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With all those girls who were receptive, if their friends weren't there and you lived near-by I'd be really interested to see how many you could take back with you, I think it would quickly start to add up
Sewerdog said:
With all those girls who were receptive, if their friends weren't there and you lived near-by I'd be really interested to see how many you could take back with you, I think it would quickly start to add up

I don't know man but it was fun as fuck shooting my shot!

I'll be going to my next location soon

And there will be a lot of chick who will have to deal with MAC DADDY


Well apart from.........

R: "Hey, I like your sty-"
OK I am feeling basically human now which is good I guess

I think I'll go for a walk for a few hours and see how that does me

Maybe read a little after

My SMV is not holding up good at all boys I'm sorry to tell you

Think I lost about 2-3 points during this whole time it's like the good old days of The Phoenix Project all over

I went to ASDA again yesterday, classless I know boys, serves me right for not mixing it up. There is literally an ALDI and a Tesco RIGHT NEARBY, and yet I still choose to shop at ASDA despite how poor a product-market fitment it is for me and my current level of SMV!

As I purchased yet more steak, to increase my testosterone levels after reading too much London Soygame in the past, I was spotted by a male first who made eye contact with me, and then the secret was out from there and it became something of a frenzy

"Hey mate, where'd you get your SMV, the toilet store?"

I used my superior intelligence to attempt to hide my face as I scanned my items, but the self-service aisle is a very unforgiving one for low SMV males. It was not long before it felt as if the entire store was onto me and the cat was well and truly out the bag.

"I wonder how many matches that bloke gets on Tinder?" a young chap with his friends jeered

"Not fucking many!" came the jeers of a female human being

At this point, the laughter became truly thunderous and I was surrounded by a rally of people who both pointed at my face and laughed mercilessly, highlighting the various deficiencies in cranial-facial development. Though I was somewhat taken aback by the situation I found myself in, at the very same time, the knowledge the average citizen had in relation to ramus length, hyoid area, and gonial angle. This restored my faith in the fundamental decency of the British public and was a heartwarming moment, despite my considerable public humiliation.

Like I said about my hamfisted attempts at shielding my face from public purview, it didn't really work. As you no doutbt are aware, the self service aisle is really not designed for camouflage and obscurantism. Unfortunately, the way they design these stores, visibility is optimised for in very impressive fashion. You can certainly see a lot that's for sure..

That is unfortunately a big bigfall for the truly low SMV male.

I got home, and in order to quell my inner rage, which my psychologist informed me is the reason behind for my lack of cold approach success, I watched several hours of police bodycam footage which featured supposed adults acting in a manner more incompetent and childlike than my 4 year old cousin.

I would argue that my 4 year old cousin's utility to society is in fact greater than these subhumans as he is extremely cute, and therefore, of sufficient SMV to not require excess levels of Game, both inner and outer, in order to eventually have a good dating life.

I suppose the reason for this post today, is just to encourage the community to be aware of the principal importance of a symmetrical jawline, and to pose as a warning for just how one can truly spiral once said symmetry is off!

Remember, it does not have to be off by much! My advice? Mewwing. Lots and lots of mewwing.

Use code MAC for discount on mastic gum

This is not medical advice, in order to fix your face, please seek advice from your care provider


Yes this is why I just choose to work all the time because otherwise this is the sort of shit my over active mind comes up with

You are very lucky that Paw has the patience of a saint

There are days he just has to hear this bullshit and me going on about this fucking total nonsense for ages

What's really sick is he doesn't seem to even mind

Those Scandinavians are just built different man

Just to test the guys hypothesis I actually ran a boost on Tinder

Laughably bad as per, got 1 match of this Hungarian chick who looks like a right bitch

Her profile says "Looking for new friends"

MakingAComeback said:
Hey mate, where'd you get your SMV, the toilet store?"

They’re just jealous and are looking for ways to DLV the dad bod of power

In seriousness, lift some heavy stones mac daddy
MakingAComeback said:
went to ASDA again yesterday, classless I know boys, serves me right for not mixing it up. There is literally an ALDI and a Tesco RIGHT NEARBY, and yet I still choose to shop at ASDA despite how poor a product-market fitment it is for me and my current level of SMV!

As I purchased yet more steak, to increase my testosterone levels after reading too much London Soygame in the past, I was spotted by a male first who made eye contact with me, and then the secret was out from there and it became something of a frenzy

"Hey mate, where'd you get your SMV, the toilet store?"

The thing is, this little rant shows you are capable of being quite funny and entertaining. If you apply your humour with women (while not talking about game, especially SMV and jawbones, and not being so self-depreciating), it'd do you well.

