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MakingAComeback said:
Manganiello said:
Bad. Really bad.
People rarely read emails.
They rarely read stuff.

Get their attention and tell them value in 2 seconds or your dead. And this is an email that assumes attention in your email that you don't have.

Sorry I'm in a rush would explain more.
But I've done like 40,000 cold calls. And also used to run a company solely off of advertising. This will Not work.

I feel like to explain this I would need a very large amount of time to explain it well.

If someone is busy, is seeing hundreds of things competing for his attention. And has no time to read stuff. What will get him to buy something or even engage more?

Because if your running an online business you absolutely need to understand how to sell to people who have very limited attention spans.

Anyway whenever we get a chance to hop on a call again. I can explain it in depth then.

Thanks bro I have revised it as below:


Let me know…
Quick question.



The [Blog post, LinkedIn article, Podcast, etc] you shared the other day really caught my attention [CUSTOMISE AS TO WHY] and led me to check out your profile.

As I love what you’re sharing, I couldn’t help but think of ideas on how you could increase productivity, upgrade your energy, and maintain laser focus as a business leader. Allowing you to deliver more for your business and clients, be a better leader, over less time.

Just like [Client Name] (CEO) who went from uncertainty to "the best month" of his business, while achieving more without additional work, or [Client Name] (Founder) who had a productivity and wellbeing breakthrough and launched a successful new venture.

If that sounds interesting, I would love to share my ideas with you over a [call/loom].

Let me know.

Founder, IronWill

I would also love to chat to you about sales and we can jump on a call and make that happen


Good crack at it.

Still lacks a definitive value proposition that can be seen in the first 0.3 second glance you'll get before he skips your email.

This is the most important part of any email you write. Because you can have the best email but if nobody pays attention to it in the subject line or the first sentences in the body, it doesn't matter.

... heres an example.

Subject: About your [POST TITLE] LinkedIn post.

"Hey Freddy McFredrickson,

I'm Brandkn. I help people get unstuck in their career paths.

I saw your post about blab blah.


That's a quick example I would've used for career coaching.

Notice how quick you know what I offer. It's like 0.3 seconds the guy knows what I'm about. Yours is so convoluted in formal speak.









with a

Just do that.

The less words the better.

Unneeded words is your enemy in emails.
There shouldn't be a single word in that email in there that doesn't need to be there.
Thanks bro I appreciate it. I resume work tomorrow and will make this adjustment.

Last night, did night game with Sewerdog

Great guy, and had a fun night with him

I'll do the writeup tomorrow. I got in at 3am last night, and took today lightly.

Recovered, restored, and had an easy day off....

Night game, was fun.

Made some looks changes recently with my hair style. I found, I did improve my receptivity and frame.

Just from a small change to the hair. I asked Pancake about which hairstyle looked better, the swept back, or parted, while I was in NYC. "It's hands down the part" he said. When I went on a date with Brooklyn Girl, and she told me my hair looks cute, and started feeling the back of my head, I knew she thought I was some sexy shit.

I did a few sets to warmup, I'd not approached for a week, so needed to get into flow and into a vibe. I required a warmup and the venue was horrible for approaching to be honest.

Lessons learned about effective night game strategy.

I do some sets, and right off the bat, in what I am dressed and how I am styled, I am getting some frame and receptivity. I am getting the first few seconds, though some opens are slightly uncalibrated at the start, this gets better.

2 notable sets: really hot girls, who I stop, approach, and they're into it off the bat and I am running game, physically escalating, and doing what I've gotta do. One exchanges. These are tough sets as their friends are looming around.

I did night game last week, and did notice, having worked on my looks more and the hair transplant has grown, now when I approach, I am not getting instant blowouts nearly as often. I am also noticing, when I get into set, the girls friends are not immediately ripping them away. This is a new thing. For the first year and a half in London, I got instant rejections, or their friends ripping them away, right off the jump!

I did notice this and I was surprised myself, man....

Sewerdog was there and can confirm, the two sets who I talked to and vibed with for a while, were undeniably hot.

Not that I am that excited about that, I am more into a gal's energy and vibe.

I gotta be honest, the slight adjustments I made during the bootcamp, damn near changed my life.

Actually knowing how to spit Game, and really stimulate emotions, makes ALL the difference.

The calibrated way of opening, the social awareness, the coolness, masculinity, and swag factor.

