Would appreciate some hair advice


Jun 12, 2022
I think my hair is way to long but I don't know how it should be cut or what to tell the barber. Any styling tips are appreciated. I have no fashion sense
You will need to practice styling your hair in different ways and take a lot of pictures. Same thing if you asked a friend to do your photos, you just tell him to take a thousand and choose them later.
I can tell you about lots of possible men's hair designs but you might as well start clipping things you like and showing that picture to a barber or hairdresser. Try all the different styles and take a lot of pictures. Even though a barber can cut with a style in mind they can still do it wrong and its basically up to you to maintain the style, if its not very short.
Do an image search for David Ghandy.

He's a male model, a bit older than most, and women of all ages think he's hot.

Your hair's close enough to his that his style(s) would work for you.


Future Looks Maxing Preemptive Strike: You have a slightly receding hairline and slightly thinning hair. Not severe enough to be a deal breaker, just something to keep in mind for future looks maxing (i.e. solving the problem before it gets past the point of no return).

Disclosure: I'm an older guy (46 at the time of this posting), possibly the oldest guy on these forums, and my role models for style tend to be guys that are in my age range. The Ghandy style isn't the younger, edgy, fuckboy style that some may recommend. It's just what I know works. Less edgy, just a modern take on a classic style. Modern, not trendy. That works better for us old(er) farts!
Bopbap1337 said:
I think my hair is way to long but I don't know how it should be cut or what to tell the barber. Any styling tips are appreciated. I have no fashion sense

I've got long hair. It can work for sure. Depending on your archetype it's a plus - I'm going for urban artist/rockstar vibes.

Search long hair male model and you can get some good options. Also find ways to take good care of your hair (biotin/caffeine/tea tree oil serums, finasteride to stop thinning, minoxidil, etc.)

I personally use all of the above, plus I put oil-based serum on it every day - otherwise it gets frizzy and dry.

I'd also look into micro needling + minoxidil for your face. Personally I'm blessed (and cursed) with being very hairy without having to work on it (although my scalp is thinning so I've begun treatment to make sure that stops and reverses.)

Long hair works best when you have a good thick beard. My friend went from baby face to full beard with microneedling and minoxidil on his face so can confirm its effectiveness.