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Weightloss Log. Week 26. FUCKING MADE IT!


Jun 15, 2022
Hi, I'm currently on a journey to drop from 87 kgs to 80kg(tentative, might go even a couple of kilos lighter if not satisfied).

All of my weight measurements are taken right after I wake up to keep consistency. I'm 1.85mt (6ft. 1) tall, around 20% bodyfat and I'm following a PPL-Rest (4 days) gym schedule. Usually 45-50 minutes of training and then 10 minutes of ~150BPM stationary bike.

Current diet is Keto, not going over 2.3kcal per day, My diet is mostly dairy based as it makes it easier given it's summer here but I'm starting from this week to include more meat as it has less carbs even though it's quite expensive. Average day macros are 95g Protein, 30g Net Carbs, 190g Fat.

Week 1 Recap:
12 June 2023: 87.4 KGs Week Starting Weight
13 June 2023: 87.1 KGs
14 June 2023: 86.5 KGs
15 June 2023: 85.8 KGs
16 June 2023: 85.4 KGs
17 June 2023: 85.5 KGs
18 June 2023: 85.3 KGs Week Final Weight

Week's Notes: I'm quite sure as this is the first week that most of the weight lost in the first few days is just water and sugar due to the keto diet. Continuing with 2.3kcal for next week, depending on the results I'll see if and how much to cut back.

P.S. Edits to this post will be only to change the thread subject title.
Week 2 Recap:
19 June 2023: 85.0 KGs Week Starting Weight
20 June 2023: 85.1 KGs
21 June 2023: 84.6 KGs
22 June 2023: 85.0 KGs
23 June 2023: 84.3 KGs
24 June 2023: 83.6 KGs
25 June 2023: 84.3 KGs Week Final Weight

Week's Notes: Saturday was +150kcal (still deficit). Tuesday I ate cashews, realized too late they had a lot of carbs (40g carbs that day). Ended up doing 3/5 gym days, considering switching to a PP-Rest-LP-Rest-PL-Rest-... Schedule.
Week 3 Recap:
26 June 2023: 83.6 KGs Week Starting Weight
27 June 2023: 83.5 KGs
28 June 2023: 83.2 KGs
29 June 2023: 83.3 KGs
30 June 2023: 83.1 KGs
01 July 2023: 83.1 KGs
02 July 2023: 83.5 KGs Week Final Weight

Week's Notes: Did not go to the gym much this week, reduced kcals to 2.2k. Will start again gym from Monday and get 10k steps daily. Sunday's weight is probably just a spike given by excessive protein (130g) in relations to the fat intake, next week's data will confirm or not.
Week 4 Recap:
03 July 2023: 83.9 KGs Week Starting Weight
04 July 2023: 83.4 KGs
05 July 2023: 83.5 KGs
06 July 2023: 83.3 KGs
07 July 2023: 83.1 KGs
08 July 2023: ? KGs
09 July 2023: ? KGs
10 July 2023: 83.5 Kgs Week Final Weight
11 July 2023: 82.7 (FINALLY BROKE THROUGH 83, see you next sunday)

Week's Notes: The spike lasted more than expected, this week I was much more active forcing at least 1.15 hours of walking daily (5 days out of 7). Last two days I was away on a camping trip and didn't have a scale but still counted calories and I'll upload tomorrow(monday's) weight to have a conclusion of this week,
Week 5 Recap:
10 July 2023: 83.5 KGs Week Starting Weight
11 July 2023: 82.7 KGs
12 July 2023: 82.5 KGs
13 July 2023: 82.7 KGs
14 July 2023: 82.8 KGs
15 July 2023: 83.1 KGs (Slept 5.5 hours)
16 July 2023: 82.5 KGs
17 July 2023: 82.3 KGs Week Final Weight

Notes of the week: From wednesday I had my parents visiting and we ate at restaurants once a day, still kept it keto but the calorie deficit was more around 2.3k
17 July 2023: 82.3 KGs Week Starting Weight
18 July 2023: 82.5 KGs
19 July 2023: 82.2 KGs
20 July 2023: 82.1 KGs
21 July 2023: 81.9 KGs
22 July 2023: 81.7 KGs Week Final Weight

