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MakingAComeback said:
130am and I have done my best, pushed hard with the sales lead gen exercise, gathered 50 emails of "dream" clients

Took fucking 5 hrs

Even took mamba mentality to keep going

I'll do the remaining 50 tomorrow and use Chet Holmes' Dream 100 tactic and see if I can make something happen through regular and consistent touch points and being plain determined


Fuck yeah! That's some legendary self-discipline.
Sewerdog said:
MakingAComeback said:
130am and I have done my best, pushed hard with the sales lead gen exercise, gathered 50 emails of "dream" clients

Took fucking 5 hrs

Even took mamba mentality to keep going

I'll do the remaining 50 tomorrow and use Chet Holmes' Dream 100 tactic and see if I can make something happen through regular and consistent touch points and being plain determined


Fuck yeah! That's some legendary self-discipline.

Thanks bro!

The interview with Colgate, was 3hrs15

I then went to the gym, trained hard to recover from Dad Bob Syndrome, lol

Came back and poured hours and hours into lead gen man.

I am targeting CyberSecurity professionals in Web3, as when I met these guys in real life, at conferences and things, they actually asked me about my services, and expressed interest in working with me unprompted.

These people are in a super competitive sector, and could benefit from what I do IMMENSELY.

It takes hours to do your research, gather the right sorts of people, get their details using web scraping tools, and compile them all.

Just kept going and decided I will get all my cyber security c-suite level execs gathered.

The next 50 dream clients I put into my spreadsheet, will be an even split of entrepreneurs and agency owners.

Once I have that 100, I will start the outreach process and just engage in touch points, and see what happens over the next few months.

The above, btw, is just cold email and social media outreach.

Other lead gen ideas I will do before I go back to Budapest:
-Flyering: Will make 1000 flyers, go to the most expensive post code in Central London, knock on 250-500 doors, introduce myself, and hand them a flyer. I'll be suited and booted for that one. I'll also hire a guy off TaskRabbit to delivery the other 500.
-Cold Calls: To the dream 100
-Physical letters: Send 100 physical letters to FinTech c-suite level execs in London

For inbound marketing purposes, I really need to put on one public talk, may scramble and just see if I can do one in London next week somehow, and see if I can get one human being in the room xD

Hustling your ass off is how we create outcomes in life!

MakingAComeback said:
This chick was Romanian. It's like talking to a brick wall. But I knew that going in ;-) PRACTICE. It's just numbers. You work on various sticking points, and then move onto the next.

I have never gotten a date in my home town, ever, so shoutout my profile improvements for getting me that. The girl was OK looking (about a 5.5), but horrible personality wise (bringing her down to a -18).

Man this is why I just stay away from Eastern European girls. Too many experiences in the past with them being this kinda cold, negative and masculine. Also does my head in when they try to get you to pay for stuff, even had a time in the past when a Russian girl skipped dinner so she could order food on a date even though I said we were going to a bar (I didn't pay for her share lol).

Most guys I know also have the same experiences with Eastern European girls. Where I am there's girls from everywhere here - I find it a lot more fun just to focus on the girls I know are nice and have a good vibe (for me its UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Scandaniavian/Northern Europe/German girls).

I found once I started focusing on the girls I personality wise get on with and are generally more DTF, 1st date conversion rate improved significantly as stopped wasting time on dates with Eastern Europe, Southern Europe etc girls who just culturally are likely to need multiple dates to hook up and personality wise don't have much in common anyway.
MakingAComeback said:
Sewerdog said:
Fuck yeah! That's some legendary self-discipline.

Thanks bro!

The interview with Colgate, was 3hrs15

I then went to the gym, trained hard to recover from Dad Bob Syndrome, lol

Came back and poured hours and hours into lead gen man.

I am targeting CyberSecurity professionals in Web3, as when I met these guys in real life, at conferences and things, they actually asked me about my services, and expressed interest in working with me unprompted.

These people are in a super competitive sector, and could benefit from what I do IMMENSELY.

It takes hours to do your research, gather the right sorts of people, get their details using web scraping tools, and compile them all.

Just kept going and decided I will get all my cyber security c-suite level execs gathered.

The next 50 dream clients I put into my spreadsheet, will be an even split of entrepreneurs and agency owners.

Once I have that 100, I will start the outreach process and just engage in touch points, and see what happens over the next few months.

The above, btw, is just cold email and social media outreach.

Other lead gen ideas I will do before I go back to Budapest:
-Flyering: Will make 1000 flyers, go to the most expensive post code in Central London, knock on 250-500 doors, introduce myself, and hand them a flyer. I'll be suited and booted for that one. I'll also hire a guy off TaskRabbit to delivery the other 500.
-Cold Calls: To the dream 100
-Physical letters: Send 100 physical letters to FinTech c-suite level execs in London

For inbound marketing purposes, I really need to put on one public talk, may scramble and just see if I can do one in London next week somehow, and see if I can get one human being in the room xD

Hustling your ass off is how we create outcomes in life!


