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Dewm said:
Your log is now my home page!

Another forum LEGEND and my friend out there in NYC

Me and Dewm hung out, really connected and strengthened our friendship which has been chatting online the past 2.5 years

And I glad to see, he is a great dude and such a powerful energy in this world


You are a great person and we all want you to win

Like I said, I will be in NYC for like 6 months next year, and we will hang out a lot more

You will become more and more successful in life brother

And you are fortunate to have an incredible mentor in your life of Lincoln, the Generation 1 King ;-)

Speak soon

Writing the first draft of the bootcamp report with Dante & Pancake

Then writing the LR of Brooklyn Girl

She just called me about half an hour ago, we had a good chat on the phone

In the old days, I could barely get a text or retention

Kept working on myself and I got better with women

Now I am having far more rewarding and fruitful experiences, from time to time, and as my Game, Inner Game, and Healing continues, I will find more of what I seek

Brookylyn Girl is a total sweetheart. I am a dude who came by like a whirlwind and swept her off her feet, gave her a killler week, but I do hope she finds a great guy who loves her. I'll happily text and call, and stay in touch for as long as she wants, but my journey is to become the Man I must be in this world, and find the LTR with a quality woman who makes every facet of my life better.

My journey will just continue

Finally I am seeing the power that we have as Men.......

Keep working bros. Keep persuing success.

I will get my money up for a few months, will be good on the game and girls front now I am sure I will be able to crack that. Now lets make some money and live life big.

We NEVER stay small here man

We gotta dream big......

Sewerdog said:
This was awesome to read, well deserved man!

Thank you brother, appreciate you.

Hope you are working hard! Use the forum more, you are on a path towards a great life, lets inspire other men and let's build a real brotherhood.

Got your back & want to see you win

Yo bros,

Life is good.

I feel strong, powerful, abundant, optimistic.

I am still buzzing off the last lay, that girl was really good to me, and I needed it. It seemed like she did too. She was ecstatic after and she was like jumping for joy over how amazing I made her feel. This was adorable. Women can be real sweethearts sometimes.

There is something to it when guys tell you, you just need to get laid!

Everything feels like it will come to me, man. Success, health, love.

But what I care about above all, is my god damn story.

I had the opportunity to share it with some of the brotherhood that Master Pancake & Dante have formed.

And some men reached out to express gratitude and shared how it inspired them too.

The community here, is my tribe. I am committed to you all.

I will never stop serving you, and I truly want to see other people rise and become successful.

Andy & Radical poured a lot into me. Pancakemouse, The Dom, Rags2Bitches, The Bastard. These men gave me a better life. I want to do for others what they did for me and I burn with passion for this vision to be realised.

I am a humble man from dirt nothing. I came here and asked other men for help.

Everyone helped me.

I must become a real success story and I must lift others up, like others did for me.

One day I hope I will inspire someone to start the journey of journeys for themselves.

I searched my whole life for this shit. But the answers did exist.

For the seeker who just lurks my log, I send you strength and encouragement to start your own journey.

If you have been looking for answers for a while, let me tell you from the bottom of my heart: the buck stops here.

I have gotten to this point in my life, building a brand, running a business, and starting just now to see myself touching others lives in a positive way, because other people got deep inside my head and convinced me that I too have value and am worth something in this world.

Everyone loves an underdog success story.

So let it be you.


I will write Brooklyn Girl Lay Report as it was such a great experience

She has texted me every day, and actually called me on Saturday.

I think it’s fair to say, she is a little smitten with me.

Absolute doll.

Though I missed my flight to get date practice in, going to BG’s house and banging all night was such fun.

Got up the next morning and did it again.

Leave her place at 9am so she can go to work and just wander around the most hipster part of Brooklyn feeling like a champ.

I got a coffee and sat down for a while and just let it all sink in.

I no longer recognise myself.

I was a loser.

The definition of a hopeless incel.

When I tried to get help when I was in my early 20s, they laughed at me. When I attended sessions with RSD and the guys found out I was still a virgin, no one would be open to hanging out with me and after the two boot camps I did, I remained a virgin.

When I used to lurk on GLL and read the logs of The Bastard, or Andy, I never thought one day I too would do all these things.

And that I could also change my life and turn it around.