Notes of the week: This concludes the first stretch of my weight loss journey. For the next three weeks I'll be traveling around southern Europe visiting friends and family so the goal shifts to staying below 83.5(which accounts for water weight) so that when I go back to my place I can start dieting again to get to 80 (or 78, depends on my condition at 80). In the meanwhile I'll do approximate calorie counting to stay in my maintenance calorie range.
Back at it again.
This week I'll mostly eat at the uni canteen and try to keep my number of meals to two as to reduce calories. My trip got me incredibly bloated so the weight readings for the next few days might be not accurate, will post the weight results from next week.

As of now the approach is "slow-carb" like, as in legumes for carbohidrates, mostly cheese, eggs and meat with occasional fish thrown in. I'll maintain a 2.1k kcal meal plan which I'll create in the next couple of days with a single flexible cheat day per week (and no closer than 5 days from the previous).

Training wise I'll do weight lifting(PPL) thrice a week plus 10 min of stationary bike on Mon, Wed, Fri. On Tue, Thu and Sat I'll do flexibility routines, core workouts and 30 mins of stationary bike(C). Sunday is rest day and includes only 10k steps. Final split looks like P-C-P-C-L-C-R
Shit happened.

Summer back home was not the worst thing in regard to weight gain, different thing for the following Autumn/Early Winter. It got to the point where I was 90.3 mid-January. The biggest issue of this is that I didn't really gain any muscle mass so its all fat.

Since I went back to studying abroad on the 15th of January I've started cutting by following the "Slow Carb" method (Meat, Fish, Eggs, Legumes and Vegetables) for 6 days a week straight, followed by a cheat day in which I eat what I want, usually 3-3.5 kcal. Unfortunately can't do keto as the only way I stomach keto is Caprese salad thrice a day and tomatoes taste like cardboard at this time of the year.

I've been going to the gym everyday except Sundays, 2 days of high intensity weightlifting (30 min), 2 days of kettlebell swings, 2 days of flexibility. I'm thinking about rebalancing a bit but for now I'll keep it like this. Definetly need to get to a higher step count, unfortunately I'm in the nordics and every sidewalk is permafrost.

I've been doing this consistently for a month by now and the results are as follows:

- Week 1: 90.3 -> 88.6 (pre-cheat)
- Week 2: 89.3 -> 87.9 (pre-cheat)
- Week 3: 88.3 -> 87.3 (pre-cheat)
- Week 4: 88.4 -> 87.1 (pre-cheat) - Leg 55.5cm - Waist 103cm - Navel 93cm - Arm 31cm

Plans for the future:
- I'm aware of how weight alone can be deceptive, I've taken measurements with tape and I'll be updating them as well each week.
- I'm already betting with two separate friends, 1 euro everytime I skip the gym, 5 euros if I stray from the diet. It has done wonders in quenching any thought of quitting.
- I'll track what I eat, staying in the 1900-2100 kcal range is enough for me to comfortably lose weight without feeling a lack of energy.

See you all next Sunday!
Well, this week's been kinda weird.
I've discovered the beans I used to buy had 2g of sugar per pack, which quickly added up and probably stalled my progress, once swapped out my weight dropped in two days.

Weight-ins: 88.2 -> 87.5 -> 87.5 -> 87.4 -> 87.2 -> 87.1 -> 85.9 (yeah not a typo)
Tape measurements: same as last week.

Plans for next week: Fuck canned beans from X brand, I'll pick different ones, moving from 3 cans a day to 2 and including a bit more protein to compensate for the beans' calories.
5kg loss is entirely achievable, within the not too distant future.

Your consistency in logging, showing up, and reflecting on your work, will be what gets you there.

All looks good. Stay consistent, and as you are rightly doing, actually tweak variables and be data driven in obtaining your outcomes.

You'll win.

