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30m coffee date w/ TG ended.

Ultimatum delivered, she kinda led into it quite a lot, it wasn't much of an ultimatum tbh, she didn't give a rats ass.

She talked about how she wants to wait a very long time before having sex, like, a really long time, wants to find someone to fall in love with, and so on.

She was super clear about that. It was obvious we're heading in different directions.

Agreed to leave it there. I wasn't too bothered, but neither was she. There was no change in facial affect, tone, energy, emotion, at all. She gave no fucks at all.

I told her, we can leave it there on a positive note. We agreed we don't need to speak again.

Walked off. Blocked her.

Back to becoming more successful in life.


Ravi Thoughts:

Wasn't surprised.

They all ghost. They never put their money where their mouth is.

Same shit, different day......

I need to make a change in my life.

Been in this cycle for years.

May be time to just be open and honest about how I feel:

My life is not going great. Dating, women, etc, has just got steadily worse and has not been moving in any positive direction for 2+ years.

This is a really stupid way to live your life and is not actually helping me grow as a person anymore.

This, is not supporting my life, and this shit is just pointless, and not bringing anything good to me.

It would be better to just focus on business, making money, work on my body, and I think accepting a single life may be the way I go.

Month after month, same shit. Every gal I meet, Same shit. Nothing ever hits, nothing happens. They just don't seem to give a rats ass.

And now, frankly, either do I.

I am not frustrated, mad, or upset.

Having done this for years, and having really tried, I know the level of effort I have put in. Showed up for so long.

For now, I'm done. I may pick back up in the future.

If there was ANY HOPE, after all this time, I'd tell you.

It actually got worse.

I can't turn this one around. No use fighting it. I will instead direct my energy to business, my body, and find another way to live my life.

I'm not going to post for quite some time now.

Logging out.

Best of luck bros, work hard, try your best. I hope this shit goes better for you than it did me!

I'll be OK. Will make some money, travel, and just accept my life and make peace with it.

Olafsmash said:
last winter i had girl coming over and she ended bossing me around in my own fucking apartment.
Fuck that shit. she wanted dominant masculine energy instead she found a kid who fetched her wine on command. she insulted me and left shortly after. Never again.

i dont understand this honesty stuff either, to me it seems your just playing a game of choosing when honesty will get you what you want.
either be honest 100% or else your just choosing and picking when you think honesty will benefit you, which makes you not honest by definiton. and guess what, every man and women is a liar. Youve been branded a liar by God and it will stand true because everybody fucking lies.

Authenticity/honesty is only half of the prescription

The other half is to take care of your self

An unhealthy person who doesn't take care of themselves will be unattractive when they are authentic

Thankfully though, even when we are unhealthy or mentally ill, our self is not permanently broken, but something that can be healed (and probably even enlightened)

Basically, I believe insecure people have been burdened with a treatable mental illness

But we are not permanently broken

Maybe men like Holden, pancakemouse, september, AskTheDom view game as the treatment for this injury

If so, we are on the same page

I just feel like the treatment for attachment issues in adults, which are laid out in the book and outlined in the videos I linked below, to be a more efficient, effective and permanent approach to healing this illness of insecurity
(that most of us seem to share)

Listen to Attachment Disturbances in Adults by Daniel P. Brown, David S. Elliott on Audible. https://www.audible.com/pd/1666126845?source_code=ASSOR150021921000R


And just so we're clear, I feel a lot of empathy and respect for you guys, because I know we are all struggling to heal and care for ourselves, and help others do the same, in the best way we know how

My life is just too mental right now.

It got, absurdly chaotic.

Give you an example:

Tattoo Girl, Sat, we did a date, we chatted, and then, she made it clear she wants to wait a LONG time before sex (years). We ended it there. She have zero fucks. No change in emotion or affect. I dipped. We ran into each other 2hrs later, she walked up and chatted to me. She was nice. Neither of us cared.

I then approached a few girls. One exchanged, and agreed to see me that night. She then agreed to see me Monday night (today).

She ghosted Sunday onwards.

So, she didn't confirm today.

I got up, did some work. Hustled. Hung out with The Dom, worked on my laptop.

I then went for a 30m break. During this, I saw a pretty girl.

Approached her, chatted. We vibe. She's free, so we grab a coffee.

Insta Date.

