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Where to move to in the US? - Update: Moved to Austin


Jul 2, 2020
Get Laid
Boston, MA
I currently live in Buffalo, NY and my IT job is transitioning to fully work from home. I'm looking to move when my lease is up in November.

I'm looking to move somewhere to maximize my dating life. My long term goals are pretty typical: multiple fuckbuddies with attractive young women (18 - 23 years old).

I'm open to moving pretty much anywhere in the US. I'd prefer somewhere warmer (been living with NY winters my entire life), but if the dating opportunities are active year round, it doesn't really matter. My city is pretty suburban and most women huddle up inside for 6 months of the year.

I make $80k a year, so I think most cities are within grasp, especially if I can ditch my car (no commute, since I'm working from home).

So tell me what's great about your city and neighborhood. Are there lots of sexually open, attractive women? What is the street life like -- are there plenty of attractive women that are approachable during the day? How is the nightlife and bar scene for meeting women?

Side Note: how do young women afford to live in the "hot" parts of big cities (NYC, LA, etc)? In my experience in my city, most of the women who are 21 and younger, live with their parents in the suburbs or on college campuses. It seems that by moving into the more attractive parts of big cities, that I'm "pricing myself out" of the younger women I'm most interested in.
I went full autistic and made a table comparing different aspects of every city I’m considering moving to. 

I haven’t posted about it much, but the lockdowns here in NY have seriously been impacting my quality of life and dating life. The lack of gym access (still closed in NY, with no guidelines/timeline for reopening) has really thrown off my mental health and completely destroyed my mentality for approaching and dating.

I also added New Hampshire as a possible location. From a libertarian perspective, it is one of the best possible places to live in the entire world -- low taxes, few regulations, and a large libertarian community to socialize with. I’ve visited a few times and I have made friends with people there; moving there is definitely in consideration for my long term life plans. However for my current goals of an active dating life it’s pretty horrible -- most of the state is rural with small towns and a car-friendly suburban vibe. The largest city is 400k people (that’s the entire 1hr travel radius metro area). There isn’t a large college population and I get the feeling that most young women (especially the sexually open ones) move away.

NH was one of the least restrictive places during the lockdowns and one of the first to fully re-open. Even during lockdowns, libertarians were having meetups with dozens of people and life was basically uninterrupted. I’m considering moving there temporarily (just a few months), to enjoy some freedom and return to normalcy, while I and see how things play out in other places.

Probably of lockdows - If I’m living in an otherwise amazing place, but I can’t go to the gym and lockdowns are impacting every aspect of my dating life, it’s worth considering if that is really a good place to move to. California just re-entered a pretty severe lockdown, I’d be surprised if they aren’t in-and-out of lockdown for the rest of the year. NYC (and my current city of Buffalo) are also hard-core pro-lockdown and I wouldn't be surprised to be locked down again if there is any sort of spike this upcoming fall/winter. Austin and Miami seem like typical liberal cities, but Texas and Florida have been resistant to major lockdowns so far.

Quality of life w/o lockdown - Given that I’m mostly focused on gym and dating young women right now, it’s basically a tie between any major cities. My underachieving sex life has been my primary hurdle my entire adult life and it’s the #1 thing I need to work on right now. Like Chris says, you gotta prioritize your sex life so you can get it handled and psychologically move on to other things. Finding “my scene”, being close to activities/hobbies I like, living in a place I find culturally compatible, etc. aren't really questions I can answer until I figure out this “getting laid” thing.

Impact / probability of civil unrest -  I probably worry about this more than I should, but rioting in my city last month canceled a few of my dates and literally cockblocked me from a girl who I had invited over. Without going into it, I don’t think we’re done with the BLM protests -- the George Floyd trial will be next year and I’m certain the cop will be acquitted -- so next year is going to have some rough times too. I really don’t want to go through the stress of riots outside my window -- at least not without an easy way to bug out while things blow over. Austin seems ideal, since even if there are riots, I can easily make friends with gun loving Texans outside the city and have a place to get away from it.

