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YOLO420TSLA Log - Eh still figuring things out


Jul 2, 2020
Previous Goals:
Date 3 attractive females before the end of 2020. - Nope don't care main goal was just to get laid anyway was a bullshit goal.

Get laid before the end of 2020 - Nope got laid early 2021 so don't care real goal ironically was to still get laid while Covid was still happening.

Make $1000 per month working part time while going to college. - Yeah I'm making over $1000 per month working part time right now, but I'm not going to college atm. Will likely go if Biden is able to make CC free. Partly gave up on it since the price of CC was 2x more than what I thought it would be. Ended up doubling my money in the stock market so I actually did better than I thought I would regarding finances despite working at a low paying job.

Make content once per week until the end of 2020 - Nope didn't do it still the content I did make (YouTube content netted me $175 so far which shows me that I should be able to make money off of it despite hardly making any content [for anyone wondering money was made purely from affiliate links]).

Weigh 185lbs by 1/1/2021 - Pretty sure I had this several months before this date ended up gaining weight starting in December 2020. Currently getting back on track with weight.

Current Goals

Decided to throw away many goals since in my current view points most goals are not worth pursing. It's just a distraction for the goals that actually matter.

#1 goal right now is to Move out of my mom's house (after I get a fence set up first for the dogs should be done before Q2)

All other goals can happen afterwards.

Still I've been second guessing how I'll approach this since it would be nice to set myself up as well as possible. I was considering looking into getting a 15-30 year fixed mortgage instead of just throwing money away in rent.

Gotta do more research to see if that is something that I would like to do. Also have gotten slightly discouraged due to looking at rent prices and I swear the prices seem to be at least 20-30% higher than they were in 2020. Was really wanting a studio for myself, but having roommates isn't out of the question either.

Still I'll figure something out I just don't want to end up making this my goal in 2022 again. Considering CC especially if it becomes free so I can get a higher paying job. Then again it bothers me since I'd probably just end up trying to do YouTube either way.

So yeah I'm still trying to figure things out. I don't want to keep sitting on my hands for a few more years either still if I did I could go into this with an even higher net worth.

Additional Notes

Notes based off of my first post on here.

So I did start watching porn again to be fair I think I can stop porn all together if I put myself in a position in which I can get laid consistently (moving out of my mom's house last time I got laid I just got a hotel).

I didn't use Tinder that much either. Not a big fan still once I get my own place I do plan on using it.

In regards to making more money. Well I did that quite well then again I think my real goal all along was to get laid and break this streak, make more money, and move out.

All that's left is to move out. Then everything else can follow may need to also make more money before being able to move out though.