Bounce to another location, vibe more. Bounce elsewhere, keep connecting. She's holding my hand and walking around with me, I'm very physical, touching her arms, hands, legs.

We're having fun.

Head to the bridge. Then, try to escalate a bit more. Touch her ass. She stops, looks at me, and says "thats a bit bold". I say, "well, you do have a nice ass". Shes a dance teacher so has great ass/legs.

I pitch we go to mine, listen to music, and she show me some dance.

She heads to mine.

She is quite a pleasant chick to chill with, she has some funny mannerisms.

I am physical with her and sinking into the energy.

Pull to my room.

Slowly escalating, taking it slow, and really feeling it out.

There doesnt feel like a sexual vibe, but we hug, get more touchy, more intimate.

She is ok with me kissing her neck.

She lets me touch her ass a bit more. Not that much.

We hug a bit.

I end up throwing her on my bed.

Immediately, she says, "I won't be getting intimate with you".

I just ignore and slowly escalate, pull off and go totally cold, then escalate.

Go for the kiss, she denies. I pull off a bit, escalate again, go for kiss again, she still denies.

I then flop back and kinda go cold.

She then really tries to get my attention again, which I give her.

But.....despite pushing for a third time, I get nowhere.

I call her out, and ask her to show some trust. She gives me some bs. I push back.

I then just call her TF out.

There is total rage in her eyes.

I have been on 20+ dates now with no sex, and I know this is another one, so I give no fucks. She looks into my eyes with total anger, and all she is met with, is power that is so much stronger than hers ever will be. She cannot move me even an inch. The fire in her eyes, is put out, within a few seconds.

She then, seems to like me more. We're laying on bed together, and she's just feeling my body and stuff. And I'm feeling hers.

She won't escalate, at ALL.

And I then give her an ultimatum. She tells me, she will leave.

I agree. Get up, tell her to go.

She says she wants to stay in touch with me, which I tell her won't be happening. She says, ok, but I want to leave my details for you, so they are there if you ever want them.

She finds a sheet of paper on my desk, and writes her IG, and also writes, "Trust is a two way street".

All of this, was a fun vibe, there was no bad energy, on the way out, we have each other a long, deep hug, and she left with a smile on her face.

She liked me a lot better when I started to push back against her bullshit. Interesting.

The gal, was a complicated one. She had self harm scars, all the way up both arms, and both legs. Really deep scars, from tonnes of cutting. She's had laser treatment on them, tatood over them, but they remain.....

I loved this experience and felt the progress I made. Sat, I got cucked by Tattoo Girl. I got another number, which agreed to date Mon, and ghosted. When this other girl ghosted, I went into the streets, and from approach, to having this girl on my bed with me, was about 3hrs.


I then jump in the ice bath for 10m.

And then, my friends arrive. And we head out for dinner.

I get back at 10pm ish.

And no fucking work was done.

My life has become chaos.

And it is destroying my progress.

I am going monk mode.

I will work biz 10-12hr a day. Train very very hard on my body. And Ill day game for 1hr daily, and work on the apps.

But nothing else is taking place.


All fat being trimmed.

I am taking a break from my moderation duties on the forum, and am locking my thread.


Which is to prove my damn point: that it is possible to go from nothing to something.

So, time for me to WORK, and I mean, truly WORK.

I will be back in a month or so, bros, and I will be a better and more successful man.


Doing a lot of work on my mind, getting deeper into my mind, and into my heart and soul. Reprogramming myself, to be a better man. More stoic, and with a better, more rational take on reality.

Plenty of change going on.

I am in better spirits now, in a better place.

I had to do a lot of work on myself, to get everything flowing in my life again.

It is a deep game.

Sat down with the GOAT, Scotty, over the weekend. We shot an EPIC 3hr podcast


Scotty & I have some projects lined up, which will transform mens lives.

Life, is abundant, and you can accomplish whatever you want.

Change, and growth, however, will be different for each person. Challenges happen for us to grow. But put us on the pathway necessary for us to realise our highest potential.

I will be back in proper flow, soon enough.

All is well.

Hope you are all doing good.

Speak soon,
Flying back to the UK in about 45m, at the airport in Munich catching a connecting flight.

My first 90 days in Budapest, done!

I will write up a report on my experience the past 3 months.

I will apply myself, very firmly, for the next few weeks.

On the 13th of Sept, I will fly to NYC, to stay with Master Pancake for a week.