I enjoyed that night, so much, because I have ascended as a male and I am no longer a guy who cannot talk to attractive women, not at all LMFAO...........not even a little bit.

I can speak to hot girls, and have them attracted to me.

Because I improved myself, and finally, after a lot of searching, started to develop real Game.

Which is man to woman


Vibey, intentful, stimulating

You are using your mind as if its crack cocaine, spitting bars, push pull, escalating.

As soon as I took this one girls hand, she gave me a look of pure attraction, it was biological and I felt it

For the first 2 years of this shit, I NEVER saw that look in a girls eyes. EVER.

The first time I ever saw it, was when I did night game with Dante, and he taught me calibrated persistence in night game.

Seeing that girl look at me like that, made me feel like a totally different human being. After the session, I went home and could not sleep all night.

It was this feeling of total excitement and overwhelm, that finally, after 13 years, I found what I was looking for

I am early days, to get real Game takes YEARS. To get as good as Pancake, realistically, will take 2-3 years of hardcore hustle. But that is about as good as I'd need to ever be, I could stop there and be an absolute self improvement legend who will pretty much be an underground hero for the guys from the bottom.

That is a thought that is tantalising and gets my blood flowing!

All this really does, is show me it is possible.

I am proud of myself that I didnt give up after all these years, and through such a long meandering road, thank FUCK I was able to go to NYC and train under Pancake and Dante in Manhattan Game.

Nothing other than that ego destroying experience that damn near broke me would have convinced me Game is real.

I was telling the guys in my chat I didnt believe in Game before all of this.

Now I am a bit of a religious zealot over it, I have seen it now, see how powerful it is, and am just so grateful because I know I will be alright man.

My motivation for improving my looks is also strong after my reception and frame last night being quite decent, and that's in the UK. Generally, I need a lot of looks work, I am not passing the looks threshold for most women yet, but I am able to atleast get into set. I need to get into set, AND them find me a little attractive.

I have scheduled some time tomorrow to do some journalling and the following:

-Night Game FR
-Lay 10 FR (Brooklyn Girl - she still texts and calls <3 Beautiful human)
-MAC Q4 Report

I need to also take care of some other tasks:
-Pancake/Dante Bootcamp Lessons Learned Report
-Dante Coacing Audios - Send to No Brains Crew

My own looks, need work, and that is something I rejoice in. FINALLY, I am not getting treated poorly upon the open. Took 3 years but I got there atleast. Now its time to double down on:

-Muscle gain
-Fat loss (I have facial fat still, losing like 10% bodyfat I could look a lot better)
-Style and accessory changes

Now I am finally properly getting in the fight, time to go even harder.

Fought hard in my life for women to treat me like a human being and not like I am trash.

I am starting to see some real changes, I have a double digit body count, something I never thought I'd ever achieve when I was an obese mentally ill incel loser.

I know success is my destiny in life.

I hope you too get to see the beauty of progress and improvement. I am happy I came from down low, because the feeling I have now, after 3 years, when I say hi to a girl and instead of turning her face away in disgust, she actually stops, listens, and wants to talk to me........words cannot express how good that feels

Believe me, it is worth it

View attachment 1

MakingAComeback said:
Thanks bro I appreciate it. I resume work tomorrow and will make this adjustment.

Last night, did night game with @Sewerdog

Great guy, and had a fun night with him

I'll do the writeup tomorrow. I got in at 3am last night, and took today lightly.

Recovered, restored, and had an easy day off....

Night game, was fun.

Made some looks changes recently with my hair style. I found, I did improve my receptivity and frame.

Just from a small change to the hair. I asked Pancake about which hairstyle looked better, the swept back, or parted, while I was in NYC. "It's hands down the part" he said. When I went on a date with Brooklyn Girl, and she told me my hair looks cute, and started feeling the back of my head, I knew she thought I was some sexy shit.

I did a few sets to warmup, I'd not approached for a week, so needed to get into flow and into a vibe. I required a warmup and the venue was horrible for approaching to be honest.

Lessons learned about effective night game strategy.

I do some sets, and right off the bat, in what I am dressed and how I am styled, I am getting some frame and receptivity. I am getting the first few seconds, though some opens are slightly uncalibrated at the start, this gets better.

2 notable sets: really hot girls, who I stop, approach, and they're into it off the bat and I am running game, physically escalating, and doing what I've gotta do. One exchanges. These are tough sets as their friends are looming around.

