend it. Also I would say to do multiple days. So if you go on Saturday you could do 3-4 days worth of drills. You'll have to build up to it of course but it's worth while for sure. In smaller cities half the battle is just finding girls. In bigger cities there are girls everywhere.

Do multiple days worth of drills in one day? Does that stunt progress in some way?
Well if you only go to the big city once a week it will take AWHILE to get through the drills. If you're going to the big city every day that's a different story. What makes the program good is the ability to continually progress day by day. If you're going once a week I would try to do multiple days especially early on since the drills are pretty easy. Later on of course they get longer and harder in which case 1 would be enough.

How far away is this city from you?
Any college campuses near you? Those would always be perfect for finding huge volume of women during the week.
Sorry, wasn't getting notifications.
The city is a 1h drive so definitely once a week. And there are college campuses but by the time I get off work, they're all closed and it's dark out. In a few weeks my employment situation will improve so I'll have a lot more freedom in when and where I work.

I'll probably try hitting the campuses locally and going to the city for the really hard challenges.

Also, Jacobpalmer123, love the fucking motto dude
All progress depends on the unreasonable man
Being on the path is lonely and at times feels absurd; after all, no one else I know is doing what we do. If they knew, they'd see me as, unreasonable, strange, and a try-hard. But then again, they are the ones masturbating alone on Saturday night and binge drinking, becoming attached to the one or two girls they fuck a year, and having their life waste away in medocricy. Keep at it man
Hey bro I’ve been doing this exact same thing pretty much for every drill, driving at least 1 hour to a mall that has more girls and more attractive girls. Yes it’s a lot of gas and money but it is worth it to do the drills on places that have high volume especially when you embarrass yourself, which means you’ll embarrass yourself in front of hundreds of people in the mall.
ninjaboynaru said:
What are your thoughts? Has anyone done this?

Yup. I did this on the ones I felt especially embarassed about.

Only on maybe like 3 or 4 days I went to a different city and did them. It wasn't very much.