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What is statistically the best cold approach method based no outcome (lays)?

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Jun 28, 2021
Has anyone run the numbers to conclude which cold approach method works the best?

Right now I'm doing very direct: "Hey, you seem interesting, I wanted to get to know you".

Somehow my whole persona is about being direct, but apparently guys say that it's not always the best method.

What are your experiences with daygame / cold approach?
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Sometimes said:
Right now I'm doing very direct: "Hey, you seem interesting, I wanted to get to know you".

That is not even remotely direct, let alone "very direct".

Direct is "You're cute" or "You're sexy" or "You're hot".
Semi-direct them. I don't want to validate them. I want to make them qualify to me. If I say "Hey you seem interesting, wanted to get to know you and see if you are cool" they will try to prove themselves. That was the idea.

Anyway, which openers have you find to be most effective in day game?
Andy has done multiple podcasts and articles on his approach to daygame

I'm surprised anyone would sign up here without actually having gone and checked out his content on this

This isnt a 'game' forum

Typically everyone here if from GLL originally and its simply :-

Look good + talk to girls

We dont complicate shit by mentally masturbating about what the best openers are

'Hey you're cute, whats up' will be successful if you look good and talk to girls
Sometimes said:
Has anyone run the numbers to conclude which cold approach method works the best?

Right now I'm doing very direct: "Hey, you seem interesting, I wanted to get to know you".

Somehow my whole persona is about being direct, but apparently guys say that it's not always the best method.

What are your experiences with daygame / cold approach?

Don't know who told you that. I highly disagree.

Be direct and forward.
KillYourInnerLoser is right.

"Hey I thought you were attractive and wanted to say hi".

Most of the numbers I pickup are 30 to 60 second convos.

I've seen absolutely no difference if the conversation is longer. Long conversations don't seem to make any difference to whether she gives the number or not.

What's working is
"Hey you're cute, I want to say hi. I'm brandon"

Then winging the entire conversation for as long as I feel like.

Then ending it by saying.
"We should grab coffee sometime. What's your number?"

Then I leave. No lingering conversation after that.

Indirect is basically a lack of confidence and AA imo.

All the extremely proficient approachers I've known; Mike Mehlman, Scotty, Chris Deoudes.

Guys who have done 10s of thousands of approaches are direct.

Toast is the guy approaching the most right now. If he wants to chip in. But I'm pretty sure he'll just agree with me.

Worry less about the best method and worry more about getting more reps in. That's the best way to learn.

As Chris says: Work harder not smarter.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
That is not even remotely direct, let alone "very direct".

Direct is "You're cute" or "You're sexy" or "You're hot".
Was gunna say the same thing but ya beat me to it.

Sometimes said:
Semi-direct them. I don't want to validate them. I want to make them qualify to me. If I say "Hey you seem interesting, wanted to get to know you and see if you are cool" they will try to prove themselves. That was the idea.
I don't understand this. Qualify to you? Prove them selves? Are you fucking interviewing them for a job?

Radical said:
We dont complicate shit by mentally masturbating about what the best openers are

'Hey you're cute, whats up' will be successful if you look good and talk to girls
This. Spot on.

Manganiello said:
Worry less about the best method and worry more about getting more reps in. That's the best way to learn.
100% true.

My opening line that I've opened the last ~400 chicks was one singular line
"hey, you're cute/sexy/attractive, and I wanted to say hi." (full stop)
Anything indirect is worthless imo.

Manganiello said:
"Hey I thought you were attractive and wanted to say hi".

Most of the numbers I pickup are 30 to 60 second convos.

I've seen absolutely no difference if the conversation is longer. Long conversations don't seem to make any difference to whether she gives the number or not.

What's working is
"Hey you're cute, I want to say hi. I'm brandon"

Then winging the entire conversation for as long as I feel like.

Then ending it by saying.
"We should grab coffee sometime. What's your number?"

Then I leave. No lingering conversation after that.
This is exactly what I do as well.
Thanks for input guys.

You asked me who recommended not to qualify girls by calling them sexy, cute hot.
It was AMS (AlphaMaleStrategies) on YT. He seems very legit and experienced and he says any compliments will raise women's standards.

You also asked where I got idea of other type of openers. It was from Todd V Dating on Youtube.

I don't know how legit he is, but if I had to guess by gut I would say AMS is definitely more legit.

But of course the only way to prove what works for me is to experiment.

Are you fucking interviewing them for a job?
Yes, I am interviewing them for position in my rotation. Studies show women feel more attraction to men that are uncertain if they like the girl or not. So instead of just making it all clear and showing your cards: "YOU ARE HOT" you leave a bit of mystery. "Hey you seemed interesting, wanted to get to know you if you are cool". She might think like: "Wait, I have to prove I AM cool" and also feels like "Does this guy really like me?" The more she thinks if you like her or not, the more mental energy she exerts on you, the more attached she gets.
Sometimes said:
Studies show women feel more attraction to men that are uncertain if they like the girl or not.

Would love to see the literature on that.

Sometimes said:
She might think like: "Wait, I have to prove I AM cool" and also feels like "Does this guy really like me?"

No they wont..
Locking this thread

I try to moderate this place lightly but i will come down on obvious mental masturbation thread

If you want to argue theory go to reddit

Start a log and record your self improvement journey if you actually want to improve
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