I did night game last week, and did notice, having worked on my looks more and the hair transplant has grown, now when I approach, I am not getting instant blowouts nearly as often. I am also noticing, when I get into set, the girls friends are not immediately ripping them away. This is a new thing. For the first year and a half in London, I got instant rejections, or their friends ripping them away, right off the jump!

I did notice this and I was surprised myself, man....

Sewerdog was there and can confirm, the two sets who I talked to and vibed with for a while, were undeniably hot.

Not that I am that excited about that, I am more into a gal's energy and vibe.

I gotta be honest, the slight adjustments I made during the bootcamp, damn near changed my life.

Actually knowing how to spit Game, and really stimulate emotions, makes ALL the difference.

The calibrated way of opening, the social awareness, the coolness, masculinity, and swag factor.

I enjoyed that night, so much, because I have ascended as a male and I am no longer a guy who cannot talk to attractive women, not at all LMFAO...........not even a little bit.

I can speak to hot girls, and have them attracted to me.

Because I improved myself, and finally, after a lot of searching, started to develop real Game.

Which is man to woman


Vibey, intentful, stimulating

You are using your mind as if its crack cocaine, spitting bars, push pull, escalating.

As soon as I took this one girls hand, she gave me a look of pure attraction, it was biological and I felt it

For the first 2 years of this shit, I NEVER saw that look in a girls eyes. EVER.

The first time I ever saw it, was when I did night game with Dante, and he taught me calibrated persistence in night game.

Seeing that girl look at me like that, made me feel like a totally different human being. After the session, I went home and could not sleep all night.

It was this feeling of total excitement and overwhelm, that finally, after 13 years, I found what I was looking for

I am early days, to get real Game takes YEARS. To get as good as Pancake, realistically, will take 2-3 years of hardcore hustle. But that is about as good as I'd need to ever be, I could stop there and be an absolute self improvement legend who will pretty much be an underground hero for the guys from the bottom.

That is a thought that is tantalising and gets my blood flowing!

All this really does, is show me it is possible.

I am proud of myself that I didnt give up after all these years, and through such a long meandering road, thank FUCK I was able to go to NYC and train under Pancake and Dante in Manhattan Game.

Nothing other than that ego destroying experience that damn near broke me would have convinced me Game is real.

I was telling the guys in my chat I didnt believe in Game before all of this.

Now I am a bit of a religious zealot over it, I have seen it now, see how powerful it is, and am just so grateful because I know I will be alright man.

My motivation for improving my looks is also strong after my reception and frame last night being quite decent, and that's in the UK. Generally, I need a lot of looks work, I am not passing the looks threshold for most women yet, but I am able to atleast get into set. I need to get into set, AND them find me a little attractive.

I have scheduled some time tomorrow to do some journalling and the following:

-Night Game FR
-Lay 10 FR (Brooklyn Girl - she still texts and calls <3 Beautiful human)
-MAC Q4 Report

I need to also take care of some other tasks:
-Pancake/Dante Bootcamp Lessons Learned Report
-Dante Coacing Audios - Send to No Brains Crew

My own looks, need work, and that is something I rejoice in. FINALLY, I am not getting treated poorly upon the open. Took 3 years but I got there atleast. Now its time to double down on:

-Muscle gain
-Fat loss (I have facial fat still, losing like 10% bodyfat I could look a lot better)
-Style and accessory changes

Now I am finally properly getting in the fight, time to go even harder.

Fought hard in my life for women to treat me like a human being and not like I am trash.

I am starting to see some real changes, I have a double digit body count, something I never thought I'd ever achieve when I was an obese mentally ill incel loser.

I know success is my destiny in life.

I hope you too get to see the beauty of progress and improvement. I am happy I came from down low, because the feeling I have now, after 3 years, when I say hi to a girl and instead of turning her face away in disgust, she actually stops, listens, and wants to talk to me........words cannot express how good that feels

Believe me, it is worth it



Was awesome to finally meet the legend!
Yeah some of those girls were ridiculously hot and giving you the googoo eyes bro! It was even cooler to watch the attraction build as the interaction progressed as well.
Very grateful I got to meet you at this stage of your journey and to see some game irl, I'm a convert for sure.
I think once you get your location good you'll kill it out there.
MakingAComeback said:
2 notable sets: really hot girls, who I stop, approach, and they're into it off the bat and I am running game, physically escalating, and doing what I've gotta do. One exchanges. These are tough sets as their friends are looming around

Friends aren't automatically the enemy - if you're cool, the friends will want your girl to enjoy meeting you. Plenty of times I've approached groups and they will actively try to introduce you to the single one.