I will be doing a bootcamp with Shadow.

I will spend some time hustling with Scotty and facilitating his bootcamp.

I choose excellence, achievement, and success.

I will entertain no other option.

My mental health, has recovered. I will be truthful in my report, and highlight the turn my mental health took during this time in Budapest, including the disturbing ADHD symptoms I developed.

I have never had emotional and mental turbulence like I have had during this time.

Thank you to my core tribe, The IronWill Grind Chat, and the No Brains Crew, for sticking with me every day during this period.

I am mentally almost back to being MAC.

..........The Godfather of Grinding.


Back with my parents the past few days.

There is a certain feeling of accomplishment that hits me when I walk along these all too familiar streets.

I just no longer recognise the man I used to be.

A person that fucked up, that down low in life, down trodden and defeated....

Travels the god damn world, in a swashbuckling adventure to become GREAT

There is an immense pride I felt.

I've been keto adapting the past few days. There are flashes of really excellent brain energy and performance. And I am keen to fully adapt and smash my goals.

All is well. And SUCCESS will be achieved,

Lets fucking go!

MakingAComeback said:
Back with my parents the past few days.

There is a certain feeling of accomplishment that hits me when I walk along these all too familiar streets.

I just no longer recognise the man I used to be.

A person that fucked up, that down low in life, down trodden and defeated....

Travels the god damn world, in a swashbuckling adventure to become GREAT

There is an immense pride I felt.

I've been keto adapting the past few days. There are flashes of really excellent brain energy and performance. And I am keen to fully adapt and smash my goals.

All is well. And SUCCESS will be achieved,

Lets fucking go!


I will post a full video update.

All will be revealed.

I had a major fucking revelation in relation to mental health.

Going back to my core principles, and going even harder, my mind began to clear up and heal emotionally.

And I feel re-awakened, and ready to f**ing ATTACK.

I am 100% back.

And SUCCESS is the only god damn option.

I am burning with desire.

The feeling of reaching success, from the hell I came, will be the most incredible self improvement journey of all time.

And I swear I will do all in my power to make sure every person who is an under dog in life, will have the entire blue print.

It will be in this log.

I have discovered some great, great stuff and I am now flowing like crazy.

This will be a new era.

Off to NYC on the 13th.

Dante (Shadow) is the best person on planet earth to teach me. He looks very similar to me, in every way. But he is a total beast.

Same will be developed within me.





TUESDAY 5th of September


Cornerstone Habits:
Morning Process: Visualisation & Affirmation (DONE)
Sunrise (DONE)
Evening Process: Visualisation & Affirmation
(1) MONEY:
-IronWill Client Work (DONE)
-Social Media Domination: 3 Cycles of FB, IG & LinkedIn Posting + 10 Social Media Comments
-Content Machine (2hr Block): 1 Long Form, 1 Quality Post, 1 Short
-Networking (2h Block): Dan’s strategy, create your Hot 100 List
-New Business Development: Spend 1 hr thinking of how to win new business, and do a min. of 2 pitches
-Offer Work: Work on the group coaching program doc.
-DMs: 100
-Scotty Project: Hustle on the bootcamp project, which I will support Scotty with.

-Gym: Chest & Triceps
-ATG: Movement & Streching

-Reading: Dan M Book (30m)– How To Be F**king Awesome (reading for the 2nd time)
-Study: Dan M’s courses (30m)

-Life Admin Tasks


BW: 196.3lbs

Adapting to keto, eating lots and lots of fat, 75% fat, 25% protein. Adding SLABS of fat to my waistline. Gained 6lbs. But, fat adapting, and my brain is working a lot better. My mental health is starting to repair. And I now can feel it. I am back in the fight.

I will smash the gym, cardio, and steadily control kcals. Priority is to get into ketosis, so lots of fat in the blood stream, supports the body making the switch. I can do some fasts and hard exercise to trim this excess, easily.

For the mental and emotional health improvements, I am happy. This will continue to compound. In a few weeks, I will reach huge levels of energy and brain performance, and I will kick life’s ass.

Time to WORK.

SUCCESS is on the other side of HARD ASS WORK!


Morning Checkin

Yesterday was solid!

Very much "back"

Feel so inspired and motivated.

My bro Paw secured an EPIC win career wise, he's now doing over 10k a month

I will join him there soon also ;-)

I will post tonight with outputs.

