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Water Fasting


Aug 23, 2021
Has anyone here tried water fasting? I'm going to do a 3 day fast and see how many pounds of fat I can lose. Then I'll move on to trying a 1 meal a day keto diet if I can't stand the hunger anymore.
You will not lose pounds of fat doing a water fast. You will lose water weight and muscle glycogen.

Losing fat is about one thing: maintaining a caloric deficit.

Not over 3 days.

Not over 3 weeks.

Over months and years.

Fasts, keto, etc. are essentially gimmicks and tricks to help people get to a caloric deficit*.

If they work for you - great. However, longer term, most people have luck with what is (socially) sustainable for fat loss, an omnivorous diet consisting of a balanced macronutrient ratio and around three meals a day.

*Note that some people seem to respond a bit better to keto... but the difference is not huge and it's hard to tell if this is even you.
pancakemouse said:
Fasts, keto, etc. are essentially gimmicks and tricks to help people get to a caloric deficit*.

Intermittent fasting was what I needed to finally get to the leanest I've ever been, so gimmick or not, it worked great for me.
The main downside that I remember is that I tended to feel pretty stuffed after dinner, simply because that would be my biggest meal of the day.

But to answer ops question: No I have not tried it but I'm generally pro-fasting. Water fasting will get you down in weight sure, but if I were you I wouldn't start with a three day fast straight off the bat.
Basically what H2F and pancake said. 24 dry fast a once week would get you better results and is easier. You can add IF to if you like. You don't get hungry as much as water fasts. Just make sure you take minerals and vitamins the day before so you don't get headaches. If you do put some Himalayan pink salt on your tongue.

Dry fasts will shrink your stomach at first, break it on fluids if you don't want to give yourself a stomach ache.
AmericanAndy said:
Has anyone here tried water fasting? I'm going to do a 3 day fast and see how many pounds of fat I can lose. Then I'll move on to trying a 1 meal a day keto diet if I can't stand the hunger anymore.

Yes I have. I have a lot of experience with fasting, IF, and Keto.

I have done a 5 day fast at least twice. A handful of 3 day fasts here and there.
Long run sustainability I don't know your level of fasting so if this is a first time thing I suggest ease into it the opposite way you are intending.
Do the keto diet, IF, and then slowly extend your fasting window to a 3 day fast.

However if you are dead set on doing it I highly recommend getting the salt you need via a bone broth. You're gonna expel your electrolytes. When I was doing Keto I would drink powerade zero. Also when you're eating on keto the foods you eat help like avocado or spinach for the potassium. Also drink spring water as it has naturally occurring electrolytes from the earth. Fiji is my favorite but it's expensive, just get a couple gallon jugs from the store.

If you can't get a boner stop fasting. This means your testosterone is dropping. Not what is wanted. Boner still there your'e good. On day 3 of my first 5 day fast I fucked someone in my car I was living in at the time. Then on day 5 I ate at a steakhouse then fucked her by the taco bell that's on the beach in Pacifica. Good times lol.

Psychologically fasting is a real mind fuck if you've never done it before. Be ready for your head to be in a different place. It's not bad and in a weird way kind of a relief to have a break from the constant thoughts of where food next.

I personally don't really fast that much anymore. Maybe once a year I'll do a 36-48hr fast. I just don't have the stamina for it like I used to. Also I'm on a regular diet of just maintaining my protein and watching my total calories. Keto is in a weird hormonal category for me where I would eat 3-4k calories a day and still lose weight. It was good for me at the time but not what I needed very long term. I did keto like a 1.5 years and then 3 months in the pandemic to help take off some drinking weight. Now I just eat normally, with cheat days, and do a 16:8 IF. It's not the fastest weight loss in the world but it works for me. Let me know if you have any more questions.
fasting is lit, especially if you do it all the time

look up cole robinson snake diet on youtube

I did
2020 - 218 pounds
2021 - 200 most of the year (stopped fasting)
2022 - 200 at the start of april

180 now (started fasting again)
So far, the most consistent way for me to lose fat is 2 meals/day. Doing 40 minutes on the stairmaster 6/7 days a week. I burn about 500 calories every session. Also doing weightlifting 3 times a week. This past month I burned around 4 pounds of fat. I'm going to keep going with this consistency until I see abs. Then change up the diet more later to start building more muscle. Just seeing the scale move helps me know I'm on track. Many years ago I had no idea what I was doing.

Also I will try out that bone broth idea for electrolytes. Every session of cardio I finish out looking like I was at a waterpark or humid jungle. Losing a lot of water.
AmericanAndy said:
This past month I burned around 4 pounds of fat. I'm going to keep going with this consistency until I see abs. Then change up the diet more later to start building more muscle

What's your diet like, and how do you keep track of how much fat you've burned vs overall body weight?
Idk what kind of shape you are in at the moment, but you also need to have some muscle definition for your abs to show up when your bf% lowers.

Gotta admit that 40minutes on the stairmaster 7 days a week don't appeal to me. Been working on getting 2x LISS fasted cardio sessions in on my off days from lifting, burning around 300kcal extra that day.
Hard2Focus said:
AmericanAndy said:
This past month I burned around 4 pounds of fat. I'm going to keep going with this consistency until I see abs. Then change up the diet more later to start building more muscle

What's your diet like, and how do you keep track of how much fat you've burned vs overall body weight?
Idk what kind of shape you are in at the moment, but you also need to have some muscle definition for your abs to show up when your bf% lowers.

Gotta admit that 40minutes on the stairmaster 7 days a week don't appeal to me. Been working on getting 2x LISS fasted cardio sessions in on my off days from lifting, burning around 300kcal extra that day.

It's easier to be consistent on stairmaster because I won't get foot blisters compared to running. I get a spreadsheet then calculate my BMR along with calories from food. After two meals I have between 500 to 900 calories deficit per day. I eat eggs and beef everyday. Last year I was building muscle and went up to 215lbs. This year I'm cutting all that. So there is muscle there.