Mad respect bro. You got this. No way you can fail if you do these things.
MakingAComeback said:
Other lead gen ideas I will do before I go back to Budapest:

Just finish and print the fucking book. Doesn't even have to be a long one. You can create a decent book if you write 10k-12k words and use a big font. Sixty to seventy pages is possible.

And I'm yelling at you because I have to do this for myself as well.
Hedon said:
Eastern Europe, Southern Europe etc girls who just culturally are likely to need multiple dates to hook up

Even tho it is true that E. European girls are more closed up. And I really don’t like the attitude of Russian type girls. I live there and I fucked all my girls by second date. (E. Europe not Russia)

Don’t let this assumption get too much into your head. If you are good they will fuck guys there on a first date no problem.

In my opinion it is better to believe that you are fucking G who can plow any chick he wants & when he wants. Than tell yourself that it is too hard & potentionaly don’t take chances just because of some bias.
Yo bros,

I will respond & thank you all for the comments.

Working hard.

On the infield: it's agaisnt our rules to post any approaches, last thing we want us for us to catch that heat. Nope!

I have edited that post from Jakers. Glad to see ya btw homie.

That was a really bad approach, with no vibe, swagger, body movement, intent - it was str8 cuck. That was on the Sunday of the bootcamp, we were still working on other aspects of dating and the interaction at that stage. It was also the first of the day, a warmup, and came after a relentless week of endless hustle and not a lot of sleep tbh.

Beyond that, I did have major insights and learnings, and as I said, on Wednesday of that week, day 7, it all came together.

Since, I've returned, and when running errands and shit in my parent's town, I saw 2 cute women, approached both, exchanged with both, and fundamentals were solid, lots of vibing, challenging, push/pull, disqualifying (and then they qualified lol) and just briging sauce, spice. and some real energy.

I have gotten further along in my understanding and am hustling to make shit happen.

If you bust your ass in life, you will create outcomes through sheer raw effort and grit.

It is definitely an uphill struggle for sure, that's the nature of product-market fitment.

Jake, gotta be honest, I finally understood what you were saying all along. And yes, you were actually right.

You do have to learn to become very masculine if you're low SMV, how to be very charismatic, supremely confident, and how to stimulate emotions.

The moment this came together in my mind, I finally saw it. This happened through conversations with an awesome brown gamer in NYC, the Indian Warrior Uncle V (Dante told me he is my uncle rn as he's more advanced in Game). and of course, Dante himself.

As a low SMV guy, you're really down there in the overall hierarchy, and that is the dynamic that kills you. Women know, unconsciously, how they feel when a dude who is attractive in society's eyes makes them feel, and they subsequently know that isn't what's happening here, so essentially, you have to win them over pretty much. The two things that kill you as a low SMV:

-No Market, No Archetype, No Frame: The 3 fingered death punch! Within the collective female unconscious, there is an arousal template that is conditioned into them by society, media, culture, upbringing, politics, religion, etc. This is inside their biology, imprinted, and you can't do anything about it. If you don't fit this mold, which IMO, only truly applies to one group, then you are pretty much going to stack up at the bottom and there is no looksmaxxing, image improvements, style upgrades, that will ever really make a difference for you. At the absolute bottom of the world's SMV hierarhy, are men who are Brown-Brown, that is very ethnically Indian looking. There's dudes who are from my heritage, but pass as something else. My brother for instance has light skin and looks slightly arabic. So he gets a pass and is able to do pretty good. The lack of a fundamental aspect of attraction, is why none of my looks improvements did much of anything for me. And nor are they likely to as the years go by, as I'll still have no market. MOGGED.

Or am I truly mogged? No. You CAN overcome that, but you have to spar, battle, get in the ring and box with these women verbally, with humour, charisma, sexuality, teasing, challenging, and the various techniques that exist. You have to take major risks and say and do things that could kill the interaction. Essentially, fight for attraction and acknowledgement. If you are able to do so in a very cool, socially normal, and dominant way, they just start responding. I saw it time and time again.

This is why I coined certain terms:

-Just Exist Game: The reason why higher SMV men are total retards when it comes to giving advice, because they themselves have no Game and are literally just existing and closing out the ass. I wasn't aware of this, and for the first part of my journey, I learned from people running Just Exist Game and then wondered why I was getting absolutely f**king nowhere. I wasted years of my journey thinking if I just speak to girls, and improve myself, take action etc, things will work out. It pains me but lessons were learned. This does not work. Reason? No market for my product.

It's not hard to sell hot dogs outside a baseball stadium.

It IS hard to sell ice to an eskimo.

The way around it - you gotta hustle and learn to sell like a motherfucker.

