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Why Losing Fat Matters Above All Else

Andy, how tall are you?

I am curious as to how much weight I still need to drop to get into a similar shape.

I already went from 91kg to 81kg in the last 4 months and while I do look much leaner (and also bigger without a shirt), I still have a lot of stubborn belly fat to get rid of. Most of the fat I lost was around my arms and chest.

I am wondering if I also need to cut down to 72ish until I look really lean. I'm 184cm, so 72kg kinda scares the shit out of me.
Good article. Me being low body fat is very attainable and I'm excited to see what kind of results I can get with shirtless pics on tinder once I finish my cut.
I stopped working out due to injuries, and my anxiety was so bad from trying to get off booze and pills , that I couldn't step foot in a gym. I didn't even like being in public at the worst of it. I got fatter and fatter slowly day by day, if i didnt have pictures to look back on , I wouldn't even beleive I got that bad. Andy talking about taking pics for online and cutting fat motivated me like crazy. I tried to take pics but I gave up cuz my head was so fucking fat. Your right, the effect what it does to your facial features are night and day. That was me in March at 195 lbs. These other pics are me 2 weeks ago at 175. I'm even leaner now, and will post some more pics in a couple of weeks when im getting closer to being properly peeled. I did this without a gym membership , just a a couple of dumbells that go up to 30lbs (or one 60lb dumbell) and a chin up bar ordered online. (the pic was taken in a friends garage with weights but I only went there once) Lots of biking , low carb, wathced my calories, and did a 36 hour water fast every week. Some weeks I would do 48-60 hr water fasts. I still have a ways to go before I get the body I want but #theslightedge is the real deal. Just be better than yesterday. Cheers Andy! Thanks buddy! I knew I had to lose the weight but you really nailed the point home
Great job bro. Stay consistent. Once you get to that 9-12BF range is when it’s game changing. What I think is more crazy than being ripped w/ abs is how much your face changes.

Can’t wait to shake your hand at the mile stone of it so to speak
These are some great pics in this thread!

I have been doing some intermittent fasting (16:8) for the past few months but have lost quite a bit of muscle (as well as some fat)

This is most likely due to not keeping my protein levels up so I'm now tracking macros and keeping below maintenance.

Will follow this up in a month's time.
It's been 5 weeks since my last post in this thread and here are my results:

Starting weight: 176.50

Current weight: 171.63

I've dropped around 5lbs and I'll repost again in another month's time. My goals for October are:

- to weigh no higher than 165lbs
- to lose at least 5lbs

A friend of mine has managed to lose a lot of body fat and is now really defined after 18 weeks of cutting so it is very possible for me too. I need to remember that my rate of weight loss is healthy and I want to preserve as much muscle as I can whilst shedding body fat.

I have progress pics but it's not easy to upload them. It will be better for me to make a montage after a few months as you can't make out any noticeable difference after a month anyway.