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What You Can Do To Grow Winner Within. Help Us Help You.


May 21, 2022
As you have seen lately, the mod team has been diligently publishing articles on the forums. This is part of our efforts to make WW a valuable place for self improvement information alongside the value of high quality members. Doing so makes it an attractive place for new members.

If you would like to see Winner Within grow, we could use your help. Here's specifically what you can do to help.
  1. Post Winner Within links on other forums. When you are scrolling Reddit or other communities and see a question that has been answered by one of the articles or a thread on WW, please post a link to it in the comments. It is always better when this comes organically from members of the community.
  2. Submit well written, high quality articles. If you have some extensive knowledge or made huge improvements to some area of your life and want to contribute it to other guys, consider writing an article and submitting it to a mod. @Spider Jerusalem and @Akilles7 recent articles are excellent examples.
  3. Ask questions in your logs. If you have a question that seems applicable to the rest of the community, we'll consider answering it in a larger writeup so everyone can benefit.
We appreciate any support with this. The value of Winner Within comes from its members, new members receiving support, and older ones providing mentorship. Please help us, help you.
As you have seen lately, the mod team has been diligently publishing articles on the forums. This is part of our efforts to make WW a valuable place for self improvement information alongside the value of high quality members. Doing so makes it an attractive place for new members.

If you would like to see Winner Within grow, we could use your help. Here's specifically what you can do to help.
  1. Post Winner Within links on other forums. When you are scrolling Reddit or other communities and see a question that has been answered by one of the articles or a thread on WW, please post a link to it in the comments. It is always better when this comes organically from members of the community.
  2. Submit well written, high quality articles. If you have some extensive knowledge or made huge improvements to some area of your life and want to contribute it to other guys, consider writing an article and submitting it to a mod. @Spider Jerusalem and @Akilles7 recent articles are excellent examples.
  3. Ask questions in your logs. If you have a question that seems applicable to the rest of the community, we'll consider answering it in a larger writeup so everyone can benefit.
We appreciate any support with this. The value of Winner Within comes from its members, new members receiving support, and older ones providing mentorship. Please help us, help you.
At your service, @Bman! 🫡