This is a moment MANY low SMV males have. Dante had it about 2 years in when he was doing everything the RSD instructors were telling him, but getting terrible reactions and it was not happening for him. As he has the gift of social hyperawareness, he was able to decode the matrix, and the secrets literally lie inside Dante's brain. Very incredible shit. He is able to transmit it to you.

Which takes me to the next term:

-Level One Cockroach Males:

I also saw many examples of low SMV browns & Asians spending a small fortune on bootcamps and immersion programs, only to still be incel, and when they had a private convo with the instructor after years of effort, it was always the same shit

"...You just have bad energy, bro"

This is an example of a straight-up cockroach. They themselves are not able to help you, not able to improve your outcomes, but rather than admit this, and that they sold you a dream, they will just blame you. They are unable to understand that for the bottom 25% of men in SMV and looks, it is a totally different ball game, and they are unable to understand that with decent SMV, the arousal template within women's minds is literally programmed to find you attractive and to see you as part of the accepted attractive group.

Yup ;-)

Someone can have hundreds of lays and not understand the first aspect of how the SMP works. I have seen this a lot. There are 3 or 4 people I would describe as having a Level 10 understanding. The rest, I do not even engage, I have no time, literally.

Be aware of gas lighting and just get away from these people imo. Don't waste your time. Don't engage with them. I no longer talk about dating with these people. When it comes up, I stand up, and leave the fucking room. I leave the call. I just get the hell away from them. Do you listen to women for dating advice, and take it seriously when they tell you to Be Yourself? No. In time, they get the message, and they stop discussing it or talking about it with you. It is a no-go zone with me and if needs be I will just tell them to take it elsewhere.

There is some valuable discussion above and I will post regarding:

-Poor Product - Market Fit: Brown in Eastern Europe, not quite a death sentence, but it's close to it I won't lie. However, with Game, you can temporarily overcome these people's ignorance and show them for a moment, I am human too and I have substance, knowledge, skills, and have value to offer if you put your ignorance aside and get to know me for a second. But, yes, unless one is quite handsome, you just have the option of relentless grinding, and sometimes running into someone who, for whatever reason, is OK with getting to know you. I still got dates, though they sucked and I didn't like the women. I do not think people should remain in these locations. Consider The Bastard who stayed in Poland for 2 years, and went on almost ~100 dates to nowhere! You can still absolutely make something happen, but it will require Game, and you will need to be prepared to slap these women so astonishingly hard their socially conditioned brain pauses for a moment and recognises you are also a person. This is a grim experience and for what it does to your heart and soul, I am not sure I advise it. Perhaps if you like these women, then go for it - I don't have any preferences in this regard, I just want to be treated well.
-Nightmare Mode: It's not advisable to go where you will be in very very hostile terrain. Low SMV/unattractive people are going to be in a tough situation regardless, so it's best not to make it harder. It's best to go where it's at least workable, plenty of volume, and there is less adverse social conditioning that makes your life unnecessarily harder.
-EE Women: Completely agreed with Hedon. Having approached many hundreds, they were quite a strange breed. Some, were very nice. It wasn't that which I took issue with. I felt a deep disconnect. I never felt sparks or connection. It was always a weird and novel experience for them, that they just entertained. Nothing would come from it. I know some men find these women hot. I personally don't see it at all. I have never turned my head or thought, wow she's lovely looking. I am not attracted to them and I find their personalities and ways of being absolutely vile. Why would I waste my life speaking to women who are cold, dead, and like stone? Devoid of substance and humanity. Very rarely have I seen a woman from this part of the world smile, laugh, speak with anything other than a dead, robotic monotone, show sexuality or sensuality. This repulses me but is ultimately part of the player's journey. You have to see it all. Why is/was EE so terrible for me? My product - market fitment is extremely poor there. Nothing inside their brain can make sense of what they are being met with. Now I know Game, I am pretty confident I can make something happen, but it is a case of being in a location where you just don't agree with the views, treatment of other humans, and stuff like that. I don't agree with it. When I was seeing people act in homophobic ways in the Canary Islands, I packed my bag and left. I am not gay, but I am deeply against any discrimination. I have logged in this journal dates where women were complaining about white men and stuff like that. I got up, and left. Someone has to be the bigger man. Let it be you.

Why do others do just fine in EE?

-Good Product - Market Fit: Correct race, from the socially accepted attractive group. This is the most important thing in EE. If you have no problem with this, stay in EE. If you don't like this, then get out. I am going to get the fuck out very soon. I will fly back, have a discussion with Paw, and then fucking leave.
-Strong Game: With very strong Game, you can make it happen regardless if you are from the unacceptable group ;-) I have seen it being done. People like this, but they do exist, and they make it happen, because they're relentless, play the numbers hardcore, and slap these women with Game extremely hard until they are able to temporarily forget who they are supposed to be attracted to, and start to open up and be attracted. This is a spell, and it does fade away soon after it's cast. You'll then have to resume grinding. Don't expect retention and expect these women to feel embarrassed to be out in public with you or speaking to you at all. This would happen to me a lot. Yup...