Popped a modafinil and had insane focus yesterday, lol.

Worked from 6am until midnight. Nuts.

Cleared a huge backlog of tasks.


Back hustling today. I am pipelining ahead of my NY trip next week. Reset my Tinder and Hinge, and hustling. I am getting some matches, and they're pretty good quality wise.


I am going to hustle on biz now, get a haircut, and then I am going to go meet a guy for some networking. Met him at an event a while a go, and he's a great dude. May make some content together.

Crazy weekend.

Went to London on Friday. Plan was to catch up with friends, Carl, Timmy, Ralph.

Was quite last minute, so couldn't get Timmy out. Went out with Carl on Sat. Talked to a bunch of people.

Sat, hung out with Ralph. Will be starting a podcast with him, which will be solid. He's a very high level guy.

Sunday, me and Carl did a heroic dose of shrooms. These shrooms, were the strongest we've ever come into contact with. I've done shrooms twice before. Carl, 5 or so times.

This sent us into another planet.

It was quite scary at times, I full on panicked twice, but Carl calmed me down.

We were tripping fucking balls, man. It was completely reality splitting. It was a trip, where everything melted away. All of reality was gone. As I would look at Carl or my phone, everything was melting into space, shooting stars and aliens in flying saucers would whizz around, and I would go deeper and deeper into the cosmos.

It wouldn't peak, after an hour, it got stronger, and then after another hour when it's usually coming down, it got stronger again. At hour 2, we began laughing hysterically as it was higher than we even knew you could go.

It then, got way too much, and we had to lay on the floor. I began drooling, convulsing, and then went into complete ecstasy when I was screaming and crying on the floor for about an hour.

Fucking nuts.

At hour 3, thank God Carl had began to come down, but I was fucking tripping balls man. For an hour, I was speaking in tongues, talking gibberish, revealing my master plan to Carl, as he calmly sat there, super understanding, nodding his head as I raved like a fucking maniac.

I then, after a further hour, came down slightly. Carl expressed total fucking relief and told me he was so glad I am finally starting to make sense.

We took them at 11am and it was not until 4pm that we'd come back to earth.

We were in shock for about an hour and lay there totally drained, drenched in sweat.

He ordered a pizza. In my delusional state, I also had half. There goes my keto adaptation. Damn. (I got to my normal plan yesterday)

We basically were consigned to laying down after that.

It was a shocking experience to be honest, and we're not sure how useful it was.

We agreed, it was our last trip. We're done - hahaha.

I will say, there was one moment when we were fucking tripping like hell, and Carl made a point about a tribe of cavemen running into shrooms like this and just eating them, how they would even make it out alive. We were in total hysterics, screaming with laughter, rolling on the floor.

In all seriousness, we were glad we made it out of that one alive. Carl was clinging on for dear life, fortunately he didn't get hit as hard as I did. I was truly in the cosmo. I left the planet.

I used these for therapeutic purposes and thought they'd help me facilitate useful life change. This was just a stupid and draining experience. No beuno.

Fuck psychedelics. I don't use any substances, barely drink, and have no interest in altering my consciousness. People who go deep into this stuff and do vision quests or week long ceremonies and shit, are just built different to me. FUCK THAT.

I'm also off to NYC tomorrow, to stay with Pancakemouse for a week, and take a bootcamp with Dante.

I will figure my dating life out.

Building the vision I have, will come together, though it will take blood, sweat, and tears.

Hanging out with Top G Ralph in London, plenty of women were talking to us, giving us glances, and a table of women tried to get us to sit with them out of the blue but we wandered off as Ralph's standards are very high. He's closed 200+ times in nightgame. Natural. Very jacked. Multi-millionaire. 35 and fully retired, financially free for multiple lifetimes.

On my NYC Hinge and Tinder, I'm getting plenty of matches, with attractive women.

Why the FUCK am I in Budapest? Where I do not get anything at all.

This experience has been eye opening. Living in Budapest made me feel like I was super unattractive. But it's not the case. It's just a very insular, backwards, and super ignorant/racist place. That's their choice. You avoid such people in life, you simply get on a plane and get away from them. The small minded ignorance of these sort of people, is not shared in other parts of the world. The game will be tough for anyone who is lower SMV. It should not be made even more difficult by playing on nightmare mode. My other friends who visited, had no issues - none of them looked like me obv. Yep ;-)

I do not think I will stay in Budacuck. Nice city, but shit culturally and socially. Once my stay is wrapped up, will absolutely not return. Shithole. I will think long and hard before making a decision. Or, the government may force my hand by not giving me my visa. In which case, GOOD BYE & good riddance.
Yeah it's nuts man, been grinding for almost a full on year at this point without any success.