Availability of datable women - This is keeping in mind that my primary dating target right now is 18-23 year old women. So large universities and easy travel to younger women living in the suburbs is ideal. From what I’ve read, NYC is great for dating 20s/30s professional women, but it doesn’t seem like that huge a younger crowd.

Cost of living - I can afford any of these cities, but LA and NYC are stretching it. Like I said before, my focus is on getting laid -- I have solid savings and I'm not prioritizing living in a cheaper place.

Cost / effort of moving - NYC is closest, Austin and Miami are further. LA is much further.
Glad you put my options on there haha.

ARe Miami and Austin really more expensive than NYC? [edit] sorry read your graph wrong lol, NYC is way more expensive. I'd personally stay out of LA and NYC. Could be appealing to be in one of those hotspots but just seems like concrete jungle places.


Looked at a comparison of JacksonVille vs Miami.

Maybe add that on your list.

Significantly cheaper - notably: 1 bedroom prices in city center - Miami: 1,828.22 $ Jacksonville: 1,142.83 $

Probably not as fun in Jacksonville, I'd assume BUT it has double the population, which means more single women.

Fuck that place actually looks dope af.

Nice beaches, big city, lots of girls, cheaper than Miami.

Just a thought, sorry I love travelling and moving to different places so I get really into this haha.
Florida is an amazing state....

Miami isn’t the only great city in Florida. Jacksonville, Orlando, and Tampa are all amazing cities with A LOT of hotties. All of which are very low cost of living, whole lot of fun stuff to do in Florida.
Miami isn’t the only great city in Florida. Jacksonville, Orlando, and Tampa are all amazing cities with A LOT of hotties. All of which are very low cost of living, whole lot of fun stuff to do in Florida.

Miami is really a placeholder for any major Florida city -- I haven't settled on any one.

I've only really explored Orlando. It felt very suburban and really spread out. The only walkable urban areas seemed to be downtown and the ritzy rich people area of Winter Park. There is the huge University of Central Florida, but it's almost totally separated by itself away from the rest of the city. It seems like logistics would be much harder when girls live on a segregated campus or they compute from some suburban area. Compare The urban campus of University of Texas at Austin (51,000 students) with University of Central Florida (68,000 students).

My ideal is living in an urban area; very close to a commercial strip with bars, cafes, restaurants, etc; and also close to a large university (with a large student population that lives nearby, on- or off-campus).
KillYourInnerLoser said:
@dashedhopes , you plan on always living in Canada, or moving to the USA at some point? You seem hella passionate about the US; you talk about it a lot.

Nah not always.

I'll probably move to the US at some point but I just like travelling and switching up my environment. I get really bored of one place pretty quickly.

Lived in a lot of different areas for months at a time.

US is very hard to get into and stay there. Max for me is 6 months of a year.

Basically have to have a degree for a needed profession, have 100k invested into a US company or get super lucky on a lottery draw. Was trying to get a visa.
I wouldn’t put Austin at an A when it comes to lockdowns. Texas is a mess right now. If the Governor allowed it, the local government in Austin would have already instituted a lockdown. People are getting desperate because they need to but are scared to send their kids to school.

Overall though, Austin is a pretty good city. Just be warned, it is HOT in the summer. It will be nothing like you’ve experienced in Buffalo. Texas weather blows, it’s a major reason I’m considering a move when my lease is up next year.
I wouldn’t put Austin at an A when it comes to lockdowns. Texas is a mess right now. If the Governor allowed it, the local government in Austin would have already instituted a lockdown. People are getting desperate because they need to but are scared to send their kids to school.

Even if the city institutes a lockdown, aren't there less liberal suburbs close by where things will be more open? I'm not looking for some utopia where things stays open (like New Hampshire or South Dakota) -- I just need gyms, places to take dates, and some places to keep approaching women. Enough to keep my routines and life progress moving.

Just be warned, it is HOT in the summer. It will be nothing like you’ve experienced in Buffalo. Texas weather blows, it’s a major reason I’m considering a move when my lease is up next year.

