You Need an iPhone for Dating

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Dec 22, 2022
This is going piss off some of you but I’m here to speak the truth anyways.

You’re going to need an iPhone for dating.

Yes it actually matters to some girls that you have an iPhone. No, I’m not making this up. Yes I am well aware that’s shallow. No, I'm not paid by Apple to tell you this. I’m going to explain to you all the reasons why you’ll want an iPhone but first let me get rid of the obvious first objection everyone has

Why would I want a girl who would reject me based on the phone I have?

If you ever read anything from Kill Your Inner Loser or any dating channel for that matter, you would have heard that dating is a numbers game. The more women you can attract, the more options you have, the less oneitis you’ll have, the better your game will be and the more fun you’ll have. That’s where an iPhone comes in… Or more so where an Android fails.

To women, ok maybe I should say some women so everyone’s feelings aren’t so hurt, when they see green bubbles, it means you’re a nerd. Not only does it signal your lower status but to them it means that you aren’t as socially aware and you don’t get it. And if there’s one thing women want is for guy’s to “just get it.”

Listen, maybe those types of girls aren’t your type, but you wouldn’t know if you didn’t even have the option. The girls that may have rejected you for your phone, may end up being your girlfriend one day or a one night stand that rocks your world. You don’t know until you have the option.

If you still don’t get it, let me show you visually with this box.

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In each of the green boxes, the girl and the boy won’t have a problem with the type of phone the other has regardless of if it's an Android or iPhone. But the one and only one that may have a problem is when a girl has an iPhone and you have an Android.

Why limit yourself over a phone? Maybe you’re thinking this isn’t such a big deal but take a look at every girl on Tinder taking a selfie and tell me what you see. Almost all of them are using an iPhone to take that selfie. A majority of girls in the age range of 18-25 are using iPhones and a super majority of teenagers are using iPhones that they literally judge their classmates for not having an iPhone. If you’re going to be a bachelor for the next few years, be prepared ahead of time with an iPhone as younger girls, who are of dating age, are going to be even more judgemental of this.

If you don’t believe me, a study from a UK based firm studied the swipe rate of people based on their tech. Not only did they find that Apple products increased their swipe rate, with the iPhone increasing it by 76%, but they found that 57%-65% of women between the ages of 18 and 25 were influenced by the tech that the guy had.

Now how about Android phones. While Samsung phones increase the swipe rate by 19%, the likes of Google, Sony, Huawei and OnePlus negatively affected their swipe rate by as much as 30%.

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Just imagine you had 10 girls who could match with you but only 5 of them did because you had an Android. You’re looking at at least 100% more women in your matches with an iPhone than with an Android.

Speaking from anecdotal experience, I have heard stories of girls literally judging guys for having Androids. I sent this study to my friend when I first read it and no joke, the next time he matched with a girl on Tinder she wrote “Ugh green bubbles.” They still went on a date but the fact that there’s even a bit of an objection doesn’t help you in the beginning of an interaction.

OK with that out of the way I can now tell you some helpful game tips with an iPhone that you wouldn’t have with an Android. Some of these have yet to be released with the latest iOS 17 update but they are so game changing that it makes Android users look even worse. I’m pretty sure Apple knows this and is using it against Android to win people over. That’s how good this is going to be.

So first off, iMessage. We’ve gone over the blue/green bubble thing as a status thing but there’s also read receipts that they wouldn’t have gotten if you were on Android. You can use this to your advantage as if she were to have sent you something you don’t like, you can leave it on read and have her reconsider what she wrote to you. That’s a way of showing your boundaries easily and girls want to know the line so that they don’t cross it. It also can demonstrate you don’t have time for BS from them which helps you pass any shit tests they may throw at you. With iMessage, you can message even when you don’t have reception and girls can use their own stickers and memojis in chat. You can also share videos and pictures with clarity as opposed to it being way more compressed on Android. Maybe RCS has fixed that but with an iPhone, “it just works.”
The big thing with iMessage on iOS 17 is going to be the transcribed voice messages. Raise your hand if you have texted someone something that they mistook the tone of the text and it ended up going bad. Everyone’s hands are up. With this, you can voice message someone and they will be able to hear and read your message at the same time. No more misunderstanding the tone of voice in the text message since you’re going to send a voice note with it.