I know this seems like a lot, but it is how it is, and what I had to learn myself from grinding away from years after being let down my conventional self-improvement.

Ultimately, there are still ways to win, but you have to give up on most ideas and concepts, and likely will arrive at the same conclusions I did: GAME. Mass approach. Looks improvements, don't really work if you have no market, but are generally a good thing to do. Profile improvements, again, don't really work as you still just attract women who see you as a beta provider bitch and you have to get inside their head and convince them otherwise.

One's time and energy is best invested in learning how to overcome obstacles and barriers. I'll write the LR from the last one, and you'll see, that took a tonne of Game to make happen man, otherwise she'd have cucked me too.

I hope this helps you understand why EE is severe cuckitude and a very hallow experience. It is not good to be in locations where your soul starts to turn cold. Leave these people to it, let them engage with the people they have preference for, and get out.

Vote with your feet. Get away.


Back to work & no more theoretical discussion.


MakingAComeback said:
-No Market, No Archetype, No Frame: The 3 fingered death punch! Within the collective female unconscious, there is an arousal template that is conditioned into them by society, media, culture, upbringing, politics, religion, etc. This is inside their biology, imprinted, and you can't do anything about it. If you don't fit this mold, which IMO, only truly applies to one group, then you are pretty much going to stack up at the bottom and there is no looksmaxxing, image improvements, style upgrades, that will ever really make a difference for you. At the absolute bottom of the world's SMV hierarhy, are men who are Brown-Brown, that is very ethnically Indian looking. There's dudes who are from my heritage, but pass as something else. My brother for instance has light skin and looks slightly arabic. So he gets a pass and is able to do pretty good. The lack of a fundamental aspect of attraction, is why none of my looks improvements did much of anything for me. And nor are they likely to as the years go by, as I'll still have no market. MOGGED.

Come on bro I really don't agree with this right here. As you know I'm fully British Asian (same as you) and literally have both UK and Pakistani flags in my Instagram bio where all my girl leads from online/day/night game are taken to. The ones that think I'm Arabic etc I always make it clear I'm Pakistani origin and they can see it on Instagram anyway. I finished last year with 41 girls converted and I'm on track to beat that this year.

I'm living proof you shouldn't use being brown as some kind of negative. I don't personally know a single guy of other races (white, black etc) who has anywhere near my results. Most of my friends are white and their online dating profile's don't get anything like the traction of mine. The amount of girls whose ideal guy is literally brown is insane man, literally the vast vast majority of girls want a tall, dark featured guy, You experience with Eastern Europeans is the same for all races, not just a reflection of yours. Every guy I know of other races has the same stuff to say about those girls.

You're not using your phenotype like you could do in my opinion. I've mentioned it before but cutting your hair shorter, adding tattoos, adding more edge, not looking like as much of a nice guy is the best thing to do. That way being being a brown guy becomes an advantage because you already have the dark hair, dark eyes, tanned skin to look more masculine.
MakingAComeback said:
-No Market, No Archetype, No Frame: The 3 fingered death punch! Within the collective female unconscious, there is an arousal template that is conditioned into them by society, media, culture, upbringing, politics, religion, etc. This is inside their biology, imprinted, and you can't do anything about it. If you don't fit this mold, which IMO, only truly applies to one group, then you are pretty much going to stack up at the bottom and there is no looksmaxxing, image improvements, style upgrades, that will ever really make a difference for you. At the absolute bottom of the world's SMV hierarhy, are men who are Brown-Brown, that is very ethnically Indian looking. There's dudes who are from my heritage, but pass as something else. My brother for instance has light skin and looks slightly arabic. So he gets a pass and is able to do pretty good. The lack of a fundamental aspect of attraction, is why none of my looks improvements did much of anything for me. And nor are they likely to as the years go by, as I'll still have no market. MOGGED.

And here's where we have to just agree to disagree, bro.

I don't mean to offend you, or take away from what you're saying at all, but:

-You're good looking. Not everyone has the ability to make themselves good looking. I didn't. I accept this and overcome it through Game.

This is the equivalent of Pretty Privelege, and a super model telling a very plain looking chick in her 50s and that just needs to be herself and the right man will come into her life.

-You are looking through the Male Gaze & are ignoring the data in aggregate from the market

And you are NOT brown-brown for shit

Positive Halo vs Negative Halo Effect

If you have a good face, you get the halo effect, where women interpret things as a net positive and give you a shot.

