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What's the playthrough when you meet with a girl for hookup straight from app


Nov 29, 2021
Some quick context:

It's currently Sunday 12:00am here. I was finishing up a python bot to spam messages on Plenty of Fish. I was just running some tests and sent out a few dozen messages and one girl replied seeming a little too forward with wanting to meet up. I was sketched out lol. It's happened once before a long time ago when I was in my college town, but again, at the time, I just thought it was someone trying to rob me or something because, in my experience, usually it goes down like this: exchange a few messages, plan a meet up sometime in the future, then meetup. But then again, I don't usually spam messages late on Friday or Saturday night where there might be drunk or high girls that may be DTF.

Does anyone on the forum ever get laid by spamming online dating on a weekend night?
Seems like you haven't read Andy's Tinder guide. I'd start there.

For the lays I got, I usually match, exchange a few messages, get them to IG to make sure she ain't a catfish, then schedule a simple snack meetup to make sure she ain't crazy.

If she isn't crazy & a catfish, I'm upfront that I'm just looking for something casual. Then it's a yes or no from there.
I have very limited experience (see my fucking signature lol), but I'll give my two cents.

Back when I wanted to lose my virginity, and was super desperate, I asked like every single girl I matched with to watch Netflix. Eventually one said yes and I lost my virginity. She was attractive too. That's definitely not the most effective way though.

Some girl last night actually asked me to come to her house. I didn't want to because it was too late and she lives in a sort of sketchy-ish neighborhood (not too dangerous, but not a place to be walking alone at night). I asked her if she could come meet me at the train station in the afternoon. In the process of planning that as we speak.

I'd say if you're afraid of getting robbed, you can meet her for a quick coffee date near her house or something.
Squilliam said:
I have very limited experience (see my fucking signature lol), but I'll give my two cents.

Back when I wanted to lose my virginity, and was super desperate, I asked like every single girl I matched with to watch Netflix. Eventually one said yes and I lost my virginity. She was attractive too. That's definitely not the most effective way though.

Some girl last night actually asked me to come to her house. I didn't want to because it was too late and she lives in a sort of sketchy-ish neighborhood (not too dangerous, but not a place to be walking alone at night). I asked her if she could come meet me at the train station in the afternoon. In the process of planning that as we speak.

I'd say if you're afraid of getting robbed, you can meet her for a quick coffee date near her house or something.

I was moreso sketched out by the circumstance of the time of day it is and how forward the girl was. That's fair, I don't think I've ever been afraid of getting robbed by a date at Starbucks. Either way, she's not responding anymore lol.
SIGMA_1234 said:
Seems like you haven't read Andy's Tinder guide. I'd start there.

For the lays I got, I usually match, exchange a few messages, get them to IG to make sure she ain't a catfish, then schedule a simple snack meetup to make sure she ain't crazy.

If she isn't crazy & a catfish, I'm upfront that I'm just looking for something casual. Then it's a yes or no from there.

I've been meaning to read this one. I'm still going off of Rooster's 10 year old guide.
1v1mekid said:
she's not responding anymore lol.
Same bro. Come tomorrow I'll probably be deleting her number & blocking her for good.
1v1mekid said:
Some quick context:

It's currently Sunday 12:00am here. I was finishing up a python bot to spam messages on Plenty of Fish. I was just running some tests and sent out a few dozen messages and one girl replied seeming a little too forward with wanting to meet up. I was sketched out lol. It's happened once before a long time ago when I was in my college town, but again, at the time, I just thought it was someone trying to rob me or something because, in my experience, usually it goes down like this: exchange a few messages, plan a meet up sometime in the future, then meetup. But then again, I don't usually spam messages late on Friday or Saturday night where there might be drunk or high girls that may be DTF.

Does anyone on the forum ever get laid by spamming online dating on a weekend night?


It’s not something I do anymore, but it is something that I have done in the past and it hasn’t ended well more times than it has.

My concerns really are that girls who want to hook up ASAP and are forward are potentially not in a good place mentally, are drunk/high or will likely be non-committal and may change their mind at the last minute - all those things could cause you a lot of drama e.g consent issues, false accusations, she might stalk you after etc.

Happened to someone I know recently and luckily, he had the text messages proving his innocence and the police dropped the case as she was obviously lying.

There’s also the safety aspect - how do you know if you show up, that there ain’t gonna be a bunch of shady dudes waiting to jump you and jack your shit?

The honeytrap is real and I’ve seen cases of it firsthand when I was a cop. Mostly against women being victimised, but it does happen to men too and I would argue it is massively underreported and therefore men are underrepresented in the statistics.

Me personally I meet somewhere public first - always a coffee shop as I don’t drink, but could be a chilled bar too.

I also don’t have sex on the first date now as a rule either, except in circumstances where I’m 100% comfortable. Spoke to Andy about this on the podcast I did with him recently. I like to vet/screen and make sure the girl is who she says she is and is okay to hang out with and not some 45 year-old fat, bald dude called ‘Hector’.

You may have your own preference, but what I would say is trust your gut: If it don’t feel right, it probably ain’t. Also have your own safety/screening process that works for you and stick to it e.g Snapchat, meeting public first then maybe back to hers if she’s cool and you’re comfortable.

Also have an escape plan - keep money in your back pocket and your phone in case you need a taxi or to call someone. Standard safety advice really!

Andy’s Tinder guide is also solid - I know the guys have posted it in the replies, so definitely check that out as it’s a real life changer.

Hope this helps

Best wishes,

Spider 🕷
Spider Jerusalem Wow, actually really solid advice. A not so common subject discussed enough in dating/getting laid communities, personal safety.
1v1mekid I don't know what guide that is, but KillYourInnerLoser's guide is implementable strategies from the get go. Just read how to setup your profile & you can finish it in an afternoon. Then just play the number's game with swipes & messages.

If there's one thing I learned from getting laid & business, less reading & more doing.
1v1mekid said:
Some quick context:

It's currently Sunday 12:00am here. I was finishing up a python bot to spam messages on Plenty of Fish. I was just running some tests and sent out a few dozen messages and one girl replied seeming a little too forward with wanting to meet up. I was sketched out lol. It's happened once before a long time ago when I was in my college town, but again, at the time, I just thought it was someone trying to rob me or something because, in my experience, usually it goes down like this: exchange a few messages, plan a meet up sometime in the future, then meetup. But then again, I don't usually spam messages late on Friday or Saturday night where there might be drunk or high girls that may be DTF.

Does anyone on the forum ever get laid by spamming online dating on a weekend night?

I used to do this pretty often a couple of years ago, it can definitely work. What I personally used to do was spam dead leads eg girls who ghosted, flaked or whatever on me before so to not burn any bridges with girls who were actively in my pipeline. I have tried it briefly directly on tinder but it never really worked there, it only worked with girls who already gave me their number previously.

it depends allot on the logistics, if you live in the city centre or close to wherever the action happens like nightlife etc. then you have a much better chance of pulling it off. The winning combo is the girl is usually out in bars/clubs and horny then she sees your message, you look good and you're nearby. She thinks - why not?
I mean this is literally Andy's MO on tinder back in the day

I dunno where you live but in the UK Tinder was actually more reliable to get hookups like this for me than it was normal dates

If I was on the app late Friday or Saturday night i'd get at least one girl invite me somewhere - on a couple of occasions it was like a house party and i had to navigate her friends first

Other times she was out drinking and got lonely

I dont do this shit anymore (especially now im based in Mexico) but part of me thinks guys should go for it if they are newbies