There was a special feeling I felt when the sun beamed down upon me and I sipped on an americano to let the caffeine invigorate my brain and give me focus.

Damn Ravi….can you even imagine this is your life now?

Booked a flight to come home to the UK,

And who knows where I will go next?

I am a humble man from fucking nothing who changed his life through work ethic and community support.

I hope you all get to taste the absolute bliss of transformation, of becoming the man you dreamed to be.

I have gotten to feel it now.

It is not easy. In fact, it is a challenging game. There is a lot I have learned about how the SMP works, the crucial importance of location, and how you have to fight to get into a location where you have a shot.

But these many years of hustle have given me a framework, knowledge and deeper understanding than most ever will obtain as they live on easy mode, and run Just Exist game.

I am proud to be a dog.

To be a warrior.

Every inch of attraction I have ever gotten, I had to work for. Hard. Nothing has come easy and I had to eat shit for years to just start feeling like a man of value.

But I know beyond any doubt now. This can be done.

And I will be the one to do it.

The hardest case of all time…..will be the one who inspires the people, you fucking watch.

Message below was from my chat. We will be looking for one more member as the Bulldog has left. That member will need to be able to match my work ethic and dedication and will need to want success so bad they are willing to die for it. I will wait for as long as it takes to find that person. To give you an indicator of the calibre they will need to be, this person will be replacing The Bulldog. So they will need to be fucking dedicated. Period.

“Banged this morning she went to work and I go to a coffee shop to brush my teeth and freshen up feelin such a champ / Chad”

You can see I had to grab my bags, go to a coffee shop to brush my teeth and freshen up, and then fly home lol


If you’re easily offended, closed minded, and not willing to accept raw truths, this is NOT for you.

Don’t read it. Move on with your life.

If, however, you are open to ideas, no matter how painful they may be to accept, and if you are someone who has struggled with dating and relationships, but is ready to change…..

This one’s for you.

I have searched for 13 years for these answers and had to come a long way, to get slapped down and pushed to the very fucking limits of my sanity for 7 days in order to finally get a taste of what I was looking for.

Now, the animal has been let out the cage.

I hope you too are inspired to take massive action and double shift homeless 7 days a week to get Game or die trying!




I did also do shoutouts to other important mentors and coaches of mine, and did send a version including them, but Pancake posted anyway. Absolutely MOGGED.

Thanks also to the real ones, Andy, Radical, The Dom, The Bastard.

Yes my views diverge from others. Many just aren't willing to swallow the SMV/Race Pill. It is a pointless task and they will never be convinced.

I will make it now I know what it will take to get my technical Game on point!

You may be legit offended and mad about how the SMP actually works. But for the real grinders, and low SMV dogs, rejoice: you too have a pathway that can take you to victory. You're just going to have to sink very deeply into reality and die a little inside, so you can get good.

......Also, I may be returning to Budapest in a bit, where I will have to grind in the streets and try to make something happen via cold approach again!

People It's OVER for:

Just Be Yourself Bros
Just Have Fun Bros
But It Works For Me Bros
Just Exist Bros

(PS: If any of the language above is a bit aggressive, it's to try to shock you and stimulate you to THINK. Because people do not question enough, we let many men down)
"I gave her masculinity, she gave me femininity, the world is better because of it. THAT’S GAME!"

An amazing write-up. Thank you for sharing everything so far.
The looks paradigm gave me something to focus on and improve but it can make you feel cucked and disempowered.
I'm glad you've found a way to break through, this was inspiring.
Thanks for the report MakingAComeback. Would you mind elaborating on:

  • What your specific sticking points were
  • The advice that was given for that sticking point
  • What action you are doing now in your approaches for that sticking point

For example, in your report you mentioned during night game you were not getting sets' attention well and Dante advised you to tap on their shoulder and pull them in.

Sure these will be specific to you, but I would and the rest of the community would benefit from a few examples of technical points that changed for you. pancakemouse, if you'd like to give a few examples it may benefit as well.
Bman said:
Thanks for the report @MakingAComeback. Would you mind elaborating on:

  • What your specific sticking points were
  • The advice that was given for that sticking point
  • What action you are doing now in your approaches for that sticking point

For example, in your report you mentioned during night game you were not getting sets' attention well and Dante advised you to tap on their shoulder and pull them in.