Been snacking on cured meat before going to bed yesterday so it might be that I delayed the weightloss a bit but no worries, I know I'm at a very low 86 now and it feels great!

Weight-ins: 87.8 -> 87.6 -> 87.4 -> 86.8 -> 86.5-> 85.9 -> 86.0
Tape measurements: just a few mm from last week, will update when i get a clear reading of at least 1 cm less.

Thank you very much MAC! I know it's achievable too as I was close to 80 before having a trainwreck of an autumn, currently planning to get to 82 by Easter, see how I look by then and readjust the target weight.

Plans for next week: Will start pre-cooking breakfast (3 eggs, 50g bacon, 50g cheese) so that I can just pop it in the airfrier and have it when I wake up. Having always some pack of beans/lentils and frozen vegs is what has saved me. The lower the entry barrier is the higher the consistency.

Edit: Also took a break from the gym this week, I went 30 times in the previous 34 days and it was starting to show. I've already got my accountability buddy ready for the next check-in on Monday.
Last measurement of the week missing as I wasn't home to check. Still lower than prev week already by Fri morning so success anyway.

Weight-ins: 87.2 -> 86.7 -> 86.5 -> 86.2 -> 86.1 -> 85.7 -> ???

Tape measurements: couldn't check.

Had a hackathon over the weekend so my sleep schedule is fucked, resetting it is priority #1. Still managed to stay on track with the diet tho.
Feels G O O D

Weight-ins: 87.2 -> 86.8 -> 85.9 -> 85.4 -> 85.7-> 85.6 -> 85.1
Tape measurements: Forgot to :(

Plans for next week: Keep it up, get back into gym as I injured my ankle on monday and could barely walk till wednesday. Overall happy with how it's going.
Kinda hate how cheat days bump up my weight but they've been the thing I look towards during the whole week so I'll not remove them. Also I'm a pasta and ice-cream addict so can't fathom the idea of going more than one week without.
Hehe 69 :)

Weight-ins: 86.9 -> 86.3 -> 85.5 -> 85.2 -> 85.5-> 84.6 -> 84.5
Tape measurements: Forgot to, again.

Plans for next week: Ankle is still fucked up, going only for chest and back workouts for now.
Weight-ins: 86.0 -> 85.6 -> 85.0 -> 84.9 -> 84.6-> ??? -> 84.2
Tape measurements:
- Navel 91 (-2)
- Leg 54 (-1.5)
- Waist 100 (-3)
- Arm 31.5 (+0.5)

Slept 4h on thu night so that impacted the weight and couldn't measure as i was out of my house. Going fucking strong!
P.S. I'll also add sunday's weight tomorrow as I moved by 1 the cheat day.
EDIT: Ended up sleeping at the hackathon place so I've postponed the cheat day to tomorrow, Monday. This is so that my body has time to recover from the 2h of total sleep time and be ready to handle the caloric surplus.
Weight-ins: 84.2 -> 83.7 -> 85.9 -> 85.4 -> 83.8 -> 84.3 -> 83.6 (Saturday, 30th of March)
Tape measurements: will take every month as to have actual measurable progress

Had my cheat day on Monday, so that explains the spike from 83 to 85.
On Friday night I ended up sleeping 2 hours, super glad I still got to 83.6

First stretch of the weight loss is done. I've come back to my home country for Easter and as soon as this week ends I'll get back on track. Still sort of counting calories here but more prone to eating (also stress eating).
6.7 Kg in 11 Weeks. Now i'd estimate my bfat at around 13 ish? I'll just keep cutting until I see abs on display.
Weight-ins: 88.1 -> ?? -> 87.3 -> 86.4 -> 85.9 -> 85.7 -> 84.8
Tape measurements: will take either next saturday or the one after that.

Shedding down the water weight from my 1-week break. Aim to get back to 83 ish by next saturday.
Weight-ins: 85.5 -> 85.5 -> 85.4 -> 84.8 -> 85.1 -> 84.0 -> 83.7
Tape measurements: forgot to.

:) :) :) :) :)
New workout routine too. Brutal and feels incredible once I'm done.