Glad to hear the progress!
Antonio44 said:
MakingAComeback said:
2 notable sets: really hot girls, who I stop, approach, and they're into it off the bat and I am running game, physically escalating, and doing what I've gotta do. One exchanges. These are tough sets as their friends are looming around

Friends aren't automatically the enemy - if you're cool, the friends will want your girl to enjoy meeting you. Plenty of times I've approached groups and they will actively try to introduce you to the single one.

Glad to hear the progress!

For sure brah!

I have now experienced a few times, they can actually kinda help you out and stand there, be chill and just kinda observe.

IF you're cool, calibrated, and obviously got some Game.

They are also a pain in the ass sometimes, I know for me, I avoid dance floor Game as so much of the time, friends see me and instantly rip the chick away, or it can sometimes come about a minute in. Very very common in low SMV and something to be mindful of, having tested that one many, many, many times haha!

Hope you're well dude & glad to see you posting


Mon 9th October 2023

Today, I bring my intention to my highest potential, and to seek change and transformation.

Success is my destiny, if I trust in Universal principals, and just don't quit.

Today, I am feeling low energy, and sub par.

I attribute this to bad sleep over the weekend, and not feeling rested at all right now.

In order to move forward, I will take a Minimum Effective Dose today, and get to bed earlier. I will continue with this until I feel good and function better.


-Coaching delivery (DONE)
-Sales - 2.5hrs, following actions to be taken:

-Complete draft of initial outreach touchpoint in alignment with feedback (Manganiello )
-Message leads: Sam, Spencer
-Practice pitch (15m)
-Draft first 20 persoanlised emails (45m)
-Research next batch of 20 (30m)
-Social media touch points (30m)

-1hr study
-14 social posts
-3 value posts

-Gym: Chest & Triceps
-Movement & Stretching

-Online Lead Gen
-Inner Game Work: ongoing affirmation and awareness.


Slow start on the sales mini project.

Needed to tweak and redraft, to find a more effective approach.

I am comitting to the task and my effectiveness in it.

Today's 2.5hrs of effort and focus, will move the needle for me and allow me to be better.

Up at 5am today. I will work hard, train hard, eat well, and get an early night. My intent is to be in bed at 930pm. A few nights of good rest, and I will be on a very productive track.

Now, time to dig into sales, and get some work done...........

I have resistance towards this task, and obvious mental blocks here. They will be destroyed by facing the dragon head on.

That is how you get the gold.

I am getting an earlier night, and hence, will not do life admin or journalling today. Deferring this task for tomorrow.

The more muscle I gain, the more fat I lose, the more attractive I will become.

I am seeing the early beginnings of having SOME frame and receptiveness.

Now is the time to LEAN IN and double down.



-Coaching delivery (DONE)
-Sales - 2.5hrs, following actions to be taken (DONE)

-Complete draft of initial outreach touchpoint in alignment with feedback, see revised version below:
-Message leads: Sam, Spencer (DONE)
-Practice pitch (15m) (DONE)
-Draft first 20 persoanlised emails (45m) (FAIL)
-Research next batch of 20 (30m) (FAIL)
-Social media touch points (30m) (FAIL)

-1hr study (DONE)
-14 social posts (FAIL)
-3 value posts (FAIL)

-Gym: Chest & Triceps (DONE)
-Keto (DONE)
-Movement & Stretching (DONE)

-Online Lead Gen (FAIL)
-Inner Game Work: ongoing affirmation and awareness. (DONE)

-Skincare (DONE)
-Hair care (DONE)


Woke up pretty tired. Bad sleep the past week and a half. Stopping the cycle now.

I knew today would be tough, I called it a Minimal Effective Dose day. I'd do my best, but have no judgement, and go to bed early if needed.

So, I did hammer sales work. GREAT!

Here is my latest draft of the initial outreach letter, trying to take onboard Manganiello 's recommendations above:

IronWill: Initial Outreach Email

Subject: About your [POST TITLE] LinkedIn post/Tweet/FB Post, etc.