Sure these will be specific to you, but I would and the rest of the community would benefit from a few examples of technical points that changed for you. @pancakemouse, if you'd like to give a few examples it may benefit as well.

Yeah, please do!
I will create a document and outline all lessons. I will share this only via DM with the people who ask. You 3 will get it, as well as the guys in my 2 group chats.

If anyone else wants it, ask. Don't share beyond KYIL.

It of course cost me $250 an hour to pay for Dante's coaching and I did 4 sessions with him, airfare is almost a grand in total, then all the rest, respect I invest in myself and KYIL to forward self-improvement and my mission in this world. I will share with anyone who is on KYIL, because we are a tribe and we are together, alright?

I only ask that you post on the forum and take action.

So long as you keep showing up and working I will do all in my power to share everything I learn each day/week/month living the life I do.


Lets work...........


(1) Money: Sales Day
-Client coaching: daily checkins (DONE)
-Client coaching: deep dive calls (one later w/ an agency owner)
-Sales Hustle:

-Visualise securing 10 x $1000 p/m clients
-Research: Look into my target avatar and find 100 examples (research via LinkedIn, FB, industry publications, other locations)
-Make a list of 100: Dream 100
-Draft outreach letter, email, and social media DM
-Draft call script for follow-ups
-Schedule time each day to do 2hrs of sales (following V's mastermind, he suggests choosing ONE channel. I chose hard sales as I didn't want to do hyperposting on socials)
-Practice pitching and just get into flow today. This is Pre day 1. I will put together the Dream 100 and tomorrow I start my touch points.

(2) Muscles
-Keto diet
-Movement & Stretching
-Rest day

(3) Mindset
-Date tonight: hinge date, 1st date ever in my hometown, took 3 years of building my profile to be able to get a date in very hostile locations such as my hometown.
-Online lead gen


Off to the dental hygeinist to get my gums cleaned, teeth scaled and polished.

Got a client call with an agency owner, who is doing very well in my program, getting some great wins and consistently hitting 18k a month in revenue, we're trying to push him to 20-25k a month, and he has a few calls scheduled for today, so he may get it!

Biggest thing with him, was his energy levels and lifestyle habits. He was inconsistent with outreach before working with me. Famine and feast. He'd slay for a month or two, and then fall off. I coach him daily via telegram, he uses the whole IronWill Method (Systems/Processes, Biology, Inner Work) and is open minded to my ideas. He is gettting great results and will slay. He does 2 x 1hr deep dive calls with me a month where we really go inside and figure out every aspect of his journey.

I am so good at this performance shit.

Go read Pancake's log. He was struggling with Long Covid for a long time. I eventually got through to him with a few of my ideas, which through his own research, he was coming towards anyway. In part I suspect because I talk to Pancake every day and have for the past almost 2 years so everyone who is close to me gets a taste of this shit. Within a week, he overhauled his biological robustness, and if he keeps doing ice baths, stays keto, incorporates fasting 2 - 3 times a month, he will just keep ascending.

He is already a beast of a human being and pretty much going to be one of the self improvement legends pretty much.

This stuff works for everyone and I am elite at sensing what needs to be done to get people the performance level they seek.

Comes down to nature's law and biological principles.

Yo bros!

Yesterday was not idea man.

Spent quite a lot of time engaged in critical thinking, and have a good plan, but the day felt low impact as fuck.

I also got a few phone calls from friends, I didn't pick up the first 5 (!!!) times but they kept calling.

The downside of my network is I have a lot of good friends who do genuinely love me, as I love them, but I have to keep up appearances and show my face sometimes so now it's biz hustle season this is going to be a factor while I am in the UK.

If it's just one phone call I can get back to it but 5 or 6 from the same person I have to act lol.

He just wanted to catch up.

See, there are aspects of my personality that mean some people really like me. The last gal I hooked up with, texts daily, and wants to speak on the phone today. This is super positive.

At the end of the day, I am looking for a LTR. I am now encouraged I can make that happen.

I also do need to work straight up on my Game. It has helped me express myself way better and create attraction. I love it!

Date last night, was cuck. She arrived 10m late, sat down and didn't apologise. She was super introverted, wouldn't speak much. After a short while she began to ask me a question or two. Her answers were quite negative and depressing and her energy was making me want to run home.

