Weight Loss Success!- 21 lbs down in 4 months

Nov 2, 2022
I hope this inspires you!! This is for those who plateaued in their weight/motivation, failed in their diet, feel stuck in the middle of it. This journey has been a mix of all of it for me. I'm here to tell you that where ever you are, stop trying to look too far in front of your journey! Like Andy reiterates over and over again, practice gratitude. Be grateful for how far you've come. Even if you haven't had any change, be grateful that you are even on this path. That you have the ability to take action. That you can and will lose the weight. Be grateful that you have others like me trying to lose weight too and are willing to encourage you to. YOU GOT THIS.

I'm down 21 pounds. It's been a complete lifestyle change. It's about my mind now. Once I started to focus on how my mind would feel, things started rolling. My depression/anxiety went away after I removed fast food, clearly unhealthy restaurant food, over eating, and eating when I'm bored/snacking. I started feeling absolutely amazing. My mind felt so clear. It became addicting, but I would plateau sometimes. When that happened, I'd practice gratitude. I also didn't focus on me not losing weight, I'd focus on what my daily habits were. Seeing if I could tweak something. I would tweak my cardio, or eliminate some amount of carbs or fats, or workout routine. THE POINT IS, don't focus your energy on what you can't change (the number of the scale or the fat you see in the mirror, at that moment), focus on what you can change daily.

By the way, this isn't a plan on how YOU should lose weight. That may look different for each person. I'm not at the level where I'm counting calories/macros. I found that that doesn't work best for my motivation and just burns me out. Instead I try new cool healthy recipes, control my portions, stop eating right when I'm full, and also run/workout.

Again your plan to lose fat may be different.

Now for the effects of this weight loss:

1.) Clothes fit so good now!
2.) Friends compliment me regularly on how I'm looking and are proud of me
3.) Getting more attention from girls and people seem friendlier when they interact with me
4.) Confidence boost like no other
5.) Anxiety/depression is almost out the window
6.) As far as running, no more shin splints
7.) No more strong desire for fast food or highly unhealthy foods
Pics or didn’t happen ^^

I’m joking. Congrats on conquering your old bad habits and transforming yourself in the person you want to be.

I’m happy that you’re already noticing some major benefits. Imagine if you do this for another year, reactions will be even more positive.
Haha I debated on posting a picture. Just added it! You're right man, I can't wait to see the change even in a couple of months.