If you don't, and have other serious DLVs, you will be in the really ugly position of Negative Halo. Your blood will run cold at some stage (mine did) and you do lose a sense of goodness and humanity. But from the many deaths you die, you do start to become better and stronger. It's only now, when I am fully and completely dead inside and no longer feel for woman, that I am getting better outcomes. Funny....it was exactly how Dante said it would be.

I invented the term Just Exist bros to just cut through the limited thinking and instead ensure I can directionally position myself where I can suceed.

I have issued an open invite to any one of the 2,000+ members on the forum to use my pictures online and see if they can prove others.

Pancake, Rags, and several other of my friends tried.

Geuss what?

They got fucking destroyed.

Tried in many locations and the outcomes were persistently god-awful. Cuckitude of the highest order. In NYC, I was able to get a tiny bit of traction. Product - Market fitment there, was not so bad. But, 100% of the matches I got were CUCK. I converted one, through pushing the limits of Game to very extreme levels......

Otherwise, there is a lot of Level One shit in your post, which I don't judge you for, you are trying to help, but you don't understand:

-Facial structure
-Female Gaze (men don't pick up on it, I didn't think I was ugly, I found out the hard way)
-Halo Effects

As such, you're missing the point and ignoring important data points.

I am not going to argue the point regarding brown skin being the biggest DLV humanly possible as it is just something you will not accept, because the world is kinder to you than it is me given the halos you have in your favour, but you need to accept that I have no luxury of being able to waste time discussing this shit. I have already been open to the ideas of the various coaches I have worked with, who convinced me it was not that big a deal, and then was completely let down when all they could help me achieve was very fat/obese level chicks who still treated me like a peasant. And yet I was supposed to be happy about that.

That is why I stopped all discussion with 99% of the community and now am off doing my own thing, and making my own contribution, putting this shit right and ending the ignorance in whatever way I personally can contribute towards.

You may not accept that you have the luxury of being able to avoid a more harsh reality, but I don't man. I just have to get up and get on with it. That is what causes one to go so much deeper and deeper, until they see the truth and become more advanced in their understanding. And THAT is why most coaches and whatnot in this space, let you down: they are in a reality that means they are able to avoid ugly truths. I can't avoid it. I have used online dating apps for years, approached for years, done endless coaching and shit, and have figured out ways to think & win regardless.

Sheer scientific rationality, cold, strategic calculation, you just take all emotions out and perform technically, and let reality be what it is.

You can't just think you're the shit. You have to literally act, perform, and be strategic.

I don't have more years of my life to waste, fortunately, I am now able to make it work a little, but it's because I started to see how the world works, and began to fight back. :-)

You can't fight and defeat obstacles if you don't see them. That is illogical and self-evident.

I chose to be honest & not lie to people. I was a victim of the ignorance of others, and someone has to stop this cycle. so I will do what I can.

I am now actually able to prove what I am saying is true, and hence, after many years of grinding, am now managing to get into positive interactions and have better experiences.

Product-Market Fit
Technical Game

Looks, are not a bad idea to work on, but if negative halos like bad face exist, it's a case of rolling the dice with facial surgeries which are not necessarily worth the risk.

Body and other shit, did not very much at all for me, telling you that as a guy who lost 90lbs, got a hair transplant, etc. Made minimal difference to frame and receptivity.

THUR 05/10/2023



(1) MONEY:
-Coaching delivery
-Sales: Dream 100 (DONE)
-Decided to spend today getting my sales work handled. Realistically, the first part of the process, is a lot of work. I have now gathered the details of my Dream 100. I will now, spend time every morning, doing outreach, and making touchpoints across email, social media/linkedin, and see if I can get some of them to sign up.
-Draft outreach letter, email, and social media DM
-Draft call script for follow ups
-Prepare your offer document in GoogleDocs: I offer 3 things – Executive Coaching / Group Coaching / Week-Long In-Person Retreat
-Draft outreach letter, email, and social media DM. Start by pinging this to Sam and getting a call setup.
-Draft call script for follow ups
-Schedule time each day to do 2.5hrs of sales
-Practice pitching and just get into flow today. This is Pre day 1. I will put together the Dream 100 and tomorrow I start my touch points.

In addition to the Dream 100 strategy, I am also going to do some flyering, run some cold calls, and explore other tactics.

The framework has to be in place so there’s some work on the front end for that.

It’s going to take all day, so I’ll pick content creation up tomorrow.

-Rest Day

-Online Lead Gen: All I can do in my parents house pretty much. Tinder is set to Budapest, swiping 300 profiles a day. One match this week, some chick who previously did match, but is just ridiculously cuck and probably just matching as I rejected her last time and sees a bit salty. No thanks.

Hinge, I have set to my local area. I have widened it to 100 miles pretty much from going through and swiping out various areas. I couldn’t get any traction. After probably 2000 or so profiles swiped, I got 2 matches, who did not reply.

……...Get what I mean now?