Her energy was super super low, and I do not enjoy that, it leaves me bored and wanting to find someone else. She was also not OK with sitting close to me. Place was loud and though I sat right next to her for the first part, she then told me "sit over there" and wanted me on the opposite side of the table. I refused, and stated my preference, but offered a compromise to sit in the other seat half way over. She said she needs a lot of space. It's not my preference to have a date like this. This was not going to create a fun experience for me at all. I gave her an ultimatum: I can compromise and sit on that seat, half way between, but I'm not sitting on the opposite side of the table in a loud crowded bar, where I won't be able to speak or hear you. She robotically said "Well it was nice to meet you" and got up to leave. In one motion, I grabbed my jacket, said have a good night, and bounced!

30m in total.

W: I didn't buy any drinks, she asked at the start but I delayed it, and also due to a barrier error, I didn't have to pay for parking. Spent 0 on the date!


This chick was Romanian. It's like talking to a brick wall. But I knew that going in ;-) PRACTICE. It's just numbers. You work on various sticking points, and then move onto the next.

I have never gotten a date in my home town, ever, so shoutout my profile improvements for getting me that. The girl was OK looking (about a 5.5), but horrible personality wise (bringing her down to a -18).

Buyer, not the seller. Men are allowed preferences. You're allowed to end dates. You don't have to be attracted to these people. It's OK to practice.


Going to switch locations to a coffee shop, maybe do some approaches if I see ANY volume (which I doubt to be honest), and grind some output.

Will hit the gym.

And will hit the clubs with my friend later. Nothing serious, there's not a lot on round here, and no logistics.


Romanian and not hot!? Never lol. Those eastern European women got one thing going for them and it's that they're hot. If she's not hot RUN! Great job on bailing and paying $0.
Some dates are just cursed. You're not gonna push someone from a -7 to +7 in one hour. Nor would you want to. I want someone who is naturally optimistic and upbeat that I push into being the best version of themselves and vice versa
Daddy, when you feel a “knot” in the stomach, because she is bad energy, Bali right away.
They do it all the time, you can do it too
Yup that one I should have dipped from, fast! I suspect she may have been on a heavy dose of anti depressants. Very much not a fun date. Fortunately, just 30m. And I will keep up the momentum with not buying drinks I think. I certainly am not drinking on dates anymore.


TUE OCT 3RD 2023


1. Money:
-Coaching delivery
-Sales – 2.5hrs (Pre Day 1)
-Content: Brown Shogun Interview
(A) Study 1hr
(B) Write 21 Social Media posts (7 giving value, 7 general social/life stuff, 7 shorts)
(C) Schedule these posts for FB, LinkedIn, IG
(D) Value posts/articles: Write 3

2. Muscles:
-Gym: Back & Biceps
-Movement & Stretching

3. Mindset:
-Online Lead Gen: Set for back in Budapest. Tried for my location in the UK, just can’t get traction. Set distance to up to 50 miles away, they just won’t match on Tinder, Hinge or Bumble. Over a million people in this radius, but very bad product-market fitment (brown, meh/ugly face, not workable online). Budapest, my next location, is also a poor product-market fit and online is pretty much the same there. In these locations, where your SMV is prohibitively bad, you just hustle in the streets and the clubs. All ya can do! Same profile in NYC, and performed fine. Same profile in London, also performed OK-ish. Product Market Fit. SMV is king.

I still have a major quality issue, I'd be lying if I wasn't pissed off about it. Last lay, was chubby. Very sweet girl and I do like her. But....come on. 3 years is quite a long time to have lowered my standards. I will figure this out.

I have booked tickets to return to Budapest next week. I do not like this location. Though a pretty city, extremely poor for quality of life and getting one's needs met. Unsure how long I can physically tolerate it. Awful place.


Discipline & focus.

Nothing fancy.

Just the basics.

130am and I have done my best, pushed hard with the sales lead gen exercise, gathered 50 emails of "dream" clients

Took fucking 5 hrs

Even took mamba mentality to keep going

I'll do the remaining 50 tomorrow and use Chet Holmes' Dream 100 tactic and see if I can make something happen through regular and consistent touch points and being plain determined
