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WildMans AA Journey


Jul 8, 2021
Days 1 - 8

I got a DSLR Canon eos RP to get some epic pics, I read the tinder profile program by KYIL and it helped a lot.

Day 4: I was a bit nervous to approach the first girl, but I didn't hesitate, walked right up to this girl with a boyfriend. They were super friendly and she gave me the time. I was a little nervous that they would see me asking another person for the time and think I was crazy. I walked up to every girl I saw hot, fat, average, mother, with boyfriend and I even approached a group of girls. It was hard getting past that first initial barrier, but got easier.

Day 5: This day wasn't really that difficult because I asked the first girl I saw the time on the first day, so it made this day much easier. The hardest part for me was getting my ass up and getting downtown where there are people. I think I was a little depressed and tire this day. But I did the drill and felt so much better afterwards. I must note that the majority of my interactions were good, however I did have a girl keep walking and got a little bitchy with me. I used it as fuel to continue to prove those KARENS that they cant socially boss me around. Its like the little negative reactions motivated me.

Day 6: This day was where I noticed things beginning to get a little challenging. The thoughts began to intrude. "What if they think Im weird? What if they laugh at me?" I was made fun of in middle school for having bad facial acne, I think some of my past demons were subconsciously awaken. A girl actually gave me her number on this day. I walked into a bar and asked the host she smiled and we started chatting. I was mad nervous but was able to spit a little game and she gave me her number. We texted but nothing came of it, probably because I couldn't go out the very next day. oh well Im glad it didn't work out because I want to work for this and don't want shit to be easy.

Day 7: I had to skip this because it landed on the 4th of July so I was doing all these days without skipping a day. However I had friends fly in and we had plans all day. I picked this day up after the 4th. This day was harder the first day, however because I didn't hesitate on the very first day of drills, it set in motion the president of no hesitation. I did notice some people being short with me lol but I like the negative reactions.

Day 8: This day took me 2 days, I found it hard to find enough girls, Im learning the best locations to approach at. Outside works really well for me because the sun keeps me in a positive mood. But this day was a little challenging. I managed to do it in 2 days. I did day 9 today and I recorded the entire thing im going to post the recording and a short video about it.

Are you too old to get good with girls? As a 35 year old just getting started these are my thoughts.

Really good videos. Usually don't like the vlog format for the AA program—I prefer text—but yours have a good deal of profundity and earnestness to them.

We had a guy @P47 who is also 35 who was doing the AA program. There was a middle-aged guy on the GLL forums who got pretty far but he had a kid and a business. There are many reasons not to do the AA program but I'd feel contrite if somebody felt he couldn't do the program because he thought he had this or that disadvantage. Like if you live in a city of 300,000 people with no surrounding metro area, then we have a real problem.

I don't think people care about recordings of the drills. A lot of people on GLL posted their vids and few people watched them. I put a lot of my audios up and they seldom get comments. Just keep them for your own personal memory bank. Doing good recordings is just 1 more unnecessary thing you'll worry about.

Looks like you'll do very well throughout the program.
Thank you. I feel it's easier for me to express myself through video, something therapeutic about talking into a camera for me. I come from a small town, however the city I live in now is about 694,000 in the city and almost 2 million including the metro area.

I've started a lot of things in the past that I never stuck to, it really really sucks when you quit something just because it was uncomfortable or difficult. The best thing for me so far has been going out everyday and not skipping, there's something powerful about keeping the momentum going, I've found inspires me.

Im an absolute Newb at this stuff and starting from ground zero, Im going to post how day 9 went for me, some of the interactions were awkward haha But that was actually a good thing and I'll explain why, I think it might surprise everyone...
Day 9: I had some great interactions yesterday, I was able to get some good momentum early on and bang out the first round quickly. Im getting quicker at this stuff and overall its been very inspiring. I did have some negative reactions, but nothing too bad. I talk about it in the video. Some KAREN grandma got a little pissy and walked right past me. I walked out of a taco bell and a group of 10 girls called me over and I high fived them. I was able to get an approach in and it felt really great! Check out the video because I had one of my fears come true! The outcome was oddly surprising, to say the least...

I think on one of those days I followed 2 girls into a Sephora and when I asked them for the time, they said, "Do you have a phone" "...Yeah" "Then you should should check your phone." Total bitch. Then I asked her the directions which she gave and if she liked it. Then I finished the last rep on one of the hottest girls out of 100s of women I talked to. She actually thanked me after I asked her if she liked a store.

Cool that you went out with that woman at the bar. I probably would've walked away immediately having gotten the rep in, or said alright thank you, not from awkwardness but as a matter of guarding my concentration. Just don't let any interaction or distraction take your focus away from the drills until you're finished.

If you’re approaching women in front of their men then you’re already waaaaay ahead of the curve.