I am not making this shit up, I assure you.

Product – Market Fit is real. Mine is poor in most parts of the world. I get treated like a normal person in NYC, I did notice, and it also performed OK, not great, but OK in London.

Otherwise, it is as you see above. Very much ineffective.

Hence, why I have developed the ideas and approach I have – doing day and night game and finding ways to market oneself regardless of being outside of the market.

I hope this is something you consider before you disagree with my thinking.

If you have no market, no archetype, and no frame, you have to fight, and sometimes, you can run into someone who is open to getting to know you. You do have to really persist, sometimes a hell of a lot, but if you do so in a calibrated way, sometimes, they will drop their conditioning for just a moment and consider the possibility that someone who looks like me has value too. I hope you can start to understand these things more, project your own reality less, and have useful context for why I operate the way I do, and have to do things differently from the rest of the boys.

There are other dogs out there too who are not able to get a break – it’s not just me believe me ;-)
Lets consider that settled now and we can move on.

I am going to take a break for about and hour and then resume work.


BW: 193.0

Gotta keep bringing my body composition into alignment. More training, more cardio, keto & fasting.

I will hit the gym tomorrow and Sat.

I will get some cheeky approaching done tomorrow, day and night game, and get some work in Sat also. Most likely solo, as my friends from back home are married. Could go with my bro, but not sure he’s available. He doesn’t like to go to clubs.
MakingAComeback said:
That is why I stopped all discussion with 99% of the community and now am off doing my own thing, and making my own contribution, putting this shit right and ending the ignorance in whatever way I personally can contribute towards.

You have excellent mentors in pancake and Dante, I’d only listen to them. Better to listen to 2 mentors and follow them blindly than 20+ forum members.

Our job is to be inspired by you and picking you up from the ground when you’re really down.
MakingAComeback said:
And here's where we have to just agree to disagree, bro.

I don't mean to offend you, or take away from what you're saying at all, but:

-You're good looking. Not everyone has the ability to make themselves good looking. I didn't. I accept this and overcome it through Game.

This is the equivalent of Pretty Privelege, and a super model telling a very plain looking chick in her 50s and that just needs to be herself and the right man will come into her life.

-You are looking through the Male Gaze & are ignoring the data in aggregate from the market

And you are NOT brown-brown for shit

Positive Halo vs Negative Halo Effect

If you have a good face, you get the halo effect, where women interpret things as a net positive and give you a shot.

If you don't, and have other serious DLVs, you will be in the really ugly position of Negative Halo. Your blood will run cold at some stage (mine did) and you do lose a sense of goodness and humanity. But from the many deaths you die, you do start to become better and stronger. It's only now, when I am fully and completely dead inside and no longer feel for woman, that I am getting better outcomes. Funny....it was exactly how Dante said it would be.

I completely understand what you're saying man. Just to let you know though as I've mentioned previously I know what its like to not feel/have the benefits of being attractive - my SMV and results now is after years of optimisation, gym, tattoos, veneers, filler, scalp pigmentation to improve density, learning to cut my own hair so I could see what hair works the very best, testing a tones of beard/facial hair combos. Years and years spent on improving fashion/accessory game. When I looked like too much of a nice guy and my SMV wasn't optimised I didn't used to get results either, especially from online and now online is my primary source.

You mentioned 'Not everyone has the ability to make themselves good looking. I didn't - It is possible with cosmetic procedures man. I understand the halo effect and facial structure stuff - I've watched those blackpill videos about philtrum-chin ratio, canthal tilt, ramus length, gonian angle, mid face ratio, forward growth etc. You might have seen Justin Marc the Canadian Indian PUA before, that dude is 5 foot 4 and slays. He did a video a couple years ago about how he got a rhinoplasty and chin implant and recently tattoos and I can see from following his content how much the quality of girls he's with has improved. I wouldn't go down the route of not being willing to do cosmetic procedures. Guys who are Instagram influencers, reality tv, celebrities are willing to do it to improve their lives and dating options and that's who the competition is for the most attractive girls.

I do think it's worth considering about what I mentioned regarding not making the best use of your phenotype. I know from personal experience that as tall, brown guy you have a lot of potential if you setup your look and online photos in the right way. Look at Scotty for example - imagine he didn't have any tattoos, less muscle and a preppy haircut. His results would be completely different even if he approached and spoke in the exact same way.

THUR 05/10/2023



(1) MONEY:
-Coaching delivery
-Sales: Dream 100 (DONE)
-Draft outreach letter, email, and social media DM (DONE)
-Draft call script for follow ups (NOT DONE)
-Prepare your offer document in GoogleDocs (DONE)
-Schedule time each day to do 2.5hrs of sales (DONE)
-Practice pitching and just get into flow today. This is Pre day 1. I will put together the Dream 100 and tomorrow I start my touch points. (NOT DONE)

-Rest Day (DONE)
-Keto (DONE)

-Online Lead Gen (DONE, in England, in the West Mids, getting cucked out the ass lol.......no leads)


Low SMV is not me suggesting I am worse than other people or not worthy as a man, the way I see it, it’s just reality and it helped me understand so much of the journey, and also, that I have to take technical and inner game, very seriously.