"Hey [Name],

I'm Ravi. I’m a Peak Performance coach, and help Executives, Entrepreneurs and Agency Owners blast past their limits, get unstuck, and double their productivity in 30 days.

Reason for email:
I saw your post about blab blah. My mission is to serve people like you.

I have a few ideas on how you could get an edge. Plainly, I mean: increase real-terms productivity, reach a new level of physical energy, mental clarity, and implement systems that prioritise needle-movers over low-leverage activity and firefighting.

What I deliver to you:
• Consistent Energy: freedom from the cycle of the riding motivational high into the next slump, for long term adherence in the processes and habits needed to win.
• Brain Health: No longer feeling drained, unfocused, and lacking in clarity. Elevate mood, restore sleep, motivation and drive, and unlock better focus and executive function.
• Stress Levels: Rise above working tirelessly and still feeling like you’re making no progress. Create space for better outcomes, relationships, and balance across life.
• Regain Time: Making changes to productivity, energy, and function, unlocks new levels of effectiveness, giving us more time to be present, lead our team, and support growth.
• Opportunity cost & money left on the table: Overwhelm, burn out, and exhaustion hits your bottom line. Unlock the deep thinking and space needed for your own next level.

Client Results:
My client results prove this. [Name Redacted] (Founder), one of the world’s top Growth Hackers, had a productivity and wellbeing breakthrough, and launched a new venture - $80,000 in month one. . [Name Redacted] (CEO & Founder) went from homeless to $10,000 a month, with no additional work. And . [Name Redacted] untangled himself from financial stress and chronic low energy, and consistently hit 20k a month in his agency.

Offer again w/ CTA: If that sounds interesting, I would love to share my ideas with you over a [call/loom].

Let me know if you had 15-30m for a free, no obligation (at all) call.


I also spent some time improving the copy on my offer document.

This work, took around 3hrs. I was coaching guys for 2hrs in the morning, 5am-7am.

After this, I did my body work, movement, stretching, and then went to the gym.

Training again, motivated by much abuse by The Dom for my lack of biceps, and Pancake's recent declaration of my "twink" physique. Dante, in addition t this, gave me the title, the owner of the Dad Bod of Power.

I trained very hard, loved the session, and went home.

I ate dinner, kept it keto.

After this, given I was already tired, man, I was wiped the fuck out!

I lay down for over an hour, and still felt shit.

I knew, my stress hormones are just too high, from lifestyle recently. So, like it or not Ravi, tonight's an early night....

It's 8:38pm and I'm going to go to bed now.

I will be up at 5am tomorrow and will work hard. I hope to feel better.

I will have to do my copywriting catch up tomorrow, and also, catch up with content & video.

This is life, sometimes. You need to get into focus and high performance mode, which means low stress hormones, consistent good sleep, and just a calm and clear life.

I did, however, complete my sales accountability today with Crisis_Overcomer and did my 2.5hrs of sales. I will do 2.5hrs of sales, 6 days a week, for 30 days!

Going to do night game with Sewerdog again on Friday. Saturday, flying back to Budapest.


Could not relax last night, was feeling wired as hell, my nervous system was ramped up and just felt stressed.

Lay in bed and listened to Eddie Bravo's podcast, an episode about this dude who was strung the fuck out on heroin and lived homeless for decades, dude's parents were both total junkies and he started using heroin at 12. Wild story.

Crazy to hear what homeless life is like in the USA. These dudes just live in tents in LA, San Francisco, places like that. There's some law that was passed that means shop lifting is legal provided you don't lift an item worth more than $950 dollars lmfao. So these dudes were jacking $400 worth of stuff on the absolute daily and there was not much anyone could do about it. When security would pursue them, it was one of the dude's jobs to block them like an NFL tackle. I fucking lost it laughing at this shit!

Craziness, man. There's homelessness in the UK, too, I see it in London, but mostly, they are kept away, and they're not that visible. When I visit the states, they're everywhere. Many of these people are beyond fucked in the head with mental illness and stabbing someone is just a daily occurence and nothing to think twice about. Dude in the podcast talked about how he actively had to work to be able to be thrown in prison and how hard it was for him to finally get a 6 month stint in jail, which was where he detoxed and had the time of his life.