In 2022 I got 9 lays and even turned 3 chicks down loooooool.

Since it's just been a shit show.

I attribute this to moving to Budapest, a life decision that in retrospect was a poor one and led to my dating life getting rekt!

I'll just leave and go elsewhere where there is some possibility of success.


(1) Money:
-Client Work
-Client Call
-Offer Dev Work: Launch Sequence
-Biz Dev: Overhaul my free FB Group
-Setup my newsletter
-Content Machine: Long Form / Short / YouTube SEO / Upload Luke / Upload Ralph
- NBD: 2 Pitches, contact Sam

(2) Muscles:
-Bodyweight Training
-Stretch, Movement

(3) Mindset:
-Online hustle


The Visa situation, means I have to submit some more info. Part of me just wants them to decline it, so I can draw a line under Budapest and move on. That will mean I’ll have to go back with parents for a few months, stash some cash for a while, and then dip. I’ll move around for a while. Fuck it.

Plenty of life admin type things to do also today.

In NY, I will be working on Game 24/7. I am taking a week off, essentially, to figure my shit out.

Figure out why the hell this is not going anywhere.

There will be a solution somewhere out there.

MakingAComeback said:
The Visa situation, means I have to submit some more info. Part of me just wants them to decline it, so I can draw a line under Budapest and move on. That will mean I’ll have to go back with parents for a few months, stash some cash for a while, and then dip. I’ll move around for a while. Fuck it.

Bro, honestly, fuck Cuckapest.

I don't see it being good for you, business and dating wise. You deserve to play life on easy mode and Cuckapest ain't the solution. No American or British dude is moving to Europe to build a business because that would increase difficulty. Same with dating. You don't see guys who crush it in one location moving elsewhere.

You and I need to be more ruthless and kill stuff that doesn't work, instead of grinding for grinding's sake. We're both inspired by guys who played life on hard mode for a while and eventually succeeded, but those models also fuck us up, making us stubborn and rigid in our approach.

And to repeat what I wrote on Telegram, we can all agree that you might be overreacting regarding how women in BP treat you. But if there's a place that treats you more favorably, just go there and don't look back. You can try to conquer a city/location when you have dating figured out.
It really is just not a good place to be.

I was in London for one weekend, and I had people asking about my services, guys at startups and stuff, who are getting cash injections.

And yet I go to Budapest, get rejected daily, get no online dating matches at all, and then go home and stare at the ceiling every night alone.

Getting treated like a peasant and outsider all the time, your motivation and drive does get hit, and many things in my life got worse. My body and physique went to total shit. Mental health got WAY worse. It has been a super rough time there man.

What in the fuck!?

Some locations, just do not work for certain people.

My product, is a VERY bad fit there. The women, want no part of that.

However, if I set my profile to other parts of the world, and do a little swiping, the matches and dates just come.

Lessons learned.

I have just submitted the additional info the Hungarian gov requested for the visa. They will tell me the outcome by the end of the month. The reason I want this visa, is I will have a full year in the entire Schengen area, which is:

Germany, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

I could just AirBNB hope for a year or something man.

The idea was, to grind Biz and become more successful for a year in Budapest. But it is dawning on me how god awful a location is and how I will just have to live like an incel for a year if I stay there.

That is not tenable man.

I started this journey to build a dating life worthwhile.

For 3 years, I have shown up, done the work, settled for very fat/ugly women, and just accepted that and done the work for a better future.

Do I really consign myself to another year accepting this bullshit?

There must be some sort of solution.

Getting the hell out of Budapest is something I am strongly considering now.

We'll see what happens with the Visa, and then onwards we may have to go.

MakingAComeback said:
The Visa situation, means I have to submit some more info. Part of me just wants them to decline it, so I can draw a line under Budapest and move on. That will mean I’ll have to go back with parents for a few months, stash some cash for a while, and then dip. I’ll move around for a while. Fuck it.

Don't understand why you're putting your future into the hands of the administration there ? If it's such an awful place to you, why not just take the decision to move now ?