I know guys are like, why the fuck does he call himself low SMV? That is just a categorisation of person, it is real, it applies to me, and it helps me understand certain dynamics, and why I have to be really calibrated and more patient than other men. Why, for instance, I have to persist quite a lot, and run more Game, and prepare myself for a lot more disappointment. I know the product I have isn't one that is desired so I need to remind myself I have to sell my ass off pretty much and be determined as fuck!

It helped me understand why, even with a significant amount of work on myself, it just didn’t work.

Lower your SMV & overall looks, more you need to lean into Game & Self Improvement.

Low SMV, is just a blunt reality. You can overcome it, at-least temporarily, using Game.

Much of what is shared above, I totally agree with. I do need to improve further, looks wise, I am very open to surgery to get a semblance of an acceptable level of quality. Well it is what it is man, I am going to have to pay a surgeon to fix my god damn face at some point! ;-) Thanks for the thoughts Hedon. Yeah I am having a shit one online in most parts of the world, my online right now just isn't workable the women I am attracting are freaking cuck beyond belief.

I got a good number of matches online in NYC (about 100 in total, which for me, is great) but these women were virtually all looking for a serious, long term relationship. I am too, but right now the dynamic that is unfolding for me is just not OK. Hell, lay 10 was really serious about not having sex with me, but she just responded like crazy to Game and threw all caution to the wind, the absolute doll lol.

Jake what you’ve written is pretty much Inner Game and I am working on this.

It is useful to believe deeply in yourself yes, but this needs to come with technical skill development. That is part of getting good at Game, and involves a hell of a lot of grinding in the trenches.

I am making meaningful progress, I just shared the thoughts above to comment specifically on:

-Eastern Europe, and why I have had such a shit time dating in Europe in general
-Product Market fit (something I used the example of NYC and London to illustrate)

It must be said, some locations are just nightmare mode. England for me, is nightmare mode. London, I can make it work, outside of that? Hard times. You gotta hustle Game and put the work in, in which case, I am sure I could make something happen.

I am OK with being a Low SMV person. I am OK with being poor in physical looks. It is what it is. I am stubborn and would persist regardless. I share so you understand, why I have to use Game and things like that. And this shit does actually work!

The last girl I slept with, still texts me a lot, and obviously liked me a fair bit. Did that ever happen before getting Game Pilled? No.

I have made significant strides in turning things around and believe I will be OK. I just need to get back to approaching daily (no possibility of developing Game otherwise). Online in Budapest or around Europe I think is likely going to be an exercise in serious frustration. More muscle, more tattoos, surgeries, and then, moving to the right location, and I may be able to turn online around. That is still a long-term journey man, I will do some planning for more significant looks changes next year, tattoos, surgeries, shit like that. I also can’t even buzz my hair down until around Jan anyway due to the reccomendations of the surgeon.

I am not stressing this shit btw, it’s all good.

I just am making it clear, I have work ahead man. And I need to figure out locations and whatnot.

I will have to grind in the streets, for years, grind on my body and appearance, do whatever the fuck I have to do.

This is what it takes.

If any ladies ever read this, I hope they can take stock of how much a man who wants to start a family has to do, in order to get a quality woman – jheeze this is a lot. But for someone who will give me the family I am looking for, well, it is worth it a million times over.

And since going to NYC, I know it can be done. ;-)


I've made a Dream 100 list and captured the emails/social media of 100 people who'd be a great fitment for me.

For a month, I want to spend time each day going through this list, emailing, doing some touch points on social media & LinkedIn, some cold calls, and for some of them, I think I will also send physical letters and things in the mail.

I've follow up with everyone, twice, within the next 30 days, a week apart. Will track it all on spreadsheets.


(1) Cold Email Template: Can you give me some feedback and let me know if this works? I've not done this before.
GoogleDoc HERE:


Something similar will be sent to various IG and LinkedIn inboxes also. 🙂

(2) Offer Copy: As above, if anyone could cast their eye on this, and give me some thoughts, it'd be most welcome.


This Dream 100 strategy, will be one of the things I explore for selling my offer.

I'll devote atleast an hour or two to this, each day, for 30 days. I am also going to do some flyering in London, and cold call also.

Will give it a really good push for 30 days and just see what happens!

Long term, in business, no one shirks the work and the guys who make it, hustle like mother fuckers making content, adding value, networking, and making and selling offers for years before they start making big boy money, can hire people, and live a more zen life.

It's war for me still.

Still gotta work hard on business.