I find this shit very interesting, and used to read a lot of books about drug addiciton, very extreme substance dependency. Stuff like In The Realmn of Hungry Ghosts, the lives of dudes like William Buroughs. Just getting blasted on very hard drugs and staring at the ceiling all day. The novelist, Irvine Welsh, of Trainspotting, was himself strung out on heroin for 2 years I think. Trainspotting is one of my fave films ever and I recommend it. When I was deep in the rave scene, and a degenerate myself using substances like MDMA, ketamine, of course weed, and various other shit, we'd blast songs like Born Slippy by Underworld. We saw all these artists, and went to so many festivals, before I became truly mentally ill and destroyed my brain the first time. Dropped out of society for 2 years after all that.

I suppose that is why I was always interested in the total sickness of rock bottom. Whilst I did go to the bottom once or twice in my life, fortunately, the UK has extremely good support and services, I was at a relatively elite University and they took unbelievable care of me, and I left the psyche ward and achieved highly in my degree.

It feels like a totally different life now, looking back at when I was a sick motherfucker.

Today, I am an achiever and responsible member of the community, a business owner and a man trying to find a woman to start a family with.

I will write my life story down at one point.

Without sounding arrogant, it has been said that my story is one of the greatest of all time in Self Improvement.

Look how many people read me here, 600,000+........nuts..............I am often blown away by how many fucking lurkers there are for this log. It'll be at a million soon.

I wonder why people have the interest in my journey they do. I suspect it's a product of two factors: I turned my life around from 10 levels below rock bottom, and despite the fuckery of my past, am still a positive person who is going turn all the pain of the past, into success that will radiate beyond me, and beyond my life.

When this journey is complete, there will never be any excuses for any other male, ever. Because I will be the one who proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, no matter how low you've been, if you want it, BAD, are willing to get coaching and mentoring, and willl stay at it for as many years as it takes...........

You get to completely transform your destiny, snatch your life back from the abyss, and become a person who inspires others to do the same!

Right now, I woke up, feeling quite sick. I have come down with a fever, and I am going to relax, hydrate, try to feel a bit better, and will post my checkin and accountability in an hour or two.

I am not in an optimal state, this is not performance mode at all. I am sick, feeling lower in energy, brain is not sharp, and sleep has been bad for a while due to this.

But, I am a hard man as you know, and I will do my best today despite how I feel.

I will report back in about 2hrs and make my commitment to success today.


Bro I am legit sick today. The Self Improvement Gods have taken me out of comission.

I feel so terrible it's not even funny, lol.

I am going to do my core service delivery. and then just seek refuge in a dark room today.

Feeling worse than a brown man walking home at 4am after a night at the club!


I will be back tomorrow and resume accountability

I feel a little better. Remained in ketosis.

When I'm sick mood can be low, and today felt rather rotten.

It reminds me why I am a health nut.

A healthy lifestyle of feeling good, is just too important man.

I think I'll be abe to resume work tomorrow. Today was an entire day in bed!

It has been very long since I've experienced this. The last time, was when I got Covid in Krakow, which was last year I think, around this sort of time.

Health is wealth man.

If you don't have that, you have nothing.

Get well soon champ! Apparently there's a bug going round, I've got it too, props for staying on your diet
Man this ones a two day job

Still sick today.

Progress is being made, I can walk about now.

Mostly stuck in bed letting my body recover.

Sometimes, the Self Improvement Gods take us out......

Today, I will do what I can, which is some service delivery, replying to some messages.

I will then take the day to read, watch documentaries, and try to recover.

It's never fun and definitely a bit grim.

It will pass.

Documentary I am going to watch today, will be Alex's War, a docco about the legendary wildman Alex Jones! ;-) I have never watched InfoWars, this guy is clearly a bit loopy. I do, however, thoroughly enjoy listening to him on podcasts. I find him extremely entertaining.

Today, all I can do, is recover, and slowly get back to the self improvement huste.....

Still sickness mogged to fuck

Mostly bed bound.

Had to just wipe out my entire schedule man, no podcast interviews, no content creation, can't post on socials.


I will mega dose Vit C today, drink hella water, and practice some self care.

I will listen to some mindset content, read a little, and do my best to chill TF out.

Glad I am here with my parents right now. This is a vulnerable state to be in.

I will not fly to Budapest on Saturday. I am in no state to. Fortunately, the ticket was £26 so it's fine lol.

