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Where to get started

Jan 22, 2021
Hi guys, first post here.

I've read all of Andy's articles and I'm here to commit. Right now life feels so suffocating. I just moved back in with my parents (I know) to start my graduate program at a top university in a big city. This girl who lived in my home city, who I was never able to make anything happen with, jumped back on my radar. Everything seemed like it was on an upswing. Then covid hit.

I've basically been a prisoner in my room for almost a year now. Work is grinding, the weather is cold and lockdowns are tightening, and I live with my parents, brother, dog, and my brother's piano teacher (long story). I've tried tinder, bumble, okcupid, etc., not much luck. I have 0 good photos, 0 friends in this city, 0 opportunities to leave my house. I'm in the worst shape of my life despite being in great shape before the gyms closed. And the girl rejected me, so here I am. Starting from square one. A tabula rasa for this forum, I hope. Honestly if I could just make some friends here that would be great.

I'm just a bit lost on what to start working on first. Bear in mind that I have a) tons of money to spend and b) tons of work to do. So I have money but not time. Part of me says just give up on the apps and focus on fitness for a few months. Another part of me says I should start trying to get better photos of myself. Another part says work with what I got. Come April I believe the lockdowns will be close to being over, the weather will be nicer, and I will have a lot of free time. Should I just focus on fitness until then? Also while I have money, I want to spend it efficiently and not just blow it on a bunch of designer clothes that barely help me.

Please help guys, I'm really feel like a prisoner.
Don't know where you live, but that prison is probably an illusion. You can still go out your house, right?

You can invite girls over or go to theirs. You can workout at a park or workout from home with bodyweight alternatives. You can do photoshoots with good camera equipment and land decent shots after hundreds/thousands of tries. You can upgrade your wardrobe with a few pieces of clothing from regular stores like Zara / H&M. Anything's doable if you're serious about it. And doing any of that will get you out of the house.

If you want feedback from members on the major things to focus on in your case, you should probably post your tinder pics. Usually getting lean, getting a good haircut, and having clothes that fit are the first things to fix.
double_trouble said:
I have 0 good photos, 0 friends in this city

You can fix this

double_trouble said:
Part of me says just give up on the apps and focus on fitness for a few months

You can let this run in the background. No need to "focus" on it.

double_trouble said:
Another part of me says I should start trying to get better photos of myself

You can do this.

double_trouble said:
Come April I believe the lockdowns will be close to being over, the weather will be nicer, and I will have a lot of free time.

Do not, I repeat, DO NOT wait until April before you start working on your goals. I waited ONE WHOLE YEAR before I took action, and I am kicking myself today for it. I really wish somebody told me months - a year ago what Reservoir just said, that our "prison" is just an illusion. If you start now, you will enter post-lockdown with a running start.

For context, I:

-) wasted 1 whole year mentally masterbating about careers and getting laid
-) 3 months ago, I met 1 new girl every Saturday until December. Most I made out with, some I fingered, some I fucked
-) started a freelance business. Nowhere profitable but I got a new skill under my belt so I don't look like a bum, even when applying for jobs
-) Upgraded my wardrobe but nowhere near perfect yet.

In most cases, I hate the pandemic. But looking back, I can compare it to being an inmate with nothing to do in prison: he can't do anything, so he just focuses on exercising, making new friends with other inmates, & learning a new trade in prison. Once he leaves prison, he is a much more productive member in society. As much as it took me a while, it was finally a net positive for me in the end.

You basically listed your to-do list now. Get to work.
I think the best bet would be to sort out your priorities and develop a game-plan for 2021. Start with A1/A2 (A1 will likely be your occupation/studies). A2 could be optimising your physique for example - set a goal for April seeing as that is when you anticipate things will be different RE: lockdown.

Then the B priority stuff. And yes, you can still send 100 messages on hinge every day, swipe 100 times on bumble/tinder and use boosts at the best times. Every month you could do a pro photoshoot. And when your physique is optimised, then you upgrade your wardrobe (unless it stinks right now). Then another photoshoot and so on.