Second is Facetime. I didn’t get why people were so hung up on using Facetime but remember “it just works.” This is the go to people use when it comes to dating. In fact, you can use this as a way to see if you’re going to be catfished or not before a date.
The new thing with iOS17 is to leave a visual voicemail. If she doesn’t pick up the Facetime call because she’s shy or nervous, this will help you with getting her more comfortable because she’ll see that yes that’s you from your Tinder profile. This lessens the chances of flakes and might give you a chance to Facetime her again before the date so you know how she looks before you go on the date.

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Third and fourth things new to iOS17 are Posters and Namedrop. This is going to replace an old school PUA trick that I would use when getting girls. When I approached girls and went for the number, I would hand them my phone unlocked and deliberately not go to the contacts page just for them to see my wallpaper. My wallpaper had my little brother and I when we were babies. This was such a good way for them to open up some more and give a girly Awwwwww every time they saw that. It built trust and made them even more comfortable with me.
With iOS17, you are going to take what KillYourInnerLoser teaches you about a good set of photos for your Tinder profile and apply that to your Poster. Essentially what your poster is is a profile picture for your phone. When people with iPhones either get a text or call from you, they’ll see your photo instead of them inputting that photo for you manually.
Use this to your advantage. This photo I would recommend you use something that isn’t so risque like a shirtless photo but instead go for one with you and dog or you and a kid you’re playing with or you choose one of your best photos of you and yourself only. I say that only because other people are also going to be interacting with you that you don’t want to get in their pants. When she sends you her number on any of the dating apps, she’ll love to see another photo of you to prove you are legit and someone she can trust.
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This will be a new trend that Android users are going to look even more antiquated once this goes live and speaking of numbers, Namedrop is going to make them look archaic.

Namedrop allows you to send each other's contact information by simply hovering over eachother’s iPhones. If you were ever in a club, or a loud setting, you know how you could mess up a number and not have it registered properly. Namedrop fixes that issue. On top of that, they can see your poster which is another way of seeing your life right when you exchange contact information.
Now when you go up to a girl in the club and ask for her number, it’s going to appear not only as a hassle but you’re going to look like a dinosaur to them cause you’re using an Android.

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Granted you can avoid all of this by exchanging instagrams but you better make sure your IG is top notch before you send it.

Speaking of which, Instagram is the best on iPhones. You can look up videos of this but because there are only a certain number of SKUs of iPhones made every year, Instagram can optimize their app for iPhones. With Androids there are so many of them, they can’t optimize for each and every single one of them. I know with the Pixel and Samsung S series it’s gotten better but remember with the iPhone “it just works.” So your stories and photos are going to be uploaded at the highest quality they can be unlike Androids.

Alright this last one, you only get to use this ability once if you have an Android but it’s going to help you tremendously for a short period of time. You get to reset your Tinder/dating profile. When you move over to iPhone for the first time, your dating profiles don’t go with you. Instead, you’ll be treated like a completely new person to the platform. This allows you to get all of the preferred treatment on the algorithm you get when you start using apps like Tinder and Bumble etc. Pretty cool stuff if you ask me.

Final things I want to touch up on, at this point smartphones have pretty much all become the same things. There’s hardly any difference between phones when it comes to features. 10 years ago you could make the argument that Androids were better than iPhones but now iPhones have caught up with Androids in pretty much every way. There isn’t much to improve on and as a result, you really shouldn’t have as much hesitancy to get an iPhone especially considering all of the dating advantages it brings. Since it’s June now, I’d wait till September if I were you to get the newest iPhone. That should be enough time for you to mull over whether you’d get an iPhone or not.

Thanks for reading my post and rock broskis.
This post strikes me as very strange and is triggering my spidey senses.....something does not seem right here. The copywriting, the tone, something comes across as off. Will monitor. That aside:

You can get laid without any phone at all.

Self Improve

Work your f**king ass off

Play the numbers game

You will make it happen here and there.

I am going to ask you to start a progress log, if you haven't already, and post your actions, and thoughts in there.

Discussion over minutia like what phone we are using, strikes me as mental masturbation. I want to see action and work, not armchair theorising. We are an action focused community,

Thanks dude

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