Whilst really sick, you're barely sleeping, you're in suffer mode and mental as well as physical health starts to drop

One way anyone can become depressed inside a week i:

-Barely sleep
-Don't go outside much
-Don't speak to people
-Use drugs & alcohol

This is def. a rough patch wellness wise for sure.

Q4, wellness is going to be a priority.

I'm just going to have to ride this out. Hopefully I'll start to recover by the start of next week.

Physical movement still quite a no go

Spent most of my time in bed watching absolute bullshit on YouTube

Strangely quite restorative for my soul xD

If anyone has anything worth watching, post it up
Shit man. Sometimes life forces us to rest up. You're the king of wellness practices so I know you'll bounce back quickly! Stay strong.
Feeling slightly better now.

Would like to say it was the power of ketosis and health practices, but my improvement was down to a strong ass dose of anti bioitics administered 3 times throughout the day. I was able to get to sleep last night and feel better today thank fuck.

Going to take it lightly, not apply myself too hard, and restore myself throughout this week.

A body and brain that has been very stressed needs to be brought back to a baseline.

Nothing meaningful gets built on a shaky foundation. Why people fail in their big picture goals, is faulty thinking and paradigms that create break points and additional chaos. And also not recognising the very individual nature of progress.

The real foundation for success is mental & physical health.

You don't get anywhere worthwhile in suffering. When bad habits accumulate and we're very stressed, it all just falls apart, and you don't enjoy life.

I think a bit reason why many find it so hard to take a lot of action, is a low level of depression, that is a culmination of the stress filled nature of the modern world, and us not being able to live in accordance with what our biology requires to keep us healthy.

I will do a little work today, not a whole lot, and take it easy over the weekend.

Monday, I think I'll be back in the flow.

Life is to be enjoyed, it's not worth stressing yourself beyond belief in the pursuit of goals. We've seen many examples of this behaviour, and it doesn't tend to work or delivery happiness in the long run.

Getting back into it..............

Warning: My SMV is getting DANGEROUSLY LOW!

Due to not being able to go to the gym and BodyMaxxx, I am LOSING SMV at a rate of 0.00125 points per hour right now!

This drastic SMV nose dive, whilst disturbing, does not appear to have completely annihilated all hope of a brighter day. I drove to ASDA to satisfy my cravings for a juicy steak, and a bottle of kombucha, and was shamelessly checked out by a woman old enough to be my mother.

During my last two nights out, each time, a fat and rather undesirable woman has thrown herself at me, openly asking me lewd and sexual questions about how many girls I’ve fucked, and how they have just gotten out of a relationship and don’t give a fuck. One of these women, Sewerdog can attest to, was actually a lesbian but told me she has fucked 6 guys and is attracted to my masculinity lul.

These women, were not attractive at all. I am a wholesome gentleman doing God’s work. We must use this as grist for the mill, fuel for the fire, to TusharMaxxx, or die trying.

As my twink like physique, The Dad Bod of Power, continues to dwindle each day as my long 6 ft 5 frame vegetates in bed, with a dose of anti biotics coursing through my system, and my SMV plummets lower and lower towards true subhuman territory yet again, I rejoice in the knowledge that I will be able to train again next week and I will soon be back on the streets, doing battle with the arch nemesis, the human female, rejector of advances, denier of impulses, grand sayer of “no”, supreme setter of “really strong boundaries”, prime ghoster, chief non replier of texts, CEO of not feeling a connection, and world-class expert at swiping left!

And I will utterly lay siege to the enemy, by using my superior male brain, to overpower her completely retarded, worm infested mind, until I am able to completely and utterly DESTROY THEM by getting one of them to go out with me!

Though they have sinned, because I am a compassionate King, I will look past their fall from grace, and allow them to have sex with me from time to time, and to accompany me to high minded activities Chads such as myself like to engage in, such as hiking on sunrise watching.

Note for the various feminist researchers who study my log as part of Involuntary Celibacy research: Yes this is actually how stupid my sense of humour is. I am a weird guy. And yet, I still suceed and am a responsible citizen and valued member of the community. MOGGED! I have even convinced 10 women to sleep with me.

Ravi: 1
Autism: 0

They thought they had me down

Only for a minute!

