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When to text/pitch a meeting


Jul 25, 2020
Things are going pretty well on all the apps, getting tons of matches and a fair bit of numbers but I've only been able to go on 3 dates so far. A lot of the time when I get to texting I get the dreaded "can we wait until next week?" text. Im wondering if my timing is hurting me here. I pretty much send a text right after I get a number (the same day) and try to set up dates on Saturday. so if I get the number on Monday I'm pitching the meeting way in advance. Should I just wait til the day before? Also should I be aiming for the weekend that does seem like the most reasonable time to meet. I just really suck at this logistical stuff/setting things up and this is really tripping me up
I do pretty much the same as you do: match with girls, get them off the app, and pitch a meeting on Saturday on the day itself (sometimes on a Monday, most of the time weeks in advance because of my limited logistics). I've been pretty successful so far.

So I don't think you're doing anything wrong with your strategy so far.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
d00m said:
Also should I be aiming for the weekend that does seem like the most reasonable time to meet.

Meet them ASAP - why are you waiting til saturday? Goal is meet them as soon as humanly possible - the same day if possible. I almost never had weekend dates; most of my dates were weekdays, straight after work.

Seconded. I do 3 days in advance max - only if I have plans in the next two days.
Otherwise same night if I can/next night etc.

And if she seems interested but isn't free for a week (has work etc.) I ask for her off day and text her 2-3 days before to set up a date.

Never plan something over 3 days, 75% of the time I do that she flakes.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Meet them ASAP - why are you waiting til saturday?
honestly I was probably just too scared and didn't know when/where to go. So you text them right after you get the number and pitch the meeting for the same day if possible?