Just to test the guys hypothesis I actually ran a boost on Tinder

Laughably bad as per, got 1 match of this Hungarian chick who looks like a right bitch

Her profile says "Looking for new friends"


I think boosts performance/utility varies depending on location, I'm not sure why. But in Lima I get almost 0 results from them (usually just 1 or 2 likes per boost, but they would inevitably be 40km away and 35+). It got to the point I didn't even bother using the free monthly boost. While I still was getting great results from just swiping normally/selectively. My best results/effort were just scrolling through the tinder top picks and liking all my favourites (or superliking them if I had my weekly free ones). IDK why this is.
I either get 0 matches or 30 matches from a Boost. No in between it seems. I'd say it depends on the time of day, but when I do it consistently time-wise it's still random in the amount of matches I get. Honestly I think Tinder is just dishonest and they're just doing whatever behind the scenes.
Holden said:
Honestly I think Tinder is just dishonest and they're just doing whatever behind the scenes.

I have zero problems in believing that. Sure I am a bit bitter about my "success" on Tinder but I would never trust a company whose profits depend on getting you to spend more and more on the app
Pffft this is the MALE GAZE talking! Of course I am funny as fuck, I am freakin' hilarious!

But to my arch nemesis, the human female, whose existence I despise and whom I seek to COMPLETELY DESTROY by getting one to date me, all redeeming qualities (despite obvious deep seated anger issues and insecurities), are deemed null and void on the basis of LOW SMV and absolutely diabolical facial dynamics!

They will pay for what they have done to me - I will be taking this out on them, in bed!


FUCK ME staying in your room for a week and not speaking to people is NOT good for you dude I am laughing my fucking ass off posting this retarded shit.

kratjeuh I will go to the gym and lift things tomorrow bro, I will keep you posted, though I hope they actually allow me to go into the gym. Like I said SMV is dropping at a pretty fast rate I am not sure what their policy is on that.

Shit Tinder may be doing some weird shit like that, I don't know man. I just need to approach a lot right now. Online dating is fucking ass for me I am sick of the women it brings me I can't accept that level of quality. It pisses me off dude lol.

Hence why I complain about my SMV quite a bit, what I get access to is actually just so bad it's not funny xD However, for whatever god damn reason, I actually got something in NYC.

Past a certain point you def. get over some of this shit. Realistically, women add very little value to our lives as men, doing this shit for 3 years, this game is about resilience and just being able to stay with it and go through all these fucking awful women until you finally meet one who isn't a waste of time. That hasn't happened for me yet in ~3years but trust me it will.

Life is short and is to be enjoyed to the max brah! You can't be stressed over this. It's not worth it xD




(1) Money:
-Coaching Delivery
-Sales – 2.5hrs
-Copywriting: Study 1hr
-Copywriting: 14 posts + 7 Short Form
-Schedule Posts

(2) Muscles:
-Gym: Chest & Triceps
-OMAD, DHA, Supps
-Movement & Stretching

(3) Mindset:
-Online Dating
-Learn & Study: Brain Energy (45m)
-Learn & Study: Chet Holmes (30m)

-Morning & Evening Routine


Mind and body is fine now. Can resume work.

Got some ground to cover. Body looks bad. Have to get quite some way back up the hill again.

I am able to function normally now, so this will be done.

One thing I will share:

We didn't know much about Scotty back in the gym but I can tell you this dude has a heart of gold and is one of the most caring people you'll meet

He texted he literally every day to check in and make sure I was doing alright

He even got in touch with some mutual friends to check in lmao

For the guy who many consider the epitome of the scumbag, Scotty is a real 1 man lol

I am excited to be healthy enough to fucking work again and move my mission forward in life!
MakingAComeback said:



(1) Money:
-Coaching Delivery
-Sales – 2.5hrs
-Copywriting: Study 1hr
-Copywriting: 14 posts + 7 Short Form
-Schedule Posts

(2) Muscles:
-Gym: Chest & Triceps
-OMAD, DHA, Supps
-Movement & Stretching

(3) Mindset:
-Online Dating
-Learn & Study: Brain Energy (45m)
-Learn & Study: Chet Holmes (30m)

-Morning & Evening Routine


Mind and body is fine now. Can resume work.

Got some ground to cover. Body looks bad. Have to get quite some way back up the hill again.

I am able to function normally now, so this will be done.


Today was a very lacklustre day

Mental health is picking back up

I did hit the gym.

I did my service delivery, which was quality work.

I did sales work, though with resistance and dark emotions, some feelings of mild fear and depression

Other activities, were incomplete.

Clearly, motivation and drive, is not flowing freely.

This, will come back.

This was my first day back.

Proper performance, will start to pick up again.

I will wind down and get an early night (930pm or so) and get up early tomorrow (5) and continue to make incremental performance improvements.

