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Weird Free testosterone results. Bloodwork included. help needed.


Aug 12, 2021

Got my bloodwork done at an independent lab. Just loads of general stuff and a small hormone panel. In hindsight should have gotten alot more. I mainly wanted to do it because I have all the signs off low-t. (depression, low libido, sleep deprivation, little to no muscles gaines even though I have been working out semi-regularly for 3 years, generally weak AF) and wanted to be sure.

32 y.o., 65 kg (143 pounds), 175cm (5'9)

Everything came back normal in the regular ranges. But when I saw my testosterone results I nearly fell off my chair.

It seems my total T is higher then the reference range 31.4 nmol/l (900+ ng/dl) so at first glance I was ecstatic. I just needed to put in more work, and I tought the weakness and general lethargy must have been a consequence of the depression.

Now here's the confusion. The results state that my Free T is at 95.1 pmol/l . Now the reference range form the lab is between 30 and 75. Which would mean my free T is also high. Now when I look up the ranges for free T online in pmol/l in my age range I find that the ranges are 200-750 pmol/l for free T. This concerned me, so I researched some more. I found that a healthy free T should be around 1-2% of your total T. Now if I calculated this correctly 95.1 pmol/l = 0.0951 nmol/l which would mean my free T is a measly 0.3% of my total T.

Now the differences from the lab ranges and the stuff I found online are so big I wanted to consult with you guys first before booking an appointment with my doctor, just in case there is something really obvious I missed. Since I have a lot of the symptoms of hypogonadism, it just seems off to me that I have high natural test levels.

All help appreciated.
Get a thyroid panel and also check levels for vitamin D. Thyroid levels are a common cause of being tired or depressed. I've had the same problem and take a high potency iodine and it seems to help. D levels can also affect depression. There are supplements out there to increase free testosterone and lower estrogen like Androstdienone.
are you taking any medications at the moment, like finasteride

also check for estrogen levels they might be elevated too
thx guys.

Got new bloodwork done at my doc. will update thread If I get it back.
Got a quick update on this. apparantly my prolactin levels are off (25% higher then the upper range).
Which would explain the low libido and ED.
There could be several causes for this. Going to research further with doctor.

Edit: my test and free test are indeed above the normal range. yay me. oestradiol is normal. thyroid function normal but on the lower side of the range.
Sounds like your doctor is on top of it. Retest the prolactin lab to verify levels. Check for a prolactin secreting tumor.

Overall looks like you're pretty "normal". I'd focus on mental therapy, tackling your depression, improving your sleep habits. Better discipline. Improve your diet, and seek a fitness trainer to refine your regimen and technique.