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Xealous AA Log


Aug 13, 2022
Hey Men,

One of my primary goals at the moment is BEAT AA.

I can think back to heaps of times in life were I've let possibilities slip-by because I hadn't built the confidence or social-freedom to act upon them, and I am certain that if I am to dedicate time to beating this habit that I have built, it will pay dividends in all other areas of my life.

Day 1 - 13
For these days, I have really not had any difficulty completing the drills, with my only issue being that foot traffic may be slow, thus I have started going out of my way i.e. to a shopping mall like 20 minutes out, to increase the amount of people available for me to complete my drills.

There have also been many surprisingly good responses which is cool, I've especially enjoyed going through purposely awkward situations for example, when someone answers, "no" to "have you been to XYZ?" and you ask "how was it?"

Get in There - Chris GLL

Day 14
This was my first failed day, I found it so hard to gain any momentum for about 12 attempts, I got one high-five and it wasn't even that it was a fist bump into my open hand ahahha. The rest of the drills the girl would just walk past, it was also quite difficult to do this drill because I was in a shopping centre most peoples hands were full with trollies and/or bags so I might have to switch it up to get this drill done.

A quick aside while the ink is still flowing, I've had the experience recently that I'll be hitting on someone (I know that as part of the AA program I should forget about getting laid yada yada)
and although I am still in their sometimes they will seem uninterested and at this point I know this isn't about my social freedom as I opened them and am screening them physically, so I believe it must be about my looks, specifically my style right. When I go out I typically go dancing and will wear suit shirt and suit pants and I believe that if my target audience is someone around my age, they usually wear a much different style, typically north face, some chains, accessories, air forces e.t.c. I am wondering if it would be worth it to dress more similarly to those that have success with the type of girl that I am approaching the most frequently. I don't want to drop too much money on designer BS, could do a chinese wholesaler shop though

I am on day 14, but I am going to skip this drill until I am in the city during night game, I think this type of drill would work best when every one is a little more wilder than an afternoon shopping trip. I will try my hardest to keep this log alive, I've seen so many people stop blogging after like 2 or 3 days, just letting you know that won't be me.

Signed Xealously.
Hey Men,
Yesterday I wasn't able to get the Day 14 drills done, although I was time bound, had about an hour or so to do it, I was pretty disappointed with my attempts, from about 12 attempts getting about 2 high fives, one was a fist bump into my open hand, so yep pretty bad performance.

I decided this morning that I will have to re-attempt this day so here it goes

Day 14 AGAIN

Ok, so to fulfil this drill, I'd need to things
  • Large amounts of Foot Traffic
  • Girls with Free Hands, I learnt from yesterday where in a shopping mall most girls had bags e.t.c.
So I decided on attempting in the city this morning, and it was a bloody good idea. At first I was sure that I'd have as much success as yesterday, so for my first two I asked for the time and then a high-five (as thanks?). I realised that this approach was much easier so the rest I ensured my open was nothing but eye contact and/or saying "Hey, high-five".

My first 10 took quite a while, I had to high-five a few protestors because they seemed like the only people with the energy to spontaneously high five some random aha.

But like Chris said the last 6 or so came so easily, If I made eye contact I'd make some gestures and say "high five" and raise my hand. It was so easy after this point that I went on to high five about 6 more people. Excited for more drills.

I'm excited to kill my AA and move on to aggressively screening.

Signed Xealously
Ok so coming off of yesterday's high of killing day 14, I though I'd be able to get through day 15 easily. Though because of a bunch of life stuff, an exam, job interview, training e.t.c. I wasn't able to do the drill until like 9pm, fortunately I was in the city but it was absolutely dead on a Monday night.

Day 15

I had two quick attempts at this drill, one on my way to my train to go train and then on the way back,

My trip to the train actually had a really fucking hilarious experience that I'll probably remember for a while.

So the first girl I see has her hand in her bag, not a good start for a high five, I ask do you want a high five she pulls her hand out of her bag with a handful of chips and asks if i want a chip and hands me one lol wtf. I fist bump her and take the chip, I think it was barbecue. Was a fucking hilarious exchange, I really wanted to turn it into an indirect approach since she was quite cute but knew chris would disapprove.

Only got another fist bump from the 4 or so attempts on my 10 minute walk to the train.

