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What's my body fat in these pics?

HyperR said:
Close to 18% probably
no more than 20 and no less than 16

Is there a particular percentage of body fat, that when achieved, most men will start to notice women responding to them more favourably?

Just curious if it's something that the community has come to a conclusion on. Thanks.
OP, my guess is 21 or 22. you're carrying enough muscle that if you were in the high teens you'd have some abs.

dopeysammy said:
Is there a particular percentage of body fat, that when achieved, most men will start to notice women responding to them more favourably?

Just curious if it's something that the community has come to a conclusion on. Thanks.

I started getting a lot more attention around 15%. haven't really bothered to get down to 10 but i'd guess the effort:reward ratio to maintain 10% gets a bit worse. I don't have any shirtless pics on OLD profiles tho, and getting down to 10ish for a picture then walking around daily within striking distance (say 13?) is probably the best use of your effort, since you only have to get "challengingly" lean for a brief period of time

more importantly (for both this reply and the OP) who cares about the number? the only time the body fat number ever really matters is when you're near the bottom of the healthy/athletic range and have to decide whether to keep cutting or maintain or bulk.

otherwise, the only things that really matter for the purposes of this discussion are:
- how you look
- how you feel about how you look

and body fat % is just a proxy for those things. some guys will carry 18% beautifully and not want to cut more, others will need to hit 10% or lower. the number doesn't really matter. you don't need a proxy when you can just look in the mirror and at pictures and decide for yourself.