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Want feedback for session 0 photoshoot

Sep 16, 2020
Monetary Freedom
Life is meant to be lived, not just survived
Vayere said:
Hey guys, I'll be short and straight to the point :

Followed the Tinder photo guide, but I still have to apply some principles to get proper photos, I did the equivalent of a pre-photoshoot which is just basically taking photos to test out the quality of the camera and want to get some truthful and honest feedback for it.

I don't know if the photos themselves looks good but I know for sure that they can't really be used for a dating profile (the poses, outfits, and setting sucks but my main focus was to test out the camera)

The other "problem" is that I have a skinny frame (currently bulking and going to the gym to fix that asap) thus with being bald it's really a great (horrible) combo and I'd like to get some advice about how to counter that and have a more masculine output.

Yo for a first photoshoot these are damn good.

I have some minor critiques but this being your first time trying this you've either got some natural talent or you've already photographed others and are just transferring the skill. I can tell you know how to frame yourself, expose well, and your sense of what angle would look good is on point (which is rare in non-photographers.)

Main critique is your posing looks slightly posed. Your hand in your pocket is at an awkward angle... it's almost like you're pushing your hand into your jacket and lifting it up a bit... it looks stiff. Try to keep it relaxed and not tense.

Also in your first photo looking at the painting it's cropped a bit too narrow. I'd put the camera a little further back to get more space on either side of you.

These are minor critiques though, I like these photos, man. Keep this going. If this is truly your first time taking photos of yourself I'm very impressed.

As for how to counter a slender frame, there are a couple avenues.

1) Add accessories (bracelets, chains, rings etc.)

2) Go further into the urban artist vibe. Find an instagram of a male model that has a slender frame and an urban artist vibe and copy his style and accessories.

Also are you in Denver? I did a shoot there last year... the street locations seem similar to an area of Denver we took photos at.