You can't necessarily force this. It will come. Being kind and compassionate with the self, not forcing it, getting plenty of rest and keeping stress low, is how you rebuild your inner fire and drive.

Clearly, the many many months of frenetic stress filled intensity, as well as recent bout of sickness, have put my body and brain on recovery mode for now.

With more restoration, and engaging with positive thought, productive thinking patterns, and nurturing the soul, performance will come back.

I will show up daily and allow my best performance to unfold.

I think what you're going through might be "reaction" to your success in New York.

It's life's rhythms/cycles. Your brain wants to go back to normal self sabotaging paterns, hence your illness and your endless paragraphs of incel autism (even if you're joking, consider that you are reprogramming yourself with that kind of self depreciating humor).

Now is when you have to put the foot in the gasx2
That is very interesting Sisyphus

I will double down tomorrow and keep pushing

Improving thinking patterns and getting into a more expanded state, is work that I need to embed, as a life skill almost

Some of my thinking and expression, would do well to really change

Success can be achieved......it's not worth hammering mental health for

I am def. experiencing some mild depression or anhedonia right now

I expect it will leave shortly



TUE 17/10/2023

(1) Money:
-Coaching Delivery (DONE)
-Sales (2.5hrs – In Process. Details below)
-Copywriting (Schedule 14 posts & Make 7 shorts)
-Scotty Catchup Call

(2) Muscles:
-Gym: Back & Biceps
-OMAD, DHA, Supps
-Movement & Stretching

(3) Mindset:
-Mental Engagement & Focus

-Skincare & Haircare
-Bed @ 10pm

Sales Focus:
-Draft 20 emails
-Send 20
-Get advice on how to do follow up
-Research next 20
-Spend some time clarifying and understanding my value proposition
-30m social media contact points (Adding these guys on FB)
Gonna inject myself here.

But what are the emails like that you're sending?

The quality needs to be really high.

Cold outreach is like cold approach, where your communication needs to be really good for it to work. The sheer volume of communication doesn't matter if the quality isn't there.
Manganiello said:
Gonna inject myself here.

But what are the emails like that you're sending?

The quality needs to be really high.

Cold outreach is like cold approach, where your communication needs to be really good for it to work. The sheer volume of communication doesn't matter if the quality isn't there.

For sure man, this is something I am working out.

Right now, this is the email I'm sending:

Subject: About your Tweet

Hi Name,

I'm Ravi. I’m a Peak Performance coach, and help Executives, Entrepreneurs and Agency Owners blast past their limits, get unstuck, and double their productivity in 30 days.

I’ve noticed a few of your LinkedIn posts, commenting on [xyz] Supporting individuals like yourself with waking up to their own next level of performance is my game.

I have some ideas that I think could support your goals. Plainly, I mean: increase real-terms productivity, reach a new level of physical energy, mental clarity, and implement systems that prioritise needle-movers over low-leverage activity and firefighting.

What I deliver to you:
• Consistent Energy: freedom from the cycle of the riding motivational high into the next slump, for long term adherence in the processes and habits needed to win.
• Brain Health: No longer feeling drained, unfocused, and lacking in clarity. Elevate mood, restore sleep, motivation and drive, and unlock better focus and executive function.
• Stress Levels: Rise above working tirelessly and still feeling like you’re making no progress. Create space for better outcomes, relationships, and balance across life.
• Regain Time: Making changes to productivity, energy, and function, unlocks new levels of effectiveness, giving us more time to be present, lead our team, and support growth.
• Opportunity cost & money left on the table: Overwhelm, burn out, and exhaustion hits your bottom line. Unlock the deep thinking and space needed for your own next level.

My client results prove this. [name] (Founder), one of the world’s top Growth Hackers, had a productivity and wellbeing breakthrough, and launched a new venture - $80,000 in month one.[name] (CEO & Founder) went from homeless to $10,000 a month, with no additional work. And [name] untangled himself from financial stress and chronic low energy, and consistently hit 20k a month in his agency.

If that sounds interesting, I would love to share my ideas with you over a call.

Let me know if you had 15-30m for a free, no obligation (at all) call.


These aspects of business, I am in the process of figuring out.

Getting better at understanding sales and outreach/new business development

It's a layer I am working with, and it'll get clearer over time the more I study and chip away I'm sure

Feedback on the above would be appreciated

Thanks bro
So few things.

People don't read. They scan.

They spend maybe a few seconds scanning document before they commit to actually reading it.

So the subheaders need to be clearer when you just glance at the email.

Think of how you format your posts.

Your example:
What I deliver to you:
• Consistent Energy: freedom from the cycle of the riding motivational high into the next slump, for long term adherence in the processes and habits needed to win.
• Brain Health: No longer feeling drained, unfocused, and lacking in clarity. Elevate mood, restore sleep, motivation and drive, and unlock better focus and

Better example...