I got back up AGAIN


I have been watching quite a lot of videos on fatherhood and being a Dad whilst I have been recovering from getting sickness MOGGED

I have cried at a few of these videos. The ones that got me, were grandparents meeting their grandchildren. They really made me cry, because they made me think about how all transcending it would be for me for my parents to be able to see their grandchildren.

I didn’t cry at this one, but this sort of stuff, is what gives life meaning, man….


And stuff like this


She is unbelievably adorable and I love her <3

Human beings gravitate towards what makes them feel good, and get away from what makes them feel bad.

The world and humanity needs more love.

It needs more care and more bonding.

I must succeed in my mission and I know I am on track. I am getting the signs now. For all my previous struggles, I AM seeing signs of progress, and though I am but a fraction of the way there, I will improve and progress, man, I will not stay down low.

Truthfully and honestly bros, from the bottom of my heart, I do not want to be swiping on these apps and grinding the streets for longer than I have to man.

I will recover from this illness completely, and get back in the gym, working on myself hard, and will do whatever it takes in order to improve myself.

Fortunately, at this point in my journey, I know it can be done. I know what the path ahead looks like. And I know I can get the job done.

It is not the frenetic and stress filled, laying in bed heart racing all night affair it used to be.

I got my answers.

I got GamePilled.

And I am no longer worried about my long term prospects, as it is pretty much inevitable I will succeed.

I get it will take a few more years yet. But I am seeing signs. Lay 10, I didn’t text for 7 days as I was sick as a dog. When I texted, she hit me back RIGHT AWAY.

Things like this, as you learn more about women through the depth of this rabbit hole, you learn, are important. When I go back to NYC for 3 months next year, I’ll spend time with her if she’s still single.

I am unsure about why I burn with such desire for this, I think it is definitely particular to me and not something I see in too many other men, but I can think of no greater victory than having an awesome gal by my side, and a bunch of beautiful children to live my life with.

That will be absolutely incredible and make me beyond happy.

I am 32 and these feelings hit me hard.

They give me the fire I need to stay with the path and get the mission completed.

I will see where the next steps of my journey take me. I will figure it out, month by month.

So long as I become better, my outcomes in life, will follow.

To add positivity and love to the world, is good man.

Being a player, man, is NOT the life I ever wanted. I have become one of those guys, because this was required to fix what was wrong with me.

And I also learned, that despite what I thought at the start, players are not bad people.

The best people I ever met in my life were players.

My best friends and the closest guys to me, who I talk to daily, are players.

I am grateful players exist, because guys like me, former incels, would be royally f**ked without them and this lifestyle let me tell ya.

These years are my Self Improvement years, my comeback years, from being very much fucked up in life, to coming back and being a better man.

This road, whilst it may seem a bit insane to some who read this log, is still necessary, and though the medicine can be bitter at times, it is the right one man.

Since getting back from the bootcamp, I do not feel like I used to feel. I am different now. I am so glad I did it, though it killed me. Again.

There are many deaths you die.

You will know when you are dying them.

The first major death I would say was the first time I went to Krakow with Paw and The Dom.

That was a very dark night of the soul. I saw how truly clueless I was. FUCK.

I then lost a few more lives over the course of The Phoenix Project.

Earlier part of this year, seems a blur now, but something inside of my mind was not quite right. Realistically, I think I had become quite traumatised by this lifestyle and I got a little fucked up man.

And then NYC, I will tell you, was an epic epic epic death.

I shed more layers of the old Ravi and who I am now, is a better version of myself.

I feel good man.

I have gratitude inside.

I am not shit really, just a humble man trying to make something of himself. Long way to go. But I am atleast able to rest in the knowledge that I am going to be totally fine and my goal is achievable.

Whilst I have had to process and deal with a lot of the aspects of this journey, which I don’t write about too often, and have had to do a lot of healing on, this is what is required to put yourself together as a male.

We are good at sharing and expressing as a community which I am happy about. Some things, however, are so intensely personal it can be challenging to engage with in such a public format.

Nonetheless, I know how I feel right now, and how I felt about my prospects last year.

That is enough to get ahead man.

You do not need to be a special person to become a better man and to be successful.

You just need a few things to come together and to focus in some areas, put the work in, and let things compound over time

I can promise you one thing, man, this journey has taken me to some of the lowest places of my life, it has been very hard for me man, and even still, it has brought some of the most ecstastic bliss I could have dreamed of experiencing.

Life is to be lived fully

We’re all gonna make it

-Your friend Ravi