We have Liftoff


May 7, 2021
I fell, and I’m going to get back up. This will be my progress log.

Cut from 230 to 190 by end of January.
Stick to my diet and workout routine with some modifications for my new schedule.
Completely stop my porn dependency.

I worked on my car and a buddies car all day. Hardly ate, and I got my home gym cleaned up and ready for use. Zero porn was consumed, although the thought did cross my mind. In reflection that small win feels great, I did something I could do for months. Let’s keep building on it. Total calories consumed are at ~1200 but not enough protein. I’m ready to take this week by the horns.

Good day, work and school. Got further in the easypeasy method, kind of surprised they say to continue porn until you finish the book. Too busy today to do that anyway. Got my meal plan on paper and tweaking it for what I need now.
Porn is hard to quit guys. When it’s part of your daily routine it takes a second to realize what your doing before you stop. Otherwise the past two days have been uneventful. I have an interview tomorrow so looking forward to that. Cheers
Ashsrt said:
Porn is hard to quit guys. When it’s part of your daily routine it takes a second to realize what your doing before you stop. Otherwise the past two days have been uneventful. I have an interview tomorrow so looking forward to that. Cheers

You're being very hard on yourself. Try reading this free ebook - great shit about how to think about cravings and addictions in a way that makes quitting easy, if that's what you decide to do:

Thanks MILFandCookies I’m finishing up the easy peasy method today and I’ll read that too.

My interview went great and I got a callback from another huge company for an engineering position. I did relapse once it’s just almost impossible to not casually peek and then boom. Missed the gym this morning (rain) but went last night. My garage gym is good to go so I’ll be lifting today. Other then that it’s just HW, and reading those ebooks. Feeling positive overall!
Well fellas, I have updates. First the bad news:

My weight hasn't budged, still in the 230's. More motivated then ive been in a while to workout, i just need to fix my eating habits.

And now for the good news:
I've started a new job and I absolutely love it. the pay and benefits are phenomenal, and its really great not to be concerned about money. All debt will be gone by end of summer.

My porn consumption has dropped by a ton, I still am ashamed that i use it at all and wish i never knew it existed. Someday ill master my mind and be able to quit completely.

The real work is just getting started.
Great news about your job! When you have money and work on something you like, you get all the doors open to improve other areas of your life.

Also, don't beat yourself up about porn. I find it very hard to quit without getting laid consistently.
I'm sure you'll be able to forget about it when you're happy with your sexual life.
For now, I'd say just focus on your self-improvement to get girls.