What I deliver for you

• Consistent Energy: freedom from the cycle of the riding motivational high into the next slump, for long term adherence in the processes and habits needed to win.

• Brain Health: No longer feeling drained, unfocused, and lacking in clarity. Elevate mood, restore sleep, motivation and drive, and unlock better focus and


Ok that's just a quick edit. I'd spend much longer thinking about the format if it were my email.

Other thing.

And this one is big.
Your content is too vague and hits no emotional buttons.

"Long term adherence"

That's nice textbook language. It has absolutely no business being on a sales letter.

What moves your clients blood to take action?

And without being too theoretical
I'll just tell you how to sort that out quickly.

Ravi, when you think of your clients. What do THEY say is their BIGGEST PAIN point in their own words?

What's their biggest frustration in their own words?

What's their biggest doubt in their own words?

How do they expect the process to work in their own words?

What feature do you provide that they react the most positively to?

What's their biggest dream in their own words?

What's their biggest fear in their own words?

You actually have to sit down and answer those questions. Not just read them and think 'cool idea'.

This is what copywriting looks like.

And one other thing before I put this together. Don't say "What I deliver to you".

Say "What you'll get".

It's subtle, but powerful. Your clients care about themselves, not about what you think of yourself.

When I go to McDoanlds I want to see the sign that says "Try the new Taro Pie" not "I'll deliver you a new Taro Pie". Think about it.

Ok anyway once you got those answers.
Go back to your email, and instead of saying what you said:

You're going to write

You'll Get:

Destroy (insert biggest pain point)
Even if (insert biggest doubt)

• By (insert how they expect the process to work) and (features they like the most)

So you can (insert their dream) and not (insert biggest fear).

And boom you have a sales message that actually grips at the hearts and minds of your readers. Why? Because you actually are saying what they told you they care about.

It's like explaining all the features of the new iPhone to a grandma. And after her polite patience of you explaining the latest features for 15 minutes. She asks "But can I call my grandson in Wisconsin with it?"

... She doesn't care. She just wants what she wants. A lot of your product is irrelevant to the people your selling to... That's anothor thing worth thinking about.

Anyway. Do those questions. That's mandatory. You'll have shitty copy until you start thinking about questions like that and putting your answers into your copy.

And buy my how to not make shitty sales letters ebook.

Coaching deliver – about 3hrs.

Copywriting – 2hrs, writing posts. Slow, as I am getting back into the task.

Physical Exercise – About 45m running. Not bad.

Worked quite solidly. Took about and hour and a half, total, to pause, take a break, and watch some nonsense on YouTube.

Today’s work, was of a greater quality than yesterday’s.

My performance level, is still pretty weak. Sickness and getting slightly burned out is the culprit.

The game to increase my performance level again, is a focus now.

I will simply show up, daily, and adhere to good habits. Getting to bed very early (9pm), getting up early, and practicing good self care, and self compassion.

Letting go, and finding flow again.

I will be back on form soon…….

At around 6/7pm, real task resistance was setting in, and it was bloody hard to muster the resolve to keep going.

Really, the performance level I want, is to be able to work quite effectively from 5am until about 5/6pm let’s say. That does not include what is likely to be an hour and a half at the gym in my ideal day.

This level, will come back soon.

Every night I get to bed early, live a lower stress lifestyle, rejuvenate and heal, and mentall destress, it will come back.

Today, I did my best. Not good, by any stretch of the imagination, but it will improve. It was better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be better still.

I will watch business videos for an hour now, and get to bed by 9pm latest. I’ll get up at 5, and tomorrow, I will spend 2.5hrs on sales, and go through this post by Manganiello and do these exercises. I will complete this, revise my comms, and then continue with planned cold outreach as my game improves.

Some periods in the game of goals and success, are like this. They feel very stale and are not our best work. One sticking at it, during these lulls, is necessary to press onto the periods of higher quality work.



THUR 19/10/2023

(1) Money:
-Service Delivery (DONE)
-Social Media Domination: 4 x 45m slots. Goal is to make 1 post and 10 comments on FB & IG during these slots. 4 posts a day is what they do on Dan’s program.
-Content: Shoot 5 YouTube SEO videos. Shoot 3 quality long form. Try to upload 1 Long Form, and 1 YouTube SEO. 1 podcast.
-Sales Critical thinking on messaging

(2) Muscles:
-Keto, DHA, Supps

(3) Mindset:
-Online Dating: Engage in daily processes


One day at a time.

To make today a W, I wil post 4 x on socials. Do my best to post some comments.

Shoot some video content. I also have a podcast.

Think about sales and revise my outreach letters.

That is enough for today to have been solid. That is all I need to focus on right now. One day at a time.