And Game.

I know goal achievement is about focus, but the one exception for this is the low SMV problem. How the fuck can you develop Game without hustling in the streets 7 days a week? You can't. Longer you leave it, worse you become.

So there is no alternative.

Other than to bleed for it................

One day, I will get what I seek man.

Until then, I have chosen to gut up and grind.

And yes Crisis, I will write the book. I worked hard today man and went at it.

This is really inspirational. Also an indian guy as well. just one thing: don’t get surgeries until ur at 10% bf so you see how u really look
Had a look at the documents they look good man.

Cold email
-I’d change to in a snapshot to “Why me” or My achievements” also you could add like “transitioned from corporate work to full time ironwill”. something that shows that you are doing your own biz, is really appealing to me because it’s my dream and I think a lot of peoples.
-Do you have any testimonials/ written with numbers? I know you have it in the copy offer. You could have
“Mr X head of XYZ startup doubled his productivity, Joe took his photography business from 2k to 10k a month, I helped Mr X overcome his fear of Y and now he’s Z. If you want to see how Ironwill can help you, book a 30 min call with me”
FRIDAY 06/10/2023



(1) MONEY:
-Coaching Delivery (DONE)
-Sales work: 2.5hrs:
-Redraft the outreach email with the feedback I’vee been given (15-30m)
-Draft call script for follow ups (15m)
-Practice pitching (15m)
-Research and personalise first batch of 20 emails / Prepare this batch and get feedback (1hr)
-Social Media touch points (30m)
-Video Hustle: 5hrs brah to get my fucking content game back!

-Gym: Legs & Shoulders / Listen to Dan Meredith's podcast
-Movement & Stretching / Listen to 1st Man

-Online Lead Gen (30m)
-Night Game: 20-30 Calibrated approaches – No expectations, it’s fine to get blowouts and practice (Very bad receptivity in this part of the world, expect some chaos in the writeup lol)


BW: 194.3lbs ugh gotta tighten the fuck up brah going Dad Bod mode. I will clean the diet up more, keep logging weight, I want to get below 190lbs because I think my body and face looks better.

Hitting the gym today, will be solid with diet, and will be doing some night game to just get the exposure and practice reps in. I will be going solo, which is not optimal, but where there’s a will, there’s a way!

Sales stuff, should be alright. Thanks to those who slipped some feedback I appreciate it and will apply.

Will smash the gym and give it some serious effort.

Each day, if we APPLY ourselves, we can get better.

Today I will make progress.

MakingAComeback said:
Something similar will be sent to various IG and LinkedIn inboxes

Bad. Really bad.
People rarely read emails.
They rarely read stuff.

Get their attention and tell them value in 2 seconds or your dead. And this is an email that assumes attention in your email that you don't have.

Sorry I'm in a rush would explain more.
But I've done like 40,000 cold calls. And also used to run a company solely off of advertising. This will Not work.

I feel like to explain this I would need a very large amount of time to explain it well.

If someone is busy, is seeing hundreds of things competing for his attention. And has no time to read stuff. What will get him to buy something or even engage more?

Because if your running an online business you absolutely need to understand how to sell to people who have very limited attention spans.

Anyway whenever we get a chance to hop on a call again. I can explain it in depth then.
Manganiello said:
MakingAComeback said:
Something similar will be sent to various IG and LinkedIn inboxes

Bad. Really bad.
People rarely read emails.
They rarely read stuff.

Get their attention and tell them value in 2 seconds or your dead. And this is an email that assumes attention in your email that you don't have.

Sorry I'm in a rush would explain more.
But I've done like 40,000 cold calls. And also used to run a company solely off of advertising. This will Not work.

I feel like to explain this I would need a very large amount of time to explain it well.

If someone is busy, is seeing hundreds of things competing for his attention. And has no time to read stuff. What will get him to buy something or even engage more?

Because if your running an online business you absolutely need to understand how to sell to people who have very limited attention spans.

Anyway whenever we get a chance to hop on a call again. I can explain it in depth then.

Thanks bro I have revised it as below:


Let me know…
Quick question.



The [Blog post, LinkedIn article, Podcast, etc] you shared the other day really caught my attention [CUSTOMISE AS TO WHY] and led me to check out your profile.

As I love what you’re sharing, I couldn’t help but think of ideas on how you could increase productivity, upgrade your energy, and maintain laser focus as a business leader. Allowing you to deliver more for your business and clients, be a better leader, over less time.

Just like [Client Name] (CEO) who went from uncertainty to "the best month" of his business, while achieving more without additional work, or [Client Name] (Founder) who had a productivity and wellbeing breakthrough and launched a successful new venture.

If that sounds interesting, I would love to share my ideas with you over a [call/loom].

Let me know.

Founder, IronWill

I would also love to chat to you about sales and we can jump on a call and make that happen