How does this impact lifestyle and opportunities for approaching? The worst part of winters in NY is everyone bundles up and stays inside for 6 months of the year. Minimal time outdoors and even in public spaces like grocery stores, people just get in, get out, and get back in their cars to drive home.

Is everyone hiding from the heat inside with the AC all summer? Even in the evenings when things cool off a bit? That's my biggest fear... a major shutdown of social life for half the year.
Even if the city institutes a lockdown, aren't there less liberal suburbs close by where things will be more open? I'm not looking for some utopia where things stays open (like New Hampshire or South Dakota) -- I just need gyms, places to take dates, and some places to keep approaching women. Enough to keep my routines and life progress moving.

Typically lockdowns in Texas have been on the county level and since Travis County is liberal as a whole you would be SOL. If that’s a really important factor to you then you would be better off moving to Dallas, since the neighboring suburbs are in a conservative county.

How does this impact lifestyle and opportunities for approaching? The worst part of winters in NY is everyone bundles up and stays inside for 6 months of the year. Minimal time outdoors and even in public spaces like grocery stores, people just get in, get out, and get back in their cars to drive home.

Is everyone hiding from the heat inside with the AC all summer? Even in the evenings when things cool off a bit? That's my biggest fear... a major shutdown of social life for half the year.

You’ll find people in places like bars and restaurants but you don’t want to spend time outside when it is over 100 (pool parties are the exception, those are very common in the summer). It lasts for about 3 months.
I live close to NH. Very pretty and lots of hiking spots but unfortunately not very many people in most of the state. Manchester is the biggest city with 112,000 but it's pretty trashy (the locals call it manchganistan), if you want to be in an affluent/nice area with decent population the seacoast (near Portsmouth) is a good bet.

I live in NH. Very pretty and lots of hiking spots but unfortunately not very many people in most of the state. Manchester is the biggest city with 112,000 but it's pretty trashy (people call it manchganistan), if you want to be in an affluent/nice area with decent population the seacoast (near Portsmouth) is a good bet.

Yeah, Manchester seems pretty trashy and Portsmouth is much nicer. But the population is even less there; nothing but small towns and no colleges.

Do you do daytime approaches on women? Have you done the AA program? I feel like NH would be a difficult place to pull those off.

Also, what's online dating like in your area?
Someone above talked about Austin already, but I have to second it.

Yes, everyone is moving here, yes it's getting bigger, but there's a reason people want to be here.
I do want to say though that Austin isn't THE ONLY COOL PLACE IN THE USA. There are other great options.

But here are some pros and cons so you can make your own decision:

1) Everything's been mostly chill with the lockdown. Masks are mandatory but gyms are open, restaurants are open and most bars added a kitchen and reopened as a restaurant.

2) People are friendly here but not "California friendly" a.k.a. virtue signaling.

3) Lots of active fit girls.

4) College town - tons of younger ladies.

5) River.

6) Tons of events pre-lockdown, but also quiet areas of town so you can choose which you want any given night.

7) Amazing night scene.

8) Great cost of living for a city

9) No state income tax, although that might not apply to you if your company isn't in Texas

1) Some liberal craziness. Not too much but it's def. here.

2) All the Californians coming in might negate that second sentence from 1)

3) Homeless encampments.

4) Tons of tech companies moving into town in the next decade will drive up cost of living.

5) If you're a homeowner, you're going to hate the property taxes here.
Finally completed my move to Austin. I'm still settling in, but I've already done some online dating and I'm focused 100% on my fitness goals (365 day proejct thread).

I've gotten more done in the past week towards my fitness goals than I had previously done in the past 8 months of lockdown in NY.

If anyone else is around and wants to meet up, let me know. I'm definitely interested in spending some time on taking photos and upgrading my dating pics.
Ed_ said:
Finally completed my move to Austin. I'm still settling in, but I've already done some online dating

Welcome man. Hit me up in pms I'll show ya around.