My continuation of the drill was on my way back. I had about 12 or so high five attempts in like 30 or so minutes I got 4 or so high fives, the last one was super well timed and hurt a bit and got me really hyped but there was literally no one in site after it until I got on my bus.

I think I did pretty well given I was pretty physically, mentally and socially drained today and will attempt to get this drill done tomorrow at my university campus.

Even though I failed today, just want to let you guys know.

Dont worry, We'll get 'em next time
Signed, Xealous
Hey Men,

From the last posts, failure, I restarted the drill for Day 15, and got on such a roll because of the place I choose (very high foot traffic) that I was able to do Day 16 as well all in under an hour. Additionally, since then I've also completed Day 17, going back to kindergarten to recite my ABC's.

Day 15 - Day 16
So for the faster high five drill and high five'ing someone who is stationary, I ended up going to some big landmarks. This choice was excellent, there was so much foot traffic and bars with people sitting outside that it was really easy to get this drill done.

Weirdly enough I found the stationary drill the easiest since, I find opening with a "hey what's the time" let's me frame it as a thankyou high five aha. Or just having some sort of communication rather than trying to non-verbally communicate to someone that I want to high-five increases the percentage of positive results I would get. This is about all I realised doing the drill, I was surprised how quickly I got it done.

Day 17
Today I went to a shopping mall after it was closed and only 3 or so food-stores were open, though there was just enough foot traffic to get in 12 abcd's in this was the oddest challenge so far, it felt really confronting when other people were around. I do realise this is exposure therapy and will definitely improve my ability to not give a fuck, but even though I did it quite easily, I still felt tense. I feel like it helped me realise that even when you are anxious or concerned, that you should do it anyway and perhaps even that anxiousness indicates to you that you are doing the right thing.

That's about it for the past 3 drills, I hope this log finds whomever may read it well.
Signed, Xealously
Hey Men,

I've been doing the drills, but haven't been writing them up, quite busy with work. To be honest, I'd rather be doing the drills and missing writeups than wasting time looking at this forum. I'm currently up to Day 21, having to repeat since I got kicked out doing this drill which you'll read about and all other venues were too far to get too. So, lets get into it.

Day 18
The My Shirt drill, this drill was fun. Did the 5th approach, "My boyfriend bought it, I think it's kinda gay.", it was quite entertaining to see the reaction after that line. This drill was fine to complete.

Day 19
The Beiber cut one where you have to act flamboyant, I did this on the first 2 sets as I wasn't happy with my first set performance of it. All in all got it done in about 30 minutes or so was happy with the rest of my performance.

Day 20
The bathroom drills, I don't find any trouble in talking about bathroom related things which it seem a minority of people are. This was fine a fucking weird aside is, on the last one I actually needed to go to a bathroom to change, so I followed the directions I was given, I go to a disabled bathroom since it's larger and less dirty so I can change into my clothes for work and as I hit the open button (They are automatic) , it turned out some girl was on the bathroom and had not locked the door. She must of died with embarrassment absolutely brutal.

Day 21 (SQUEZZE)
This is the first drill I failed in a while, literally the first girl I went for I caught eye contact and squeezed her arm. as I continue to walk off I feel a thud in my back and she must of hit me or something and she stormed off, I look back a minute or so later and she's chatting to a security guard pointing to my direction, next thing I know I'm kicked out of the place didn't even get to 10 rip. I'm going to try tonight(Sunday) hopefully I can get this drill done otherwise I'll have to wait till next Saturday

Signed, Xealously.
Drills Undone
  • Day 21 Squeeze
  • Day 26 Arnold

Hey Men,
I've been going through the program and have hit a sticking point and have made 3 tries at this drill and haven't been able to do it. Firstly lets recap on what I've done since last log.

Day 22-25
From what I recall, these drills were quite easy, I completed them all in malls, just because of the high foot traffic, since there was nothing drastically concerning with these drills I won't go into depth about them.

Day 26 (Att. 1)
I only had 20 minutes this day, had to go to work. I didn't do a single arnie approach was completely in my head.

Day 26 (Att. 2)
Made the mistake of doing with a very inexperienced wing. It was an hour of walking around 4 attempts at it, very bad responses. I know its about the execution not the response but didn't want to count it.

Day 26 (Att. 3)
Did this one in the city. Got a really good response but ran out of time and had to settle with just 1 attempt

I'm going to try and complete Day 26 in one attempt of 10 approaches, lets get it

Signed, Xealously