YouBet's Reading List

Apr 17, 2021
Gents, been seeing a lot of posts about business goals and thought I'd share some of the books that have helped me shift my way of looking at work and the interpersonal relationships they bring. If you read any of them and want to talk about the content (and solidify both of our knowledge of the topic), PM me.

We Need to Talk, Celeste Headlee (most recent)
The Charisma Myth, Olivia Fox Cabane
48 Laws of Power, Robert Greene
The Laws of Human Nature, Robert Greene
The Intelligent Investor Revisited, Benjamin Graham
Getting Things Done (DRY af, but amazing for productivity), David Allen
Atomic Habits, James Clear
Sprint, Jake Knapp et al (great for IT and creatives)
Verbal Judo, Updated Edition, George Thompson

The Four Agreements - this changed my life. Disregard the woo-woo aspects of the calls to ancient wisdom, the four agreements are solid tenants for living a happier (and arguably more successful life -- whatever success looks like for you)

Pimp, Iceberg Slim
The Gift of Fear, Gavin de Becker
Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
On the Shortness of Life, Lucius Seneca (another stoic)
Sex at Dawn, Christopher Ryan
Sapiens, Yuval Harari
Wiseguy, Nicholas Pileggi (the book Goodfellas was based on, audiobook is fucking hilarious)
Molly's Game, Molly Bloom (better than the movie IMO)
For the photogs in the group, It's What I Do, Lynsey Addario

In Progress
Landlording on Autopilot, Mike Butler

On the reading list
Never Split the Difference, Chris Voss
Super Thinking, Gabriel Weinberg
Man's Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl
The 10 Rules of Successful Nations, Ruchir Sharma

Any books you think I should check out?
On Becoming a Person - Carl Rogers
Digital Millionaire Secrets - Dan Henry
The Richest Man in Babylon
Models - Mark Manson
The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck - Mark Manson
The Slight Edge
Extreme Ownership - Jocko Willing
Start With Why - Simon Sinek
The Infinite Game - Simon Sinek
The Compound Effect
Mode One - Alan Roger Curry
My Secret Garden - Nancy Friday
The War of Art - Steven Pressfield
How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie
The Way of the Superior Man - David Deida
The Courage to Be Disliked
A Liberated Mind
The Obstacle is the Way - Ryan Holiday
The Marshmallow Test
So Good They Can't Ignore You

I hope that's enough for ya ;)
Real good man.

My current approach to reading is that I will spend the rest of the year on the following 4 books ONLY, and will cycle through them over and over and over, seeking to internalise them. For me, the 4 titles are:

What To Say When You Talk To Yourself - Shad Helmstetter
The E-Myth Revisited - Michael Gerber
Millionaire Fastlane - MJ Demarco
The